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  1. Hillary wouldn’t have ignored her intelligence in 2019. Hillary wouldn’t have disbanded the pandemic expert team causing inefficiencies and shortages in resources. Hillary wouldn’t have ignored the pandemic playbook that Obama left behind. Hillary wouldn’t have politicized the pandemic response. prioritize political gains over public health data, hindering effective management. Hillary wouldn’t have withdrawn from the WHO and obstruct global collaboration. Hillary wouldn’t have lied to Americans about the severity of the virus and kept telling Americans it would just go away… with heat, disinfectant, uv light, and unproven treatments. Hillary wouldn’t have downplayed the severity of the virus, compared it to the flu and claimed it would disappear on its own, delaying action. Hillary wouldn’t have had inconsistent messaging, actions and contradicted health professionals, thus eroding public trust in health advice. Hillary would have done her absolute best and idiots in red states would still die at higher rates just to own the libs.
  2. I dont like Hillary. But tell me which of those is not true?
  3. What is the end you desire? Hillary conceded. She also attended his bizarre inauguration.
  4. You mean they hacked the computer that Hillary left unsecured with top secret info on it? I care but you see no fault in Hillary being openly incompetent
  5. because if it's not results you like it's clearly a rigged setup? right Hillary?
  6. Hillary = POS. She might even be more hated than Pelosi as far as women in politics.
  7. Remember when Hillary lost and they rioted. Resisted. Spend four years attacking him at every turn?
  8. You know it's bad when they think Hillary stumping would help. Lmao. The comments
  9. Tarheel seems to believe that it was a good thing that "Hillary Clinton intentionally misclassified" payments to Christopher Steele. So what's he complaining about?
  10. Maybe not as he is mentally done but Obama, Hillary and the rest of their crew certainly are coup plotters.
  11. Because Hillary paid it from the campaign, not through a NY business. Different laws, different jurisdictions. Had Trump done the same thing through the Trump campaign, he'd have been in the same boat as Hillary.
  12. So disseminating stolen classified documents is fine, and shouldn't be a crime? Remember, we can look back on your opinion of Hillary's server.
  13. If I'm Joe I'd be worrying about Hillary sneaking into my bedroom in the middle of the night to smother me with a pillow then declaring herself the party's candidate the next morning.
  14. Reminder: If you still cling to the belief that the Hillary led Russia Hoax was real, your other opinions suffer.
  15. But Biden won. Nothing was stolen. Hillary was right, we won. Period. Hillary was right, we were not going to back down. Why should we, WE WON! Did they put together fake electors? No, they accepted it. Big difference, why can't you understand that? Next time you will see that mob Trump gins up taken down hard. Can't wait, bring it on.
  16. My favorite part of Trump Administration Part I was him trying and jailing political opponents like Hillary despite getting fun chants about doing so on the campaign trail. Failed fascist.
  17. Meaning first woman President ever, i.e. Hillary. First black female President, i.e. Harris. And so on. And what bs do you believe Trump was serving? Are the Dems you know flabbergasted by what the Dem party has become?
  18. He didn't call them deplorables? Is Hillary trans? Or is that just her pronoun of choice?
  19. Hillary demanding in no uncertain terms that Biden not concede under any circumstances.... Which to sane people who live under a blue sky means that Hillary is saying there is no imaginable scenario under which Biden should concede the election in 2020. Crazy how she seemed to be able to predict the future with the election week drag out too, isn't it? Undoubtedly commies like The King, Tibstain and Billsfuk.c are saying... But that's different!!
  20. Also remember Hillary's noble and wise advice to Biden to not concede under any circumstances. How very patriotic and pricipled in her efforts to save our democracy.
  21. Well this sounds to me like it was an inexperienced Turkish campaign worker/taken out of context/ Deep State AI/ Obamas Birth Certificate/Hillarys Emails. Donald is a blameless, Holy champion of the middle class, God-fearing American.
  22. That might be the explanation . There’s a difference between mischaracterizing a campaign expense and not declaring a campaign expense. I don’t know anything about the Hillary issue, though, so not fair for me to say. And, in any event, it doesn’t change that what trump did is a crime.
  23. In Huge Blow to Hillary Attorney Marc Elias, Nevada Supreme Court Rules 7-0 in Favor of Voter ID Ballot Initiative by Cristina Laila The Democrats can’t win unless they cheat which is why they are fiercely fighting to block voter ID laws. Democrat gutter lawyer Marc Elias has filed at least two lawsuits to stop Repair The Vote’s attempt to introduce voter ID laws in Nevada. Marc Elias is best known for his work promoting Hillary Clinton’s fake Russia dossier in 2016 and doing the dirty work for the Democrat machine to make sure there are no voter ID laws. Marc Elias and the corrupt Democrat party took a huge loss on Friday. In a unanimous decision, the Nevada Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of the voter ID ballot initiative https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/huge-blow-hillary-attorney-marc-elias-nevada-supreme/
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