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Tiger Woods and John Edwards


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I'm not rooting for Tiger Woods this weekend at the Masters. Just like I'm not going to vote for John Edwards if he ever runs again. Anyone that is rooting for Tiger to win this weekend needs to think long and hard about what they are cheering for?

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I'm not rooting for Tiger Woods this weekend at the Masters. Just like I'm not going to vote for John Edwards if he ever runs again. Anyone that is rooting for Tiger to win this weekend needs to think long and hard about what they are cheering for?


I'll be rooting for a Golfer to Golf well.


Seriously, comparing a Golfer to a Politician is a little ridiculous, don't you think??

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How did Tiger cheat his profession??


Look, there are going to be 2 sides to this; those who don't care what he does on his own time, and those who do. Personally, my interest in Tiger begins and ends on the Golf Course. We don't speak to each other, he doesn't babysit my kids, and more along the lines to your thread, he doesn't make any important decisions that alter my life (like John Edwards).


To be honest with you, I have zero interest in someone's personal life if we do not associate on a personal level. We all do dumb **** everyday, and worrying about someone else will get me nowhere real fast in terms of personal developement.

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I'm not rooting for Tiger Woods this weekend at the Masters. Just like I'm not going to vote for John Edwards if he ever runs again. Anyone that is rooting for Tiger to win this weekend needs to think long and hard about what they are cheering for?


What a ridiculous post.


I'll be rooting for a great golfer to win a golf tournament, and I didn't have to think very hard about it at all.

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Sorry but cheating on your dying wife and having a baby with your mistress is a LOT worse than what Tiger did. Add-in being a liberal trial lawyer and Edwards has a special place reserved for him in Hell.

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I can't help but wonder about the priorities of the people who are even remotely interested in the media-induced spectacles of the personal lives of Tiger Woods, John Edwards, Jesse James, Lindsay Lohan, Madonna, Paris Hilton and on and on and on.

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oh well...I'm old enough to not be really surprised by anything. People do some really stupid things. I've learned to be a little slower to judge and a little quicker to forgive.

Well said.

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Ok, then I'd have a little more. I like puppies. But if Nike tries to turn the whole thing into an ad campaign, all bets are off.


I think Nike actually setup the whole puppy thing. They actually threw the puppy in the water themselves. The swoosh tattoo on the inside of the puppy's ear was a dead giveaway.

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