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Tebow has had strep throat for two days. 103 temp.


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From a completely disinterested source, too.




It's not like it's a secret source. If this were ever proven to be a lie, it would backfire bigtime, doing way more damage than this saves.


They say he is in the hospital. People will have seen him there, or not. Word will get out.


If he is lying, he is one stupid, pathetic agent, throwing dice on his client's career. Not happening, IMHO.

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Isn't that exactly why you'd expect this info to come from a source other than his agent? Supposedly Tebow is swamped everywhere he goes in Mobile, but no one saw him go to a hospital?


If you go to an emergency room for strep throat and a fever, you wait 2 hours (until after the my child is so precious helicopter parents with the five-dollar co-pays, and the won't pay, play the system, I don't speak English crowd that falsely claim heart pains get serviced with a free shot of morphine), and then you or your coverage get banged for 300+ bucks and get sent off with a Rx for tylenol.



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Just saying.


May have been mentioned, but if it gets a thread when he does poorly, I think this deserves one too.

Remember when Michael Jordan won an NBA Championship with a severe case of the flu?


Or when Pete Sampras won a Grand Slam when he was so sick he had to get IV fluids between sets and take breaks to puke?


Or when Ronnie Lott continued to play after he ripped part of his finger off in a game?


The hobbled Kirk Gibson homer? Curt Schilling's bloody ankle?


When it's time to play, it's time to play. Especially with something huge on the line. This is nothing but a convenient excuse for sucking.

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Remember when Michael Jordan won an NBA Championship with a severe case of the flu?


Or when Pete Sampras won a Grand Slam when he was so sick he had to get IV fluids between sets and take breaks to puke?


Or when Ronnie Lott continued to play after he ripped part of his finger off in a game?


The hobbled Kirk Gibson homer? Curt Schilling's bloody ankle?


When it's time to play, it's time to play. Especially with something huge on the line. This is nothing but a convenient excuse for sucking.

Anxious to see him when "healthy"

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It was. But you weren't a member of the board yet so you didn't see it.


If your source was ESPN and it was about a year ago, those rumors were completly speculation. John Clayton's buddy saw me after a concert and I said my throat was killing from all the screaming, and it just took off from there.

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ugh..who the F(.)(.)ck cares about Tebow???!!!


Yes, he seems like a great guy...isn't cut out for the NFL. I won't shed any tears for the guy though b/c i'm sure he'll land a nice cushy job as the Gators QB coach or as an analyst on espn doing college football making 200K a year.

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