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I mean, look, we obviously all have different tastes. I'm not saying Nickelback is everyone's favorite. We all have other 'guilty pleasures' that aren't as good but we like them more.


I thought it was the general consensus that they have been king of the rock and roll mountain ever since Scott Stapp an co. flamed out.

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I mean, look, we obviously all have different tastes. I'm not saying Nickelback is everyone's favorite. We all have other 'guilty pleasures' that aren't as good but we like them more.


I thought it was the general consensus that they have been king of the rock and roll mountain ever since Scott Stapp an co. flamed out.



hahahaha what kind of **** pile is that mountain supposed to be?!? :thumbsup:



im not saying you as an individual shouldnt like them. whatever, its a free country, more power to you and i wont criticize your taste and opinion. but they are DEFINITELY NOT kings of anything. maybe if you are talking "Made for Modern Radio Rock", but that's not saying much. actually, it's an insult itself.

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I mean, look, we obviously all have different tastes. I'm not saying Nickelback is everyone's favorite. We all have other 'guilty pleasures' that aren't as good but we like them more.


I thought it was the general consensus that they have been king of the rock and roll mountain ever since Scott Stapp an co. flamed out.



He does have a point.


You all may not like them, but they are one of the most popular, if not the most popular pop/rock band out there right now.


They do a damn good job at finding their target audience (high schoolers majority), and at advertising and pulling them in by making easy flowing music that is easy to "rock to"


They have a huge following.


I believe I have heard much worse than Nickleback, and so have all of you.


But it's just the "cool" thing to do to "hate" on Nickleback. . . I guess. . .

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hahahaha what kind of **** pile is that mountain supposed to be?!? :thumbsup:



im not saying you as an individual shouldnt like them. whatever, its a free country, more power to you and i wont criticize your taste and opinion. but they are DEFINITELY NOT kings of anything. maybe if you are talking "Made for Modern Radio Rock", but that's not saying much. actually, it's an insult itself.

I'd say they are pretty rare. It's a big burden to be universally considered the best in your genre and most bands crack under the pressure. (Look at Creed...they were passed the torch and while they burned very bright, it didn't last long). Nickelback picked up the baton and never looked back.


It takes talent and creativity (a real "thinking outside the box" mentality) to hold the crown as long as they have. I don't think that is arguable.

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hahahaha what kind of **** pile is that mountain supposed to be?!? :thumbsup:



im not saying you as an individual shouldnt like them. whatever, its a free country, more power to you and i wont criticize your taste and opinion. but they are DEFINITELY NOT kings of anything. maybe if you are talking "Made for Modern Radio Rock", but that's not saying much. actually, it's an insult itself.


. . .And that insult is making them millions and millions of dollars. So i think they are ok with it.


In the music business you don't get famous by being different, you get famous by being catchy and creative aka being radio made. . .

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It takes talent and creativity (a real "thinking outside the box" mentality) to hold the crown as long as they have. I don't think that is arguable.

Vanilla ice cream is also the most popular ice cream flavor and it's not because it's a particularly creative flavor.


And please stop with statements like "I don't think anyone would disagree that Nickelback is a great, great rock band", "I thought it was the general consensus that they have been king of the rock and roll mountain" and "I don't think that's arguable" ...it makes you sound like a complete loon.

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Vanilla ice cream is also the most popular ice cream flavor and it's not because it's a particularly creative flavor.


And please stop with statements like "I don't think anyone would disagree that Nickelback is a great, great rock band", "I thought it was the general consensus that they have been king of the rock and roll mountain" and "I don't think that's arguable" ...it makes you sound like a complete loon.

Vanilla? No way. You can't serve only Vanilla ice cream for a decade and still be widely revered as the best restaurant of your kind.


Nickelback has redefined themselves over and over without straying too far from what makes them great. It's not like they have been putting out the same song for all these years. It's a very rare quality only found in bands with the kind of staying power that has kept them in the penthouse for so long. It's not an accident that pretty much everyone at least has great respect for them (even if they aren't your personal favorite). You wouldn't argue that, I'm sure...

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Vanilla? No way. You can't serve only Vanilla ice cream for a decade and still be widely revered as the best restaurant of your kind.


Nickelback has redefined themselves over and over without straying too far from what makes them great. It's not like they have been putting out the same song for all these years. It's a very rare quality only found in bands with the kind of staying power that has kept them in the penthouse for so long. It's not an accident that pretty much everyone at least has great respect for them (even if they aren't your personal favorite). You wouldn't argue that, I'm sure...

