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Details of statement against Big Ben are released.

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Yup, at the end of the day, you can beat up the girl and blame her, and she has some liability. But she's 20 and intoxicated. He's a G'damn pro bowl QB who is prowling like a predator for such a victim. Disgusting. And for those who say if that were their daughter they would blame her as well...Really? What the Hell is wrong with you?

Beat up? I must have missed that part. And yes it is disgusting. But what does him being a "G'damn pro bowl QB" have to do with it? What makes anyone think just because he can throw a football he should be a good person and not a scumbag? Dude, he plays football and is probably as dumb as one of the balls. He is not Mother Theresa.

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One of the cops who worked as a bodyguard for him that night is in danger of losing his job on the police force.




Haberland said the borough solicitor is expected to present present findings on the GBI investigation this week and then the council would review it and hold a vote.


Council president Robert Barone didn't agree that it would be an 8-0 vote to dismiss Barravecchio, if a vote were taken today, and said he has not polled fellow council members.




It is interesting that the council president is named Robert Barone.

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I'm not going to read the 500 page DAs report.


Does anyone know if she went to the E.R. later to have DNA swabbed?


If BRs DNA is there.. it's game over for him.


They only found a tiny sample, too small to use for a DNA match, so he is safe there.

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Do you have a daughter?


Suppose yes, would raise her to wear a necklace brandishing DTF? And even (as PTP stipulates) she's wearing it ironically, would you raise her to boast about its meaning to a professional athlete than follow him around to bars all night?


You honestly think this girl is 100% innocent an BR is 100% guilty?



Doesn't matter. She's underaged and drunk. He's got a gang of thugs keeping her friends away while PigBen has his way with her in a restroom. What the Hell don't you get about a guy like that? He's got a have a posse riding shotgun while he preys on drunk underage girls? Great guy. He's a pig, the world knows it now and people have already made up their mind about him regardless if there is enough "evidence" to convict him in court.

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Doesn't matter. She's underaged and drunk. He's got a gang of thugs keeping her friends away while PigBen has his way with her in a restroom. What the Hell don't you get about a guy like that? He's got a have a posse riding shotgun while he preys on drunk underage girls? Great guy. He's a pig, the world knows it now and people have already made up their mind about him regardless if there is enough "evidence" to convict him in court.



Thats what is frustrating about Ben supporters from what ive found -- they are arguing over whether he can be convicted of rape, not whether hes a respectable man. Hes not, theres no arguing, even if she sent mixed signals, he should not have gone there.



I know my definition of rape is not textbook for the legal definition, but I can say if they did have sex, that a 28(?) year old 6-5, 250lbs man, with a drunk 20 year old girl, having bodyguards keep her friends away, in the back bathroom of a club is certainly bordering on my definition.... even if she didnt explicitly say no. It doesnt help that a fairly compelling history exists supporting this story (and im not talking about the lawsuit).


I guess maybe the subject hits too close to home for some guys....

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It doesnt help that a fairly compelling history exists supporting this story (and im not talking about the lawsuit).


I guess maybe the subject hits too close to home for some guys....

I'm not sure what the compelling history is. If I am not mistaken the other charge (Vegas?) was shown to be a gold digger so certainly you can't be going by that.


The subject should hit close to home for all people, not just guys. If someones reputation can be ruined just by a allegation of rape (or anything else) without any evidence (not to mention potentially arrested and convicted) it should worry everyone. I'm not saying PigBen is innocent any more than I am saying he is guilty because I simply do not know (and either do you). But based on the facts I would say he at the very least showed exceptionally poor judgment having sex with her. Being who he is I have to believe there were any number of sober(ish) girls there willing to do him.

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I'm not sure what the compelling history is. If I am not mistaken the other charge (Vegas?) was shown to be a gold digger so certainly you can't be going by that.


The subject should hit close to home for all people, not just guys. If someones reputation can be ruined just by a allegation of rape (or anything else) without any evidence (not to mention potentially arrested and convicted) it should worry everyone. I'm not saying PigBen is innocent any more than I am saying he is guilty because I simply do not know (and either do you). But based on the facts I would say he at the very least showed exceptionally poor judgment having sex with her. Being who he is I have to believe there were any number of sober(ish) girls there willing to do him.


I can't tell you what went down (he he you know what I mean) that night, but your support is appreciated.

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Don't get me wrong...I think that BR is guilty of conduct that is unbecoming of a 2-time Super Bowl winning QB and can be classified as a scum bag, but this girl in her drunken naivety has to be held accountable to a certain degree as well.




