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Its our fault


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We sit here hitting refresh 6000 times a day.

We buy tickets en masse.

We B word, we yell, we scream it isn't fair.

We love the Bills no matter what.


We will spend a day or even a week being pissed when Leslie Frazier or some other risky pick is hired to coach.

We will B word about coordinator and assistant choices.

We will whine about not getting xxxx in free agency.

We will flame when we pick 3 corners and a safety in our first 4 draft picks...


But this fall--we will be back -- we have to be-- we love our team. Its not so bad...but the Bills know they can continue to shovel us crap as they have since Ralph insisted on Rob Johnson and we will come back--hoping, praying for a return to the fleeting glory days of the mid-60's and early-90's. We will be back.


If we want to blame someone -- look in the mirror...I know I can't help it...I love my team-I will be there for them as long as they are in WNY.


Sorry for the rant--had to get it off my chest...no replies necessary.

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It's our fault in one regard. We shouldn't have put up with the bad head coaching.


We gave far too much slack to the likes of GW/Mularkey and Jauron. Bills fans need to learn that this is PROFESSIONAL football. You don't have to support or defend the teams failure like this is a high school team. It doesn't earn some kind of goodwill with potential coaches or free agent acquisitions. No more than letting free agents walk without using the franchise tags makes free agents want to play here. All things being relatively equal, players and coaches want to go where they can win and by settling for mediocrity Bills fans have hurt their cause more than booing and blasting management ever could.


After GW, the fans should have rallied for a proven HC the way they are now. Now, it's a bit too late. Things have spiraled downward to the point where after 10 years of failure, they are likely going to have to settle for another "wing and a prayer" candidate.

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It's our fault in one regard. We shouldn't have put up with the bad head coaching.


We gave far too much slack to the likes of GW/Mularkey and Jauron. Bills fans need to learn that this is PROFESSIONAL football. You don't have to support or defend the teams failure like this is a high school team. It doesn't earn some kind of goodwill with potential coaches or free agent acquisitions. No more than letting free agents walk without using the franchise tags makes free agents want to play here. All things being relatively equal, players and coaches want to go where they can win and by settling for mediocrity Bills fans have hurt their cause more than booing and blasting management ever could.


After GW, the fans should have rallied for a proven HC the way they are now. Now, it's a bit too late. Things have spiraled downward to the point where after 10 years of failure, they are likely going to have to settle for another "wing and a prayer" candidate.


This is true


and it even applies more so to the clown show that occupies the front office.


and yet the lemmings have fully bought into giving a 70 year old scout the title as GM as the solution to 10 years of futility in acquiring talent.

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We sit here hitting refresh 6000 times a day.

We buy tickets en masse.

We B word, we yell, we scream it isn't fair.

We love the Bills no matter what.


We will spend a day or even a week being pissed when Leslie Frazier or some other risky pick is hired to coach.

We will B word about coordinator and assistant choices.

We will whine about not getting xxxx in free agency.

We will flame when we pick 3 corners and a safety in our first 4 draft picks...


But this fall--we will be back -- we have to be-- we love our team. Its not so bad...but the Bills know they can continue to shovel us crap as they have since Ralph insisted on Rob Johnson and we will come back--hoping, praying for a return to the fleeting glory days of the mid-60's and early-90's. We will be back.


If we want to blame someone -- look in the mirror...I know I can't help it...I love my team-I will be there for them as long as they are in WNY.


Sorry for the rant--had to get it off my chest...no replies necessary.

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Grow up. What else is there to do in Buffalo but watch the Bills and Sabres? Paper bags couldn't make the Saints get any better. Years of booing could not get Matt Millen fired in Detroit. Whether you care about the Bills, read about them, cheer for them, tailgate at the games, buy the overpriced water downed beer or watch on DirecTV has no bearing on anything. We don't matter and we never will.

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If we don't get some serious front office changes and a legitimate head coach, I don't think there'll be an issue this season. I think we've been snowed enough already not to be fooled by superficial changes.




There is no change coming to the front office. Because Burns and Smithers didn't know individuals on a supposed list, they again kept everything in-house and risked nothing but looking bad to the rest of the NFL. And guys like Modrak and Guy will remain because they're familiar faces, even though the former spends little time at OBD.


The Bills haven't made long term plans on anything in years. The last three GM's bear this out with octogenarian Levy, then the unqualified Brandon, and now 70 year old first timer Buddy Nix. None of those guys were/are long term answers, which leads me to believe their plan is to not have one until the owner passes.


God forbid, but they're now up sh!$ creek without a paddle in a HC search.

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Your post is dead on. Our team reminds me of the current Hollywood remakes of Friday the 13th, Halloween, and Nightmare on Elm Street. We go in as viewers knowing that the remake will not be better than the original, but we fork over the money for the ticket anyway. Our fault indeed.

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If Ralph spent half as much energy putting a winning team on the field as he does crying poor about revenue sharing, we wouldn't have missed the playoffs the last 10 years. Must be nice to be canonized for keeping a team in Buffalo, all the while making upwards of a billion dollars doing so. Ralph has the easiest job in the world. Keep putting a garbage product on the field, cry poor while collecting $30-40m in profits every year, then remind the low self-esteemed people in WNY how lucky they are to still have a team. Anybody ever think the real reason he has no public succession plan is once the people of WNY realize the team isn't moving anywhere, Ralph might actually have some pressure to put a winner on the field.

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