Okay now I KNOW your BSing me. No one could type this shite and mean it. Well played.

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It's not like they have been putting out the same song for all these years.


I'm not a huge Nickelback fan, but I admit their tunes are catchy. But they're also VERY similar...


My wife likes listening to them, and I personally think there are far worse bands out there. That said, they may not be the best musicians in the world (duh), but they are amazing businessmen. Or at least Chad Kroeger is, I don't know about the rest of the band.


I've seen them live a couple of times and they put on a pretty entertaining show. They play up the sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll bit throughout the entire show - they interact with the crowd, give people free drinks, and Kroeger pretends to be part of the whole thing, getting beers and shots given to him on stage during the show. If you pay attention though, you can tell it's all an act - he drinks MAYBE 1/4 of a drink total over the 3 hours. He's not stupid - he plays up the image on stage, but knows it's all just an act.


Practically everyone in the country has heard a Nickelback song whether they realize it or not - they're played at sports arenas, commercials, TV shows, video games, you name it!


The guy went from selling drugs on oil rigs to being one of the wealthiest musicians in the world. He's a world-class businessman, not a world-class musician. And there's nothing wrong with that.

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Okay now I KNOW your BSing me. No one could type this shite and mean it. Well played.

Ah....I layed it on a little too thick there, didn't I? :wallbash: I was hoping to get another hit from DrDank...I know how much he loves Chad Kroeger and co.


This thread started a little too serious so I did what I could to help.



But, full disclosure, I do like Nickelback. I've never bought a CD, but I got no qualms about enjoying some catchy radio songs. If that "Rockstar" song comes on the radio on my drive home, I'm gonna crank that MF'er up! :thumbsup:

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But, full disclosure, I do like Nickelback. I've never bought a CD, but I got no qualms about enjoying some catchy radio songs. If that "Rockstar" song comes on the radio on my drive home, I'm gonna crank that MF'er up! :thumbsup:


That one and the "burn it to the ground" song. Has a catchy bass line, and I love the line, "Get your hand off of this glass, last call my ass.". :wallbash:


(come on, people don't think this stuff is awesome? :wallbash: )

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Also, I think everyone should start using the Nickelback internet meme. Nickelback is now a synonym for sucks.




Nickelback nickelbacks


They're the Nickelbackiest bunch of Nickelbacks that ever Nickelbacked.

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HAHAHA YES! someone else who is picking up what im putting down.

Poor execution on the joke- I don't know if it was in poor taste or not. I just read it and moved on without even cracking a smile, getting upset or anything.

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Ah....I layed it on a little too thick there, didn't I? :wallbash: I was hoping to get another hit from DrDank...I know how much he loves Chad Kroeger and co.


This thread started a little too serious so I did what I could to help.


But, full disclosure, I do like Nickelback. I've never bought a CD, but I got no qualms about enjoying some catchy radio songs. If that "Rockstar" song comes on the radio on my drive home, I'm gonna crank that MF'er up! :thumbsup:



ha, i KNEW it! :wallbash: good to know you at least have a sense of humor about it too.


i wont disagree with the other posters who eluded to them "sucking all the way to the bank". again, good for them.


and really, i have nothing against this specific band as much as "Radio Rock" in general. as it is now a Pay-for-Play industry and most of the music you hear was made specifically to be played on the radio while bands that are out there actually working hard dont get played. all the bands on the radio sound the same. Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, Switchfoot, Seether, etc. All the same band, playing the same chords with the same guitar tone and crappy lyrics.


i dont fault the band members for cashing in. i fault the labels and radio companies, and the general public for eating what's been spoon fed to them. most of their popularity is NOT based on talent, but rather the fact that if you hear something on the radio enough, you will start to like it just because it's familiar. that is how advertising works. doesnt matter if it sucks, just keep telling people it's good until they believe it.

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and really, i have nothing against this specific band as much as "Radio Rock" in general. as it is now a Pay-for-Play industry and most of the music you hear was made specifically to be played on the radio while bands that are out there actually working hard dont get played.


It's not like this is a new thing... The Monkees, anyone?

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It's not like this is a new thing... The Monkees, anyone?


sure, i have no problem agreeing that Nickleback has as much credibility as the Monkees, if that is what you are saying. Or the Backstreet Boyz, or even Linkin Park (which was completely orchestrated and put together by a record label, they didnt even know each other before they were a band).


to put it in comparative terms, thats like saying the Monkees were the Kings of Rock while the Rolling Stones are being ignored.

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