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  1. How's this going? Commies gonna commie.
  2. Old news for those of actually paying attention and not busy being gaslighted by MSM 24/7. But four years earlier, while working as a national security analyst attached to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office, Ciaramella was a close adviser when Biden threatened to cut off U.S. aid to Ukraine unless it fired its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Ukraine-based Burisma Holdings. At the time, the corruption-riddled energy giant was paying Biden’s son Hunter millions of dollars.
  3. Time for a thread that won't be deleted. If possible, mods should merge the contaminated threads with this one to preserve its integrity... Tomorrow marks the start of the public "inquiry" (not impeachment, because the left doesn't want to let it go that far... since this is theater). It's so much theater in fact that Schiff, a proven liar and leaker, is letting an MSNBC contributor do the questioning. https://thefederalist.com/2019/10/04/adam-schiff-tapped-former-msnbc-contributor-to-question-key-ukraine-envoy/ Clown show will be in full swing this time tomorrow.
  4. One lied about it and got impeached. The other tried to cover it up and got convicted. Both pigs.
  5. Your party impeached someone for lying over a beeeeeeeeeeej.
  6. Impeach her for the college riots. That's how it works, right?
  7. Remember when the GOP tried to impeach Biden but it fell apart because they are morons and there wasn’t evidence? Pepperidge Farms remembers
  8. Your party impeached Clinton for lying about bj. Sit the f down.
  9. He'll be removed according to the US Constitution. Be immediately impeached. He must be impeached, no gray area anymore according to the construction of the USC. SHALL = Will happen. Must happen. SHALL is NOT: Should He must be removed according to the USC: "High crimes and misdemeanors" is a phrase from Section 4 of Article Two of the United States Constitution: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, SHALL be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Hey... I didn't write the thing! A convicted felon definitely fits this definition.
  10. This thread reminds me of how MAGA was crowing about how impeaching Trump would mean he gets re-elected. How'd that work out/
  11. House Republicans Deliver Mayorkas Impeachment Articles to Senate by James Lynch House Republicans delivered articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate on Tuesday, setting up a trial over the cabinet secretary’s complicity in the record surge in illegal immigration that emerged under President Biden. A group of GOP impeachment managers walked over to the Senate Tuesday afternoon to officially deliver the articles and initiate an impeachment trial as Democrats seek to expedite the process or dismiss the charges altogether. Senators will be sworn-in as jurors on Wednesday to begin trial proceedings. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/house-republicans-deliver-mayorkas-impeachment-articles-to-senate/ .
  12. I thought saying fight in a political context is inciting violence? Fight x3 in one tweet? Impeach!
  13. In other words, Biden just committed an impeachable offense. Congress appropriated that aid to Israel. He doesn't get to delay it in an attempt to smooth over his political misfortunes at home. How do I know that? Because that's the standard Democrats set with their first impeachment of Donald Trump. The former president was impeached and given a trial in the Senate in early 2020 based on the idea that he had held up an aid package to Ukraine in an attempt to benefit politically (in this case, investigating Biden family corruption in the country). There is no tangible difference between that and what Biden is doing with this aid to Israel. Congress appropriated the money, and it is being held up by the president to benefit him politically. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/05/07/joe-biden-stops-aid-to-israel-something-we-were-all-assured-is-an-impeachable-offense-n2173876 .
  14. Yeah, I was all for impeachment. No need anymore.
  15. Yup. I was also on board the "impeach him" train, but he's done more to sabotage his re-election chances than any impeachment would. And there's no chance he would be convicted in the Senate so it would be little more than a possible rallying cry for Dems. Just keep the possibility of impeachment out there until the election.
  16. Well, considering Trump inherited a strong economy and became the only president in modern times to have a net loss in jobs for his term? Was impeached twice and is generally regarded by presidential historians as one of the worst to ever hold the office?
  17. Well, my caution to you and the dems, is that we'll shall see how your actions impact our future politics. We've already got an impeachment coming out of the repub controlled house. Now we have the dem controlled senate shelving the constitutionally required trial in regards to that impeachment. We're circling the drain my friend. You're contributing to a ugly new normal.
  18. Moot point…the funding was authorized by congress for an ally- the same thing Trump was impeached for…just goes to show, it was just an excuse to get Trump- which is what we knew all along…👍
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