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40k more troops to Afghanistan


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That's because you're narrowly interpreting "secure". That includes not just policing and patrolling the area, but building up basic infrastructure (political, social, economic) so that the Taliban has nothing to really provide the area and thus can't get a foothold.

I did say infrastructure

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I suspect what he's doing is (at the very least) two-fold. First, he needs an exit plan, which hasn't existed before and is necessary. And two, be honest - he doesn't even remotely have the nutsack to be there. He needs health care and cap-n-trade, so since he can't be in Afghanistan with any level of competency, he can withdraw in exchange for health care and cap-n-trade votes with some abortion provisions put in, and as far as he's concerned, it's a win-win-win. I don't know that it's a good idea, but you could probably make the case that the last thing that Barack Obama should be in charge of is a war.


One thing you know about this dude; the only thing he really cares about is moving his agenda forward. War doesn't work for his voting pool.


Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.


Wow sounds like a guy who couldn't even spell Afghanistan who, declared a war on terrorism, but then when it was going to get difficult, (chase the bad guys into Tora Bora, or maybe even a worse scenario), blew it!!! I'll take Barack over the monkey that we had before.


By the way I'm loving how his suragates are churning up the water lately.

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Wow sounds like a guy who couldn't even spell Afghanistan who, declared a war on terrorism, but then when it was going to get difficult, (chase the bad guys into Tora Bora, or maybe even a worse scenario), blew it!!! I'll take Barack over the monkey that we had before.


By the way I'm loving how his suragates are churning up the water lately.


I'm just sayin'.

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What this plan is supposed to achieve is to secure territories, build trust within the Afghan community and infrastructure, meanwhile the Afghan army is to grow by hundreds of thousands of troops, and once they have recruited and trained these troops, then they are to be deployed in the areas that the US and international forces are securing.


Then at this point, we can start drawing down military from Afghanistan.


I love this plan that includes providing infrastructure to people living scattered across thousands of miles, living in mountains, scratching out subsistence living in tribes. Shouldn't take too long to provide some good ol' Western infrastructure to them.


Color me wanting to get the !@#$ out. Do we suck ass if we leave. To quote Palin, "You betcha."

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I love this plan that includes providing infrastructure to people living scattered across thousands of miles, living in mountains, scratching out subsistence living in tribes. Shouldn't take too long to provide some good ol' Western infrastructure to them.


Color me wanting to get the !@#$ out. Do we suck ass if we leave. To quote Palin, "You betcha."

That may be the best solution JA, but the alternative isn't that attractive as well.

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Wow sounds like a guy who couldn't even spell Afghanistan who, declared a war on terrorism, but then when it was going to get difficult, (chase the bad guys into Tora Bora, or maybe even a worse scenario), blew it!!! I'll take Barack over the monkey that we had before.


By the way I'm loving how his suragates are churning up the water lately.



If they had a clue or any knowledge beyond the right wing rhetoric maybe they wouldn't be labeled as such, however they have demonstrated themselves as having niether any itelect or understanding of the great challenges that face our country today. Instead of working with a President who ran on, and (in my opinion) to his own detriment, has looked for bipartisan support, the conservatives, (call them what you may), have attacked him time and time again for nothing but political gain.

Try again tomorrow.

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That may be the best solution JA, but the alternative isn't that attractive as well.


All solutions suck. Unless America is willing to stay for about 100 years and create a what India was to the Empire (minus the valuable exports), I cannot see leaving Afghanistan better than we found it.


Hell, we've been in Korea for 60 years and it has fewer challenges than Afghanistan, not the least of which is a central government and a clearly definable enemy.

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Looks like a decision is about to be made




however, I found this interesting, I saw this idea over the weekend.


White House Budget Director Peter Orszag has estimated that each additional soldier in Afghanistan could cost $1 million, for a total that could reach $40 billion if 40,000 more troops are added.


Michigan Democrat Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said last week that higher-income Americans should be taxed to pay for sending more troops to Afghanistan.


An “additional income tax to the upper brackets, folks earning more than $200,000 or $250,000” a year, could fund more troops, Levin, a Michigan Democrat, said in an interview for Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital With Al Hunt.”

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Looks like a decision is about to be made




however, I found this interesting, I saw this idea over the weekend.


White House Budget Director Peter Orszag has estimated that each additional soldier in Afghanistan could cost $1 million, for a total that could reach $40 billion if 40,000 more troops are added.


Michigan Democrat Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said last week that higher-income Americans should be taxed to pay for sending more troops to Afghanistan.


An "additional income tax to the upper brackets, folks earning more than $200,000 or $250,000" a year, could fund more troops, Levin, a Michigan Democrat, said in an interview for Bloomberg Television's "Political Capital With Al Hunt."


Disgusting. A war tax on people who may not even support the war.


!@#$ you Carl.

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Disgusting. A war tax on people who may not even support the war.


!@#$ you Carl.

It's not just Carl




Call it “pay as you fight.”


After months of listening to conservatives caterwaul over deficits and health care, senior House Democrats want a graduated surtax on individuals and corporations to pay for another big drain on the treasury: the Afghanistan war.


Three full committee chairmen — including the House’s top tax writer, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) — are backing the initiative together with the chair of the party caucus, Rep. John Larson (D-Conn.), and close allies of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.



Get used to it, this is just the beginning of new and creative taxes.


We will see the largest form of wealth distribution through taxes in our countries history through out the next 3-7 years.


You can bank on it.


On a related note, many people seem to think that they are shielded from these tax increases because it doesn't DIRECTLY affect them. This form of thinking is very short-sighted, because the tax increases comes from the individuals who provide jobs, and the heavier the burden that is put upon these individuals the more it affects their growth prospects, which of course means less jobs.

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Disgusting. A war tax on people who may not even support the war.


!@#$ you Carl.

I have seen this dude Orszag on TV. You can tell from one look that he got beat up a lot in school and he is trying to take out his frustrations by being a dweeb and pinning things on people who beat him up.


In High School it was the football team but there is no good way to track them down so he will go after high earners. Despite his 35 degrees he does not realize that if he taxes everything from everyone at the end of the day he will still be a nerd. I don't see this guy's psychological problems being a good reason to tax the crap out of everyone.

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Why look for the perpetrators of 9/11 in such a rough and rugged area? They're impossible to find there. Look for them in Iowa where it is flat and there are few places for them to hide.


Well, that's !@#$ing stupid. Do you have any idea how easy it is to hide in a corn field?

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