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Phelps and crew are just a bunch of idiots. Sad that tax money and police time has to be wasted on their right to free speech.


It doesn't have to (tax money)... Just ignore the morons. If everybody did that... What is the issue? I don't understand why people feel the need to fire back at them... Or get physical.


Big friggan' whippity do. They are achieving exactly what they want: A REACTION.

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You know, I just wish law enforcement would "decide" not to show up at a few of these events. I'm quite sure the "God Hates Fags" people would learn pretty quickly to change their tactics.




No wrong again. Way to miss the point. It would just galvanize them (the Fred Phleps morons) even more.


And even know I am not exactly pro-gay. God in all certainty LOVES fags.

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but that is exactly what they want. to be "victimized", to have their rights trampled on. bastards.




Civil disobedience can also be manipulated by morons. (Westboro Baptist Church).


The best thing to do is ignore them. Let them draw first physical contact, then the undermining of their perverse mission will happen. In other words, one-up them in a civil way.

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It doesn't have to (tax money)... Just ignore the morons. If everybody did that... What is the issue? I don't understand why people feel the need to fire back at them... Or get physical.

We'll make sure they show up at the next funeral you need to attend, then report back here how you feel about them showing up.

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We'll make sure they show up at the next funeral you need to attend, then report back here how you feel about them showing up.




I would care less. I could say that in ultimate certainty. Life isn't a pissing contest... And I sure hope the preparation for the afterlife wouldn't either.


Just view it as the ultimate challenge at restraint. That is most powerful tool. Having to show the "other side" who is boss is not.


Enlightenment is non-attachment.


Purify the Mind

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oh, so you're a bigot. just say that.

Slowly back away from the keyboard... :thumbsup:


I know lots of people who aren't "pro-gay" but are more "indifferent-gay." Just because you aren't "pro-gay" doesn't mean you are "anti-gay."

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oh, so you're a bigot. just say that.


No. I don't treat them with hatred or intolerence. They just don't get preferential treatment and IMO should have to incur bigger costs for not adherring to social mores and standards. That is not bigotry. You do believe there should be social mores, right? Where do you draw the line? No hate here... I am perfectly accepting of people's choice of lifestyle.


For the record... I don't even think hetero relationships whould be recognized by the state and given preferential treatment.

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Slowly back away from the keyboard... :thumbsup:


I know lots of people who aren't "pro-gay" but are more "indifferent-gay." Just because you aren't "pro-gay" doesn't mean you are "anti-gay."


if you feel the need to point out you are not pro-gay, that makes you anti.


would you feel the need to point out you are not pro-Asian? Pro-African American? Of course not.

If you weren't anti-gay you would not go out of your way to make sure anonymous Bills fans don't accidentally think you support the community

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No. I don't treat them with hatred or intolerence. They just don't get preferential treatment and IMO should have to incur bigger costs for not adherring to social mores and standards. That is not bigotry. You do believe there should be social mores, right? Where do you draw the line? No hate here... I am perfectly accepting of people's choice of lifestyle.


For the record... I don't even think hetero relationships whould be recognized by the state and given preferential treatment.


uh huh, keep trying to convince yourself that isn't bigotry.

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uh huh, keep trying to convince yourself that isn't bigotry.


Bigotry is hate and intolerance by definition. Maybe you are looking for another word. I am neither hateful or intolerant. I don't want gays marriage recognized because I believe they should pay more in taxes like single people do. That is not hateful. Unequal yes. Again, for the record... Hetero marriage should also not be recognized for tax/health insurance purposes also.

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Bigotry is hate and intolerance by definition. Maybe you are looking for another word. I am neither hateful or intolerant. I don't want gays marriage recognized because I believe they should pay more in taxes like single people do. That is not hateful. Unequal yes. Again, for the record... Hetero marriage should also not be recognized for tax/health insurance purposes also.




Good God man, that is a mess of a post, even for you. So just tax everybody more? Won't that mean the fags pay the same as everyone else? Didn't you at one point say you would disavow one of your own children if they turned gay?

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Good God man, that is a mess of a post, even for you. So just tax everybody more? Won't that mean the fags pay the same as everyone else? Didn't you at one point say you would disavow one of your own children if they turned gay?

No. Disapprove is different than diavow. I would be very tolerant of them and still accociate. I would let my feelings be none at every chance though. I wouldn't embrace their lifestyle and think that my children were the best thing since sliced bread. I'd openly admit that they were tragically flawed and mistakes were being made. I would still deal with them and be part of their lives. I am not sure they would want to be part of mine...?? They would probably disavow me... But, no way would I disavow them. I think you are having a problem with truth. No way do I sweep things under the rug and accept something I don't believe in... Changing my stance just because they are my precious children.

