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Weis may be able to double dip


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I don't get it. He was just fired because he couldn't get the job done at Notre Dame. Just because he came from Bellichik's staff and had the opportunity to coach at a big name program because of that, doesn't make him a good head coach candidate. Not many people even like the guy from what I know about him. Arrogant jerk is the first thing that comes to mind actually. He may be a good coordinator, but head coach doesn't appear to be the best fit for him. Especially since he was just fired at the collegiate level.

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I don't get it. He was just fired because he couldn't get the job done at Notre Dame. Just because he came from Bellichik's staff and had the opportunity to coach at a big name program because of that, doesn't make him a good head coach candidate. Not many people even like the guy from what I know about him. Arrogant jerk is the first thing that comes to mind actually. He may be a good coordinator, but head coach doesn't appear to be the best fit for him. Especially since he was just fired at the collegiate level.

I certainly don't want the Bills to take that chance. Would be more than happy to see someone else do it, too bad no likely openings in the AFCE.

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I don't get it. He was just fired because he couldn't get the job done at Notre Dame. Just because he came from Bellichik's staff and had the opportunity to coach at a big name program because of that, doesn't make him a good head coach candidate. Not many people even like the guy from what I know about him. Arrogant jerk is the first thing that comes to mind actually. He may be a good coordinator, but head coach doesn't appear to be the best fit for him. Especially since he was just fired at the collegiate level.


so because Weiss was fired from Notre Dame means he isnt a good head coach?


its incredibly difficult to win there especially with their high academic standards...Im not making excuses for the guy, his downfall there was defense and recruiting but to just assume he is a bad coach simply because he was fired from Notre Dame is stupid....it was probably a mistake to take the head job at Notre Dame as his first head coaching job


I would be thrilled if he became the Bills head coach, you know he can coach offense and get his offensive players to play at a high level...get him a good NFL DC and I bet he would succeed as an NFL head coach


Weiss as head coach and maybe Romeo Crennel as DC bringing back the 3-4...sounds good to me

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so because Weiss was fired from Notre Dame means he isnt a good head coach?


its incredibly difficult to win there especially with their high academic standards...

I remember a coach (not a very successful one mind you) who once pointed out that it's hard to win in the NFL too.

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why would the Bills hire Shanahan then bring Weiss in? Shanahan has his own system and likes to call his own plays


Why is it called "Hardware". It's not all hard and you don't wear any of it?


Wow, I guess no one around here can have dream scenarios.

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I remember a coach (not a very successful one mind you) who once pointed out that it's hard to win in the NFL too.


its hard to win anywhere but when your talent pool of recruits is that much smaller then other big time programs because of academic standards it makes it that much harder


half the players at USC and Florida probably couldnt even get into Notre Dame and when it comes down to competing for the other half where would you rather go? Southern California, Florida or South Bend Indiana?


now think about the ones with legit shots at going to the NFL and where do you think most are going?


the fact is its always going to be hard for anyone to recruit at Notre Dame

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Weiss is in that middle group of coaches where the Bills will most likely hire from since we all know its a long shot any of the big names take the job so who would you rather have...Weiss, Haslett, Trestman (r u kidding me)?


I'll take Weiss over any of the other 2nd tier guys

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"Weis may be able to double dip"


That's what Eldrick used to think! :censored:


Thank you, thank yooooooou! Good night, you've been a great crowd, try the retatta!

You know...I saw your post and thought...great, Bullpen saw the Bison Chip Dip reference above and felt compelled to comment. But, sadly, no, you are attempting to take a serious thread about the future of the BUFFALO BILLS FRANCHISE and move it off into some kind of woodsian retatta tangent. Sorry bub, it aint gonna work.

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Just a few thoughts...


1. There IS a connection between Weiss and the Bills. Remember, after the 2003 season when Gregg was not retained (not fired, as his contract had run out), Weiss was one of the candidates that had interviewed for the head coaching gig in Buffalo. The word at the time was that if the Patriots had lost the AFC Championship game to the Colts, then Weiss would have been Buffalo's head coach. However, the victory coupled with an extra bye week of waiting and the Super Bowl, led the front office to decide that it was better to act quickly on Mularkey than to wait 2 more weeks for Weiss.


2. The NFL and College football are two completely different animals. The successful coaches in college (Pete Carrol, Steve Spurrier to name just two) are successful because of their ability to recruit. Their teams have the best players year after year. Weiss was not a great recruiter at Notre Dame -- and the scholastic requirements to even get into Notre Dame probably disqualified some of the more physically talented players that would have been able to get into places like Miami, Alabama, Florida, and USC. Weiss is, however, a good film study guy and a good professional coach.


Honestly, I want to see more out of Fewell before I even think about who the next HC should be. I will say that this last game was probably the best coached game I have witnessed for a Bills coach in years. Was it just a day where everything fell into place -- or does Fewell really have the right feel and instincts for the game? We have 5 more games to see. If what we saw against Miami is a harbinger for things to come, I think it would be a disservice to both Fewell and the team not to seriously consider him for the head coaching job.

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I don't get it. He was just fired because he couldn't get the job done at Notre Dame. Just because he came from Bellichik's staff and had the opportunity to coach at a big name program because of that, doesn't make him a good head coach candidate. Not many people even like the guy from what I know about him. Arrogant jerk is the first thing that comes to mind actually. He may be a good coordinator, but head coach doesn't appear to be the best fit for him. Especially since he was just fired at the collegiate level.

Egg zactly.

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