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Article in Buff News Annoyed Me

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Here's the article:



Here's my letter to the writer:


Mr. McCarthy,


I read with great interest your article this morning on Paladino's rally for Governor this morning, somebody I admittedly have never heard of being that I left Buffalo 12 years ago and now live in NYC.


I also have to admit, I was a bit annoyed by this line:


"The almost all-white crowd jammed into the same Ellicott Square"


I don't understand why the race of the crowd is relevant to the story? I just looked up the demographics, and Erie County is 82% white, so not sure what you are insinuating with that line? I'm sure you have a good explanation, would just like to hear it.

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And a reply, which basically confirms what I thought he was writing. Not many whites in tea party = tea partiers are all racist = people at the party are white racists.


I don’t understand why you would be “annoyed.” The tea party movement with which Paladino has aligned himself has been noted – and criticized – for its virtual exclusion of blacks. Same thing again last nite with a crowd of more than 600.


And if you follow NYS politics, I’m sure you’ll know that it is very difficult for anyone to win statewide office without African-American support.


In addition, the description told you something about the candidate’s support.


Thanks for writing,


Bob McCarthy

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It's pathetic. There is undoubtedly an unspoken coordination amongst liberal journalists to attempt to caricature some of the GOP/Conservatives/Tea Party activists as some sort of fringe group. They know it's election time, and the operatives are out working overtime to attempt to sway voters away from them. Unfortunately for them, they are losing the PR battle, and why is that? Because they are every day American people that stand for fiscal conservatism and smaller government, and that line of thinking is mainstream with many Americans.

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And a reply, which basically confirms what I thought he was writing. Not many whites in tea party = tea partiers are all racist = people at the party are white racists.


I don’t understand why you would be “annoyed.” The tea party movement with which Paladino has aligned himself has been noted – and criticized – for its virtual exclusion of blacks. Same thing again last nite with a crowd of more than 600.


And if you follow NYS politics, I’m sure you’ll know that it is very difficult for anyone to win statewide office without African-American support.


In addition, the description told you something about the candidate’s support.


Thanks for writing,


Bob McCarthy


When you reply to him, can you ask him if the Tea Party excludes blacks, or if blacks exclude themselves?

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Here's the article:





"The almost all-white crowd jammed into the same Ellicott Square"

Must have been some uncle Tom's. You certainly must know the Buffalo news makes it's living crying racism, and being a mouth piece for the Unions. Always has.

Don't waste your time :blink:

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When you reply to him, can you ask him if the Tea Party excludes blacks, or if blacks exclude themselves?


I wonder if the !@#$ writer understands that the typical liberal interpretation that no blacks in an organization means they were puposely "excluded" is in itself racist becuase it implies that unless whites ACTIVELY "recruit" blacks into a public office, or a job or just about anything else, they dont have the mental or physical capacity to to it themselves...that they "need" whites to "show them the way" and a simple open door isnt good enough.

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Honestly, doesn't that make the journalist a bit racist? I mean the justification for the lack of blacks had nothing to do with the tea party members hating black people which he insinuated in his response to you.

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Honestly, doesn't that make the journalist a bit racist? I mean the justification for the lack of blacks had nothing to do with the tea party members hating black people which he insinuated in his response to you.


It's not racism if you're patronizing, apparently.

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Re the "No blacks in the Tea Party = Racism" meme, some musings on small numbers:


I took an interest in this and dug up some facts - you can draw your own conclusion.


IMO there have been only two objective polls of the movement, and only one (Quinnapiac, 3/24) looked at the racial demographics. Surveying 1,900 RV, here are the political affiliations of the respondents:


28% Republican

35% Independent

32% Democrat

6% Other/No answer


Respondents were also asked if they had an unfavorable view of the Tea Party, a favorable view, and if they considered themselves part of the movement. 13.3% considered themselves Tea Partiers. By affiliation, those self-identified as Tea Partiers were


44% Republican

38% Independent

12% Democrat

5% Other


Respondents were asked their demographics, and there were two interesting things. First, the self-identified Tea Partiers were 55% female (at odds with the other, smaller poll which put it at 45%). Second was the racial composition:


Total (76% White, 11% Black, 7% NW Hispanic, 5% Other)


Republican (93%, 2%, 3%, 2%)

Tea Party (88%, 6%, 4%, 2%)

Independent (78%, 6%, 8%, 8%)

Democrat (58%, 27%, 10%, 5%)


This tells me that the Tea Party is in fact more diverse than the Republican Party, somewhere between it and the block of independent voters. Racially, it looks more like America than does the Democrats!


So the next question is purely statistical, with respect to the African-Americans making up 6% of the Tea Party. Is this significantly low, when black respondents were 11% of the survey? What would we expect in a random sample? 11%. What about a party which is defined to be anti-incumbant generally and anti-Obama particularly, when Obama's approval ratings within the black community hover just over 90%? More like 2%. Black membership in the Tea Party is in fact higher than I would have expected when you factor in their policy positions.

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When you reply to him, can you ask him if the Tea Party excludes blacks, or if blacks exclude themselves?

Outstanding question. Don't see many black people at hockey games, either. So that must mean the NHL is racist too, eh?

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If you could point me toward the research which supports that assertion, I'd be much obliged.


I'm actually inclined to believe that...government entitlement programs are intended to benefit lower income earners, and a disproportionate number of them are minorities...so it makes a certain sense.


It's just not nearly as racially motivated as our resident Grand Kleagle would like us to believe.

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Outstanding question. Don't see many black people at hockey games, either. So that must mean the NHL is racist too, eh?

The city in which I currently reside had two local residents get killed by IEDs in Afghanistan recently. The first of the two bodies -- a 19-year-old Marine -- was returned this week, and the parents asked that the people of our town line the streets with American flags during the funeral procession this morning. Thousands of people -- seriously, thousands of us - lined the streets with flags. While we were waiting for the procession to start, I walked up and down the street and noticed that most of us were white.


Which obviously means black people don't care about dead Marines.


It's amazing how stupid we can all sound with a little effort. Alternately, with the same amount of effort, it's amazing how tolerant we can all be. I prefer to believe most of us are more tolerant, and a handful of us are just flat out stupid for even raising the point in the first place.

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I think he's saying "black people don't support the tea party".

Hey, everyone...look! Conner ventured out to make a statement all on his own!


Gee. It seems like only yesterday he was quoting Bill Nye and posting links that actually negated his argument. Where does the time go?

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I think he's saying "black people don't support the tea party".


Really? Did you get that from "The tea party movement with which Paladino has aligned himself has been noted – and criticized – for its virtual exclusion of blacks."?



You're such a pinhead. :thumbsup:

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