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Stand in line with me, to punch NBC in the face!


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just had to reply to one item, otherwise, you guys are getting stale, i did not inherit anything!..i worked for everything i have, live rather nicely. but the motor home comments, that bullsh-t, just makes my point even further!.. make fun, judge people, but heaven forbid, disagree with them, all the "compassion" that liberals supposedly stand for.. out the window!.. lets start calling people morons, idiots, etc.. but a conservative 'labels" someone.. the term BIGOT , seems to manifest itself!


I love how I'm now a liberal, just because I called you an idiot.


News flash, Archie Bunker: I'm not a liberal. And you're still an idiot.



Just trying to get this booted to the consumer forum before it heads to PPP. Come on folks let's see how many forums this thread can hit.


I've been watching for an opening for a baseball comment, myself... :P

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I love how I'm now a liberal, just because I called you an idiot.


News flash, Archie Bunker: I'm not a liberal. And you're still an idiot.





I've been watching for an opening for a baseball comment, myself... :P

I hear CC Sabathia (sp?) will be back with the Yankees next year.

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Hopefully Pelosi will let me watch him in HD, if anyone can recommend a decent HDTV for me, seeing as how I threw my remote at my old one (thanks to the horrible play of Ryan Fitzpatrick).


Three boards, one sentence. I am the man. :P

Make it four.

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Hopefully Pelosi will let me watch him in HD, if anyone can recommend a decent HDTV for me, seeing as how I threw my remote at my old one (thanks to the horrible play of Ryan Fitzpatrick). And mods, please delete this thread.


Three boards, one sentence. I am the man. :P



Make it four.





Edit: and if I ever see dwight at a tailgate...well, spearing contest! Six. ;)

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Well.. if people like you would let people like me get a public health care option, maybe I would get to retire at 55..

try to give this statement a little more thought...if those who have done well and could retire early except for the incredibly high cost of individual health insurance, did indeed retire, there would be many more open jobs to decrease the unemployment rolls. This group isn't looking for a handout but a reasonably priced policy to buy. Unfortuanetly private insurers have no incentive to offer such plans. I know many people in this situation. Aside from this argument, small businesses (like mine) are quickly reaching the point where employer provided medical insurance is no longer feasible. When a significant percentage of us get there, the public will be begging for public health care. Profit and medicine mix very poorly. If you don't agree, take a look at the rapidly growing concierge medicine movement. The implications for access to care are very scary.

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