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Speeding ticket


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Not sure how true this is but I've heard that you should send a checki in for $2 over the fine. When you get a refund check for the $2 don't cash it. This prevents the case from closing and the points do not go on your license.


For future reference: As soon as you get pulled over roll down your window and stick your arms out. This lets the cop know he is not in danger, kind of puts him/her in a less confrontational mood. This one I can vouch for, got out of 75 in a 55 with a warning as well as blatantly running a red light with a warning.



I usually reach for the glove box......that's more fun.

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Because the cop gave him a ticket for breaking the law?



Off-topic - but when I'm at a stoplight and notice a self-important pr*ck or pr*ckette behind me, yammering away on a cell phone oblivious to the traffic world around them, I remain stationary when the light changes and let them angrily honk away. Then I toodle off at the lowest possible rate of acceleration.


This works best when they can't zoom around me because of traffic in the other lane. Checking the mirror, I generally get the bird. Then I give a friendly wave. :angry:

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glad to hear the Z is working out for ya!! :beer:


Love my Z. Damn is it a fun car :angry: I just can't believe I got pinched for a loud exhuast. Oh well. He thought I was speeding, which again I swear I wasn't, and either he didn't get a radar lock to prove/disprove this or he was just being jerky and wanted to get me for SOMETHING.


I must admit though - WNY is not exactly speed trap central. A few towns like Kenmore you want to keep it under the limit, but overall it isn't very often you see speed traps. In some cities / states they are very tough on speeders ( VA + AZ come to mind )..

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I usually reach for the glove box......that's more fun.


I was working a career fair a few weeks ago and we were at lunch and there was a recruiter from SFPD there. We were talking about drunk driving and he said you'd be surprised how many people were driving drunk on a Saturday night. I told him I wasn't. As a matter of fact I always wanted to say to a cop who pulled me over late on a Saturday who asked if I had been drinking "it's 3:00am on a Saturday, what do you think?" He told me that probably wouldn't be the best answer. :angry:

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Off-topic - but when I'm at a stoplight and notice a self-important pr*ck or pr*ckette behind me, yammering away on a cell phone oblivious to the traffic world around them, I remain stationary when the light changes and let them angrily honk away. Then I toodle off at the lowest possible rate of acceleration.


This works best when they can't zoom around me because of traffic in the other lane. Checking the mirror, I generally get the bird. Then I give a friendly wave. :angry:

Explaining how you endanger lives on the road really isn't so off topic.

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I was working a career fair a few weeks ago and we were at lunch and there was a recruiter from SFPD there. We were talking about drunk driving and he said you'd be surprised how many people were driving drunk on a Saturday night. I told him I wasn't. As a matter of fact I always wanted to say to a cop who pulled me over late on a Saturday who asked if I had been drinking "it's 3:00am on a Saturday, what do you think?" He told me that probably wouldn't be the best answer. :angry:


I was a wizened soul when I haunted the gin mills, and now I am even better.


A vital piece of advice imparted incessantly to my fellow sots:


Be sure both your tail light and brake lights work as the sun goes down - if not, you are no less than meat hanging on a hook begging for a stop.

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I was a wizened soul when I haunted the gin mills, and now I am even better.


A vital piece of advice imparted incessantly to my fellow sots:


Be sure both your tail light and brake lights work as the sun goes down - if not, you are no less than meat hanging on a hook begging for a stop.


I've taken it a step further. I've moved to a city with some of the best bars I've been to and everyone of them is either walkable or accessible via public transportation.

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Be sure both your tail light and brake lights work as the sun goes down - if not, you are no less than meat hanging on a hook begging for a stop.

And headlights. I got pulled over for having a headlight out. Luckily I had just bought the replacement and was heading home to put it on, one of the older completely sealed units, not the simple bulbs like cars have now. I showed the light to the cop and he let me go.


Up until today. I see lots of tickets in your future for driving 45 mph in the fast lane with your left turn signal on.

Saw that today on the Thruway, three lanes, guy in the left lane going about 50 in a 65, during rush hour outside of Albany.

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This is my first speeding ticket. People tell me if I go to the court date I can get it reduced. Do I plea guilty or not guilty?


How much will my insurance go up with 4 points on my license? I live in WI.


Pre-emptive link in case somebody calls me Njsue



10 over, no stoppage. Higher than that the 'ol pull over.

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This is my first speeding ticket. People tell me if I go to the court date I can get it reduced. Do I plea guilty or not guilty?


How much will my insurance go up with 4 points on my license? I live in WI.


Pre-emptive link in case somebody calls me Njsue


If you want to try and beat it. Set the court date and then later change the court date. Change it a second time if you can. Then go to court. There is a good chance the cop wont be available to your new court date. If cop doesn't show up then you win. If he shows up then ask the judge for a reduction. You felt that your speed was less than ticketed.

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10 over, no stoppage. Higher than that the 'ol pull over.


Since the cop let me off for doing 75 I decided to take his advice and slow dow...now get to 3 miles over the speed limit and set the cruise (yeah, I'm that guy). Just not in that much of a hurry any more. No longer hold my breath every time I see a cop car.

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I just received my first ticket in YEARS in Cheektowaga. I was taking my son over a friends house in my 350Z AND I WAS *NOT* speeding down Union. I turned off onto a side street and I saw a Cheektowaga Police car driving like out of a movie in my rear view mirror. I told me son I was getting ready to get a ticket...


He approached, asked me my hurry. I stated respectfully that I was not speeding. He took my documents to his car, came back a few minutes later and wrote me for my EXHAUST!!!! Granted my car is indeed loud and the aftermarket exhaust adds to that, but it is a good sounding loud, not like a Honda with a fart muffler or a Harley with straight pipes..


Anyways, I pleaded guilty and am awaiting the fine in the mail. The last thing I wanted to do is go to court, argue the case, win on a technicality ( he did not have a measuring device - only his ear ), and have him lookout for my car from that day forward since I do live in Cheektowaga and it does stick out..


I guess its better than a speeding ticket - no points ( I don't think ) and no insurance raise.....But probably around $100.00 fine B-)



What year is your fairlady?? I picked up the new '09 and love her.

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What year is your fairlady?? I picked up the new '09 and love her.


I have a 2005 35th Anniversary Edition. Full leather, etc. 1st owner did about 10K worth of "upgrades" including the exhaust which got me the ticket last week. I purchased it on eBay for less than half of the sticker price, not including the upgrades, so I basically stole it :unsure: 45K miles and looks / runs like new.


BTW: I received the notification of the fine for the loud exhaust - $25.00 + 55.00 "administrative fee" . Guess it beats a speeding ticket, and not worth taking half a day off to fight it, so oh well :unsure:

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