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Anyone think Whaley suggested the non re-signs?

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Whaley is now in charge of pro player personnel which means not only does he sugges who to sign, but who not to including our own FA's. I would immagine Nix tasked him to not only look at upcoming FA's for Friday, but at our own roster as well and suggest to him who is worth keeping and who should be gone.


More cuts right after the draft wouldn't suprise me.

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Whaley is now in charge of pro player personnel which means not only does he sugges who to sign, but who not to including our own FA's. I would immagine Nix tasked him to not only look at upcoming FA's for Friday, but at our own roster as well and suggest to him who is worth keeping and who should be gone.


More cuts right after the draft wouldn't suprise me.

I think reeds production, or lack there of, spoke for itself

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Whaley is now in charge of pro player personnel which means not only does he sugges who to sign, but who not to including our own FA's. I would immagine Nix tasked him to not only look at upcoming FA's for Friday, but at our own roster as well and suggest to him who is worth keeping and who should be gone.


More cuts right after the draft wouldn't suprise me.

His Input was high I would bet.

I think one Bills drive is going to be a Slaughter house this spring.

and in a twisted way It will be a breath of fre <_< sh air!!

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Agreed to all the above. I like the fact a guy that spent 10 years seeing how a damn good franchise is ran, is coming in with NO ties whatso ever to our current players and cutting their worthless asses.


As for as TO is concerned, Revis called TO a Scrub I believe. Said he is really easy to defend one on one. The guy is done, he isn't worth the money and isn't that good anymore.

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Whaley is now in charge of pro player personnel which means not only does he sugges who to sign, but who not to including our own FA's. I would immagine Nix tasked him to not only look at upcoming FA's for Friday, but at our own roster as well and suggest to him who is worth keeping and who should be gone.


More cuts right after the draft wouldn't suprise me.

Did it need to be suggested? It was kind of a no brainer.

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Whaley very well might turn out to be the best hire this team has made over the past 20 years. Anyone who wanted an up and coming GM with youth on his side might have their prayers answered in this guy. Obviously too early to tell but Whaley has seen the right way on how to get things done and I would not be surprised if he was GM within 3 years.


He left the Steelers because he wanted to start building from the ground level so look for him to really make his mark on the Buffalo Bills over the next couple years. Hopefully he takes his knowledge that he has learned from others around him and turns out to be the diamond in the rough that Buffalo has been looking for since Polian left.

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I trust that he did. Just read his interview from the combine..... singular vision on team, division wins etc.....I don't how this plays out, but for me, IMO, the Nix/Gailey/Whaley approach to football basics, while not sexy, leads to solid football and wins, begining in the trenches.


Frankly, for all of us, we won't have a chance to play pro-ball.... It is an honor and a privelige and I want every member of the Bills to get that point. So when Nix/Gailey/Whaley start with that approach then I say "Bring it on" Finally.........

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Whaley very well might turn out to be the best hire this team has made over the past 20 years. Anyone who wanted an up and coming GM with youth on his side might have their prayers answered in this guy. Obviously too early to tell but Whaley has seen the right way on how to get things done and I would not be surprised if he was GM within 3 years.


He left the Steelers because he wanted to start building from the ground level so look for him to really make his mark on the Buffalo Bills over the next couple years. Hopefully he takes his knowledge that he has learned from others around him and turns out to be the diamond in the rough that Buffalo has been looking for since Polian left.


Agreed. I think Whaley has great potential as a GM and hope that he takes over for Nix in the near future. Nothing against Nix, I would just like to see Whaley pan out.

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