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No. Disapprove is different than diavow. I would be very tolerant of them and still accociate. I would let my feelings be none at every chance though. I wouldn't embrace their lifestyle and think that my children were the best thing since sliced bread. I'd openly admit that they were tragically flawed and mistakes were being made. I would still deal with them and be part of their lives. I am not sure they would want to be part of mine...?? They would probably disavow me... But, no way would I disavow them. I think you are having a problem with truth. No way do I sweep things under the rug and accept something I don't believe in... Changing my stance just because they are my precious children.


That is truly sad brother.

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That is truly sad brother.



Why? Explain. Were do you draw the line at bad/unacceptable behavior? I will still love my children unconditionally even if they were axe murders. It is sad if you go along with behavior you don't find appropiate just because the are your children. That is the problem with the recent generations. We have no standards or social mores. Again, where do you draw the line? Did I ever say I would stop loving them?

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Why? Explain. Were do you draw the line at bad/unacceptable behavior? I will still love my children unconditionally even if they were axe murders. It is sad if you go along with behavior you don't find appropiate just because the are your children. That is the problem with the recent generations. We have no standards or social mores. Again, where do you draw the line? Did I ever say I would stop loving them?


Because gay is most likely a condition they are born with. It is like disapproving of your child because they have a disease. Not that being gay is a disease, but it does seem likely it is genetic.


I won't argue, I simply accept the fact you are a bigot. I am sorry to hear that.

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Because gay is most likely a condition they are born with. It is like disapproving of your child because they have a disease. Not that being gay is a disease, but it does seem likely it is genetic.


I won't argue, I simply accept the fact you are a bigot. I am sorry to hear that.


See that is where I agree to diasgree and leave it as just that. I believe they are neither born with it or it is a disease. It is just a different lifestlye outside of societal norm... Deviant behavior. I can live with it, I just don't think it should be promoted.




Again... bigots hate and are intolerant... I am anything but. I think gay lifestyle should come at a premium cost to the individuals... That is neither hate or intolerance.

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Bad idea? I think it's a GREAT idea. Muhahahahaha.



I love the idea as well, but if you're a WBC member who likes their teeth/life and thinks they're going to prance around with their signs and keep said teeth/signs/life it's truly a terrible idea.....


There haven't been any riots at past funerals because most people can retrain themselves from giving these idiots what they want, but a bunch of despondent metalheads who don't give a flying %#@! and like a good brawl could certainly change all of that......




You know, I just wish law enforcement would "decide" not to show up at a few of these events. I'm quite sure the "God Hates Fags" people would learn pretty quickly to change their tactics.


If I were a cop I'd do my best to not see anything. :sick:





Civil disobedience can also be manipulated by morons. (Westboro Baptist Church).


The best thing to do is ignore them. Let them draw first physical contact, then the undermining of their perverse mission will happen. In other words, one-up them in a civil way.


Agreed but that will never happen. Human nature forbids it for some people.



Slowly back away from the keyboard... :sick:


I know lots of people who aren't "pro-gay" but are more "indifferent-gay." Just because you aren't "pro-gay" doesn't mean you are "anti-gay."


You're not for them then you're against them.



No. I don't treat them with hatred or intolerence. They just don't get preferential treatment and IMO should have to incur bigger costs for not adherring to social mores and standards. That is not bigotry. You do believe there should be social mores, right? Where do you draw the line? No hate here... I am perfectly accepting of people's choice of lifestyle.

For the record... I don't even think hetero relationships whould be recognized by the state and given preferential treatment.


Who's social mores? Yours I guess. Do you really believe that your definition of social mores doesn't differ from others. Some people think social mores are; don't do anything to take away someone's rights, help people whenever you can, don't judge people.



Bigotry is hate and intolerance by definition. Maybe you are looking for another word. I am neither hateful or intolerant. I don't want gays marriage recognized because I believe they should pay more in taxes like single people do. That is not hateful. Unequal yes. Again, for the record... Hetero marriage should also not be recognized for tax/health insurance purposes also.





Main Entry: big·ot

Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\

Function: noun

Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot

Date: 1660


: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


— big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective


— big·ot·ed·ly adverb



Sounds like you.



Why? Explain. Were do you draw the line at bad/unacceptable behavior? I will still love my children unconditionally even if they were axe murders. It is sad if you go along with behavior you don't find appropiate just because the are your children. That is the problem with the recent generations. We have no standards or social mores. Again, where do you draw the line? Did I ever say I would stop loving them?


I'd stop before I became a real dick. Just sayin

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Where is anything in Exiled posts bigotry? The part where he says he doesn't agree with gay marriage? The part where he says it shouldn't be recognized by the government? From the polls I've seen, more than 50% of the populace feels the same way. If I disagree with it and think it shouldn't be recognized by the government, does that make me a bigot? Personally, I think it just means that I stand up for what I believe in...

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