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And for my 10,007th post,


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I would like your honest opinion on the following things.


Seriously, since you felt the need to rip on me in your Blog (which should be entitled, "The Frost on the Windows, and My Other Favorite Things"), I will give you a free pass if you just give me a sentence or two on the following.


Please, as my 10,007th post, no one respond until he does.


1) Low Carb Diets - Fad, Lifesaver, or Deathtrap?


2) Abortion - Murder, or a Woman's Choice?


3) Bottled Water or Brita Filter, and why?


4) How do they manage to get the "M" on EACH AND EVERY M&M.


5) What is the biggest Moral problem facing this country today.


6) What would make TSW a better place to be?




Thank you. And please don't mention me in your blogs again.

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I thought so too. We always severed them at parties in college when the Tri-Sig girls came over. They always fought over the green ones.



True, nothing tastier than a severed green one.



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Dammit guys!  He friggin begged you to let BF respond to this thread before you soiled it with your responses.  Poor stojan. :w00t:  Sorry man.




it's ok.. needed a bump anyway...


i considered MANY questions, but i figured BF's answers to those would be worth reading.

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You like train wrecks too? :w00t:



you kidding me? When I'm stuck on I-95 (again, it take me 57 minutes to get 12 miles from work to home) and I see some jackass who waits till the last minute to merge (which is what CAUSES the delays), a piece of me hopes that he will get rear-ended by a semi, or catch a wet spot on the pavement and flip his car 1000 times, etc, etc... so yes... I can't wait to see BF's answers.

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