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Ok chefs and cooks, I got some scallops...

Just Jack

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I don't really know how I do this, but it always comes out amazing....sautee them in some white wine and butter, and toss in a little garlic. It's delicious :thumbsup:

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sea, frozen, from the seafood counter at my local grocery store.

fresh is better, but scallops are great. I would season and sear them. Scallops don't need much. What you season them with is all up to your tastes. Scallops are sweet so sometimes I put a little sugar on them. Or you can make them spicy. Or you can make a sauce. But searing is my preferred method for scallops

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Amen but can be tricky to get the bacon to fully cook w/o overcooking the scallops - precook the bacon but not to the point where it can't be wrapped around the scallops.

Defrost, rinse, and dry Scallops

Pat dry

Add salt / pepper to taste


In medium hot pan, add 1 TBLS Olive Oil with one clove peeled garlic - not cut

Place scallops in pan, then DON'T TOUCH for 2 minutes. Let a crust form on the scallops.

Turn and sear for 1 1/2 minutes until nice crust forms.


Take off heat, let sit for 5 minutes.

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Defrost, rince and dry.


Get some flour add a little sea salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Dredge scallops in flour knocking off excess.


couple tbls of olive oil, sautee roughy 3-4 minutes each side until browned. Put off to the side.


Sautee a couple cloves of minced garlic in pan


Put about a cup of orange juice in the pan to deglaze and reduce to about half. Add just a pinch of saffron at the beginning.


Add about a 1/4 cup of cream. Reuce until it is semi think roughly like maple syrup.


Pour over scallops and enjoy.

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The key is very hot pan to sear them and make them crispy but be careful not to overcook them. They are great raw in sushi bars so undercooking them shouldn't be a challenge. But I love to deglaze the pan with ginger, garlic, green onions and soy reduce by 1/2 then turn off heat and add softened butter a little at a time for the sauce.


But I have a good scallops story from many years ago. I walked into the refrigerator on day and found a tub with some scallops covered in plastic and labeled scloops. So to this day my wife and I call them that. I think he was the same guy who instead of calling me Jimbo called me Yimblows. Fuggin' Mexicans. :devil:


Oh by the way, my wife calls me Yimblows too now. :thumbsup:

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how should I prepare them? I have the basic kitchen appliances, oven, stove, George Foreman grill, steamer. Any suggestions for a basic recipe?


A tip from my wife - bake them before you cook them.

Marinate them in your favorite lite baste. Chef Jim's sound good.

Baking gives them a better texture in stir fry dishes and you do not need to cook them that long.

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wrap em in bacon.....


As stated, you can wrap them in bacon or prosciutto (Italian ham from the deli) and skewer the scallops/ham.


Mix up some butter, a bit of olive oil, garlic and salt/pepper. Melt the ingredients in a pan and let the garlic flavor release into the oil/butter. Then brush over the scallops. Place scallop skewers on the grill continuing brushing about every 2 minutes. Assuming the scallops are large, you only need to cook them for about six minutes, so 3 or four 'brushings' will be suffice.






While Your at it, brush some Asparagus with the same mixture of oil/butter and grill the asparagus as well. Garnish the spears with a sprinKle of sesame seeds. It looks really nice.


You can serve these items with some rice pilaf or scalloped potatoes.


THIS DISH WILL MAKE THE PANTY'S DROP! :unsure: ---Assuming your a single male.


Good Luck!

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As stated, you can wrap them in bacon or prosciutto (Italian ham from the deli) and skewer the scallops/ham.


Mix up some butter, a bit of olive oil, garlic and salt/pepper. Melt the ingredients in a pan and let the garlic flavor release into the oil/butter. Then brush over the scallops. Place scallop skewers on the grill continuing brushing about every 2 minutes. Assuming the scallops are large, you only need to cook them for about six minutes, so 3 or four 'brushings' will be suffice.






While Your at it, brush some Asparagus with the same mixture of oil/butter and grill the asparagus as well. Garnish the spears with a sprinKle of sesame seeds. It looks really nice.


You can serve these items with some rice pilaf or scalloped potatoes.


THIS DISH WILL MAKE THE PANTY'S DROP! :unsure: ---Assuming your a single male.


Good Luck!


I just saw VABILLS recipe...simular to mine. Either way, I think you can't go wrong.

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There are three or four pretty good recipes here.

Don't know what your flavor preferences are, but I think the most important technical point to observe is to make certain the scollops are thoroughly thawed before you begin cooking them. Cooking frozen or partially frozen scollops in any manner will likely turn them into little hockey pucks.


Also - my preference - seared in a hot, hot pan. Cook 'em quickly and hot to carmalize a nice seared char on each side. It requires a hot, hot pan because the gorgeous little morsels have so much moisture - it'll run out of them and lower the pan's temp and can end up stewing them instead of searing.

And don't forget the tart - lemon, soy sauce - or whatever.

Bon Appetite!

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