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  1. Congrats on the win, Kiwi All Blacks didn't play that well in the last 30 minutes or so (that's all I was able to see), but stiffened up when it counted right at the end.
  2. Jack Black teaches children the timeless values of rock and roll. Next: The Matrix: Revolutions
  3. Remember Michael Jackson's video for his song "Black or White?" Link I agree that it may be crossing over the line to glorify violence in general, but nothing ever comes of things like this.
  4. Is the war in Ukraine about philosophy of government? Is it about reclaiming ethnic Russians for their motherland? Is it naked aggression and land/material greed? No you chud, it’s about black women in America.
  5. The ADL 🤦‍♂️ The Proud Boys you can basically say are alt-right minus the racism. I don't believe that holding views that gerontocrats have pushed out of the overton window is "bad for America." Their apparent rush to glorify violence has not just a means but an end in itself is bad. Sedition convictions kind of seal the deal. So yeah, I'd say the Proud Boys are bad. But it's not a white supremacist organization. Well, sure, but I recommend reading because if you talk to black folks (especially on the internet) you're going to find that many of the views held by them today are, in fact, downstream of NOI beliefs.
  6. No. As you may have gathered, you can find the doctrine in many NOI texts. I suggest reading starting with Malcolm X's autobiography (which admittedly at that point in his life was NOT a NOI text but a story of his journey to orthodox islam) and Elijah Muhammed's Message to the Blackman in America. Five percenters believe the same. Is Wu-Tang for the children? Well I guess that depends on who you ask. According to Supreme Mathematics, perhaps they are. As an aside, it's a shame that the USG promoted MLK as controlled opposition, because the hero black people needed was Malcolm X.
  7. Black hate group is a little broad. If black supremacy was treated the same way as white supremacy on various social media platforms there’d be no more black people on the internet.
  8. He’s Afro-Cuban. What’s it take for a guy to be black nowadays?
  9. Black people vote as a single bloc and have for decades. Below is the 2020 election results for certain demographics, after four years of pandering by a republican president.
  10. Blacks also commit interracial violent crime at overrepresented rates.
  11. Those states also have the most black people. Blacks are vastly over represented in both homicide offenders and victims.
  12. It’s not a theory. It’s a fact. Blacks commit over 50% of the homicides and have similar disproportionate representation as offenders for other violent crimes. Orlando Tim up there thinks it’s fatherlessness. That’s a theory. It’s also one of the better ones. Controlling for income the disparity still exists so “poverty” is not a good theory. Drug use in and of itself is a crime so I’m not sure how we’d parse that.
  13. And I don't address the red state/blue cities nonsense for one reason: murder is higher when there are more blacks in the place getting measured. That's it. Simple demographics. No need to get confused over why blue Vermont has a low murder rate while blue Maryland has a high murder rate or why red Idaho has a low murder rate while red Mississippi has a high murder rate. Very simple stuff, homicides by race of offender is a table published every year by the feds.
  14. You claim that white people, in absentia, are responsible for the problems that are created after they leave a place. This is clearly obtuse. Jackson, MS is a perfect case. The water was undrinkable after all the white people left. Therefore it's white people's fault. Black folks aren't entitled to live near white folks. They aren't entitled to benefit from the tax dollars that come with the white folks. "White flight" is simply leftist branding of a common-sense reaction to watching one's neighborhood fall into ruin.
  15. So the short version of what you said, if I deciphered it correctly, is that Republicans won't fund public services like health care, education, and diversion programs for those who may be inclined toward criminality. This is the mainstream boomerliberal answer to my question. The far left will instead say something like, "well the 'good old days' in the cities were only ever good for white people, they marginalized minorities to a degree that made their lives hell." The far left explanation is more correct than the mainstream liberal explanation. For some reason you started ranting about red state crime rates. The differences between red and blue states in murder rates are mostly, if not completely, explained by the disparity in the number of American blacks in these states, as blacks commit homicides at a rate far higher than their population numbers would suggest. Why do you think so many homicide arrestees and convicts are black?
  16. Blacks and whites have equal access to guns. Hell, because of felony conviction rates you could argue that blacks have less access to firearms. Yet criminal shootings are mostly a black problem, as we’ve established in the various crime threads.
  17. The Black Panthers would like to have a word with you. In any case, you're missing the forest for the trees. Armed resistance is what gave us back the right to self-government that had been trampled on via tyranny.
  18. I'm not saying you want to eliminate personal ownership of firearms, what I'm saying is you're doing all taking and no giving in this situation, whereas I am doing all giving and get nothing in return. See, a compromise would be something like this: both sides work together to find a way to better fund mental health services in the US. Not something like this: you give up your scary black guns and 30 round magazines. That's it.
  19. Don't bother man. "Mass shootings" include black-initiated gang shootings when they want to pump the numbers up. "Mass shootings" are curtailed and curated to only include white MKULTRA participants who shoot up schools and synagogues when they want to demonize whites. You'll never have an honest conversation with them on the topic.
  20. If I were to stretch a bit, I'd say it's because certain inner cities are absolute warzones despite very tight gun restrictions and most victims of inner city violence are black. Really it's a political ploy to attempt to paint leftists/Democrats as uncaring about black people. And if I'm honest, I don't hear that "black-on-black violence" line so much (read: at all) in the conversations about gun restrictions as I do in the conversations about police shootings, so I think you're off base with this one.
  21. Indeed. 90% of interracial violence between blacks and whites is black on white.
  22. That’s exactly what they’re telling you. It’s called ethnonarcissism. If black supremacism was as verboten as white supremacism on the internet there would be no black people on twitter.
  23. "White supremacy movements are the biggest domestic terror threat in the nation" is another "the woke are more correct than the mainstream" moment. Southern border laid completely open to anyone? Not a threat to the regime because every one that ends up voting votes for democrats. 13% of the population committing 60% of all homicides? Not a threat to the regime, black crime holds territory for them. Antifa goon squads? NOI thought becoming mainstream? Foreign infiltration of every admin agency? Etc. etc. etc.
  24. It's like I've said, I've heard people yell "police need more training my black son's gonna die." Well you had 18 years to train your kid not to be a thug ass criminal so why don't we start there That's your argument? That blacks commit more crime? Ok bruh
  25. Lol “white folks have no shared history so we won’t capitalize white. Also their shared history of discriminating against blacks means we’ll capitalize black.”
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