No she doesn't. Her accountability ended when she said "NO."

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I'm not sure what the compelling history is. If I am not mistaken the other charge (Vegas?) was shown to be a gold digger so certainly you can't be going by that.




I think you're mistaken. The girl in Lake Tahoe was certainly NOT shown to be a gold-digger and her civil suit is still continuing.

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wearing a DTF necklace in a club, basically it means she is a slut.


That said, I'll take the officer's statement on this as the most reliable thing. That said, she may have had sex with him, but I don't think that it was rape if any sex did happen. The big thing would be if she got a rape kit that night, and his DNA matched up and there was signs of sexual assault then yes i could believe the allegations at that point.



Have to disagree with you about the "slut" thing. That's more of a fashion choice than anything. Wearing stuff with suggestive messages is so common now that anyone who thinks it constitutes permission to have sex, or even is an indication of an attitude rather than just a fashion choice, is on dangerous ground and will be wrong in a great majority of cases.


Read the story. There were traces of "evidence" found in the rape exam, but not enough to type. Though he had unprotected sex, he was polite enough (or wary enough of leaving evidence) to pull out.


And an initial interview of a woman who has just been raped is likely to bring out all kinds of denials, confusion, etc. You're talking about someone that has just gone through the worst thing that has ever happened to her. After calming down, interviews are much more likely to be consistent. Throw in the fact that the officer was actually fired by the police because of his behavior in that interview (the cop isn't supposed to act like a fanboy and condemn the alleged victim to the alleged perpetrator ... or vice versa), and you have excellent reason to doubt that that interview tells the whole story.

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So, the girl who explained to BR that the sign she was wearing meant "down to f---" and then followed him to another bar after he called her a tease was the one who was later 'raped'?






Where does it say that she followed him? It doesn't. It says that they both ended up at the same bar. For all we know, he followed her, though I would never accuse him of that without much better evidence than you had when you said that she followed him.


Where does it say that she said that the sign she was wearing meant "down to f---"? It doesn't. It says her friend Garofalo explained it and also explained that it was a joke between the friends.

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The detail that you keep glossing over is that she and him followed each other around that night, she had the gumption to sneak into clubs underage, and she wasn't dragged against her will into the back room. Unless I'm missing something...


Her behavior suggests she falls on the floozie side of things, friend. I know a lot of girls. Some might behave this way, most wouldn't.




Where did anyone but a poster on this board say that anyone followed anyone around?


I don't know Milledgeville, but if it's like most towns of 18,000, it's got a small strip of bars and two groups of barhoppers are likely to run into each other several times.


Her behavior consists of underage barhopping, drinking, and wearing a sexually suggestive necklace that very few people would know was sexually suggestive, including Roethlisberger, who asked what it meant. And saying "No."


If you think that's enough to call a girl a floozie, I'd appreciate it if you'd stay away from my daughter (assuming I ever have one).


"When Roethlisberger asked about the initials, "Garofalo explained that 'DTF' stood for 'down to !@#$' and that it referred to a joke between" the women."




As for whether she went into the room against her will, there are varying reports. She was escorted (some say pulled) away from the group by one of Ben's entourage, an off-duty police officer. Would you resist an off-duty police officer pulling you away somewhere, especially if you were a 20 year-old girl?


I give you the drinking, but where I come from that doesn't make you fair game.



she chased him from club to club...



Again, where has anybody not from this board said that?




he probably said "look if you're not DTF bounce"



You're an expert on what he "probably said"? Seriously?



he probably said "look if you're not DTF bounce" and she didn't and got wrecked and got whatever the hell she ended up getting...which he won't say and she can't remember...



She remembers she was raped. She remembers she said "No." It's in her written statement.


...so if the DA drops the case...I'm sure there is nothing more to this story other than BR is a prick who thinks he's a God...does that attitude suck? yeah...but should he be held accountable for this crappolla story...not IMO...and not in the DA's either



When the DA drops the case, it means there's nothing to the story? Ask the DA if that's what it means. What it means, and this is clearly written, is that they thought taking the case further would drag her through hell. In a case this public, her name would have come out (remember the Kobe case and how well her right to privacy held up?), there would have been a media circus and they might possibly not have been able to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he was guilty.


In NO WAY does it mean there's nothing more to the story.

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Did you guys read the actual statements by the girls? The girl clearly says she was raped and she said no.


I thought she told the cop she couldn't remember. Of course now that the cop has been exposed as a BR admirer that may be suspect.

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