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  1. Someone I know was talking about Trump's tweet re: flag burning, calling for punishment for it: Them: "Can you believe that Trump wants to punish people who burn the flag?" Me: "You mean he would have supported that flag-burning bill that Hillary co-sponsored?" Them: "..." Either these are some funny coincidences or Trump is having a lot of fun making the left trip over their own shoelaces.
  2. Voted for Trump just to !@#$ up the pBills poll
  3. I tend to hold the position that nurture and environment, for the most part, trumps nature. There are certain conditions that can make behavior like this "normal" for their state of mind (then it would fall under nature), but they are extremely rare.
  4. A valid concern, leaving aside the question of whether representative government as the US has conducted it historically is actually a good form of government. When is the last time you felt like you actually had representation in government? The Dems are what they are and the GOPe is simply Dems driving the speed limit. Case in point: the GOP currently has the House and voter ID is an issue important to most conservatives. Since voter ID falls under “manner” of elections which is in Congress’s constitutionally-bestowed powers, a national voter ID requirement is within their power to prescribe. And yet we don’t even have a national voter ID proposal from the speaker. What gives? Well the USA is functionally a one party state, and the absolutely rabid responses from both parties to Trump’s rise really exposed this fact. Add this to the fact that the bulk of policy is actually made by unelected bureaucrats that answer to nobody and we get zero representation for anybody who has something resembling conservative values. The reasons for this are many but for the most part it boils down to the fact that the left has opened the floodgates to hordes of foreigners who are guaranteed to vote for more leftists, thus disenfranchising and eliminating the representation of the native population. The USA, prior to 1965, was not a nation of immigrants. Now it certainly is, and the permanent neoliberal and leftist nonsense that is installed in DC is the fruit of that. The more different the population becomes, the more authoritarian the state must be, and leftists have guaranteed through unlimited immigration that this population will continue to grow apart in blood, values, and customs. The question then left to the few real conservatives with actual power is how to utilize the power to benefit those who share your values. And it’s not voting harder.
  5. Didn’t watch the video but if he believes this is all a political stunt then when does he think it’ll stop? Motion hearings? Jury selection? Closing arguments? Trump got spanked by his enemies in 2020 because he underestimated them for years. Unfortunately it seems he’s learned zero lessons from it.
  6. DeSantis - Newsome is the race we need. Absolute slugfests at debates. Sniping. Tier 1 propaganda. Kissing babies. Trump - Biden 2.0 is the race we deserve.
  7. Re: 2; I wasn't sure if every question was in the context of CCW or not, since you had asked about a handgun's chance vs. a rifle in 1. Re: 3; did Trump say he wanted it to be mandatory? I haven't closely followed his remarks about all this.
  8. If that's even true, they're still compromises. And you're just proving my point when I say that leftists just want to ban all guns. It's ok if you want God-Emperor Trump to have control over all weapons in America. Just say it.
  9. As you point