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Pro Football Focus stated that Chris Kelsay was the one of the worst r

Big Turk

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Basically Pro Football Focus is a site where they painstakingly grade every single player on very single play of every game. Each player gets a grade of between 2 and -2 on each play. They had an aside where they basically said they were stunned Chris Kelsay got an extension after being the one of the worst rated D-Lineman they charted all of last year at -17.3..


On a positive note, they also state that Andra Davis and Paul Pozsluzny both were graded in their top 6 last year for inside linebackers...

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I make sure to click on every Kelsay thread, always hoping that some poster not named "NaPolian8693" will jump in at some point to provide some acceptable explanation for why Kelsay received this 4-year $24 million contract.


Maybe none of us properly understand the nuances of the SOLB 3-4 position? Maybe none of us have been in the Bills' locker room and therefore can't appreciate Kelsay's "leadership" skills?


My current theory, at this point, is that Ralph Wilson and/or any of Overdorf/Littman/Brandon/Nix/Gailey pushed for this extravagant contract extension as a giant "F U" to Schobel for his offseason shenanigans. Sounds juvenile, doesn't seem fiscally prudent, and certainly doesn't make football sense...but seriously, folks, I have no other plausible explanation.



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I make sure to click on every Kelsay thread, always hoping that some poster not named "NaPolian8693" will jump in at some point to provide some acceptable explanation for why Kelsay received this 4-year $24 million contract.


Maybe none of us properly understand the nuances of the SOLB 3-4 position? Maybe none of us have been in the Bills' locker room and therefore can't appreciate Kelsay's "leadership" skills?


My current theory, at this point, is that Ralph Wilson and/or any of Overdorf/Littman/Brandon/Nix/Gailey pushed for this extravagant contract extension as a giant "F U" to Schobel for his offseason shenanigans. Sounds juvenile, doesn't seem fiscally prudent, and certainly doesn't make football sense...but seriously, folks, I have no other plausible explanation.




The contract details may not be as obscene as it appears at first glance. This article from the paper of record, the Niagara Falls Gazette, made me feel simultaneously better and worse about the Kelsay extension:




Other than that, I got nothing.

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I can tolerate a lot with this team but when i think of the 3 stooges of our DL: schobel, denney, and kelsay; it's absolutely crazy that kelsay is the last man standing WITH an extension. All the acid in Tim Leary's secret stash couldn't help me understand that move.

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The contract details may not be as obscene as it appears at first glance. This article from the paper of record, the Niagara Falls Gazette, made me feel simultaneously better and worse about the Kelsay extension:




Other than that, I got nothing.

The link you provided sums it up for me. The Bills are a "nice", "clubby" franchise that rewards "good locker room" guys. Guys like Poz, Kelsay, Evans, Hanglider, Stupar. Which is all fine and good and works with your club rugby teams and Division II college sports. But it is a sure fire way to lose a lot of games in today's NFL unless your "character guys" are also super talented, which in most cases is not true (Mannings, et al being notable exceptions)


When the bills were going to super bowls they had choir boys and bad boys. All we have now is a bunch of clubby choir boys. So get used to losing just about every game. But we do it in "high character" way. Comforting, huh?

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I make sure to click on every Kelsay thread, always hoping that some poster not named "NaPolian8693" will jump in at some point to provide some acceptable explanation for why Kelsay received this 4-year $24 million contract.


Maybe none of us properly understand the nuances of the SOLB 3-4 position? Maybe none of us have been in the Bills' locker room and therefore can't appreciate Kelsay's "leadership" skills?


My current theory, at this point, is that Ralph Wilson and/or any of Overdorf/Littman/Brandon/Nix/Gailey pushed for this extravagant contract extension as a giant "F U" to Schobel for his offseason shenanigans. Sounds juvenile, doesn't seem fiscally prudent, and certainly doesn't make football sense...but seriously, folks, I have no other plausible explanation.



I think Schobel was due to make more than that. I think he just got sick of losing and had enough zeros in the bank. Kelsay....his extension is THEE symbol of front office incompetency over the last 10 years. They spent a high pick on him. He sucked. They extended him once. He sucked. Change positions. He sucks. Extend him. Nobody can explain the Kelsay Experience in football terms. His production has always been a fraction of his performance.

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I make sure to click on every Kelsay thread, always hoping that some poster not named "NaPolian8693" will jump in at some point to provide some acceptable explanation for why Kelsay received this 4-year $24 million contract.


Maybe none of us properly understand the nuances of the SOLB 3-4 position? Maybe none of us have been in the Bills' locker room and therefore can't appreciate Kelsay's "leadership" skills?


My current theory, at this point, is that Ralph Wilson and/or any of Overdorf/Littman/Brandon/Nix/Gailey pushed for this extravagant contract extension as a giant "F U" to Schobel for his offseason shenanigans. Sounds juvenile, doesn't seem fiscally prudent, and certainly doesn't make football sense...but seriously, folks, I have no other plausible explanation.









i have no idea why he got this extension. it has to be more than leadership.

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I make sure to click on every Kelsay thread, always hoping that some poster not named "NaPolian8693" will jump in at some point to provide some acceptable explanation for why Kelsay received this 4-year $24 million contract.





hahahaha I know that's kinda become a guilty pleasure. ;)

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The contract details may not be as obscene as it appears at first glance.


That may be true, but I just don't see how it matters. Why extend a Player who is below average? Especially when you're in an obvious re-build...Makes no sense at all...None...But I guess we should all be used to it by now...


Honestly it's an embarrassment to be associated with this Organization in any way...Even if it is just being a Fan of 40 Years... B-)

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The link you provided sums it up for me. The Bills are a "nice", "clubby" franchise that rewards "good locker room" guys. Guys like Poz, Kelsay, Evans, Hanglider, Stupar. Which is all fine and good and works with your club rugby teams and Division II college sports. But it is a sure fire way to lose a lot of games in today's NFL unless your "character guys" are also super talented, which in most cases is not true (Mannings, et al being notable exceptions)


When the bills were going to super bowls they had choir boys and bad boys. All we have now is a bunch of clubby choir boys. So get used to losing just about every game. But we do it in "high character" way. Comforting, huh?

Yea I agree, this extension makes no sense... the guy isn't to bad in stopping the run, but is lousy at pass rushing and dropping into coverage. Frankly, I just don't get it, this guy wouldn't even make the Patriots-Ravens-Jets roster



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