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Where your NYS tax dollars go, part #9,741

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One in 7 retirees in NYS police and fire retirement system pulling in over $100k per year.


About one out of every seven workers in the state Police and Fire Retirement System who retired last year is receiving a six-figure pension, data released yesterday show.


With the state government broke and municipalities crying poverty, 13 percent of cops and firefighters from outside New York City retired last year with fat pensions exceeding $100,000 a year.


That's a sixfold increase from 2000, when just 2 percent of cops and firefighters from the suburbs and upstate municipalities retired with a six-figure pension, according to new data compiled by the Empire Center for NY State Policy.


And this is just 'upstate'. I'm sure the NYC numbers are even more outrageous.



And as a little bonus for the 'helps the workers' crowd, here's what happens to those union dues at the Port Authority.

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Side Note: While channel surfing last night I came across a cable news channel that had candidate Andrew Cuomo on it. I'm tellin' ya - the guy is BRUTALLY UGLY! The lighting combined with no make up for Cuomo and it's apparent that his face is becoming disfigured and he's looking more-and-more like Harpo Marx.


I'm telling you this because if you're ever up close to Cuomo make sure you avert your attention to the sky or the ground.


DON'T LOOK AT HIM! :unsure:

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They do a better job than the idiot libertarians would.

What a surprising response. When confronted with facts to the contrary, make up some non-existent boogie man in a vain attempt to displace. Quick Dave, call someone else an idiot. :)

What is the Libertarian policy on public unions, anyway?

How the !@#$ should I know?

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How the !@#$ should I know?


Because Dave has the partisan Us vs Them mentality. And you have proven to Dave that you are not one of the Us that he belongs to. Therefore that makes you one of Them.


Being a member of Them means that you have all the answers as to what Them think. The answers of course are provided via the monthly Them newsletter.

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They do a better job than the idiot libertarians would.


What is the Libertarian policy on public unions, anyway?


Imagine the benefits of eliminating public unions and requiring government employees to fund their own retirements through IRA and 401K plans like most people.

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Nonsense. Keep paying those fat pensions to union crooks. If we need to save money, we'll just start closing public libraries.



From today's SF Chronicle:



This year, Newsom dusted off two particularly controversial steps to help balance his $6.5 billion budget in the face of a historic $483 million deficit - contracting out some city services, like jail medical staff and museum security guards, and proposing a one-time exception allowing property owners to bypass the city's annual lottery by paying a fee for condominium conversions.


Contracting is projected to save $13 million this year, but several supervisors have said it would be bad public policy that undercuts the city's union workforce.


Who the !@#$ cares, it saves $13mill. :unsure:

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From today's SF Chronicle:





Who the !@#$ cares, it saves $13mill. :unsure:



San Francisco could also fire about 100 lawyers. It took us four months and a 70 page contract (it had to have those clauses about not harming any redwoods or supporting the IRA) for a simple $80,000 service arrangement that we cover in two pages and ten minutes for 95% of our clients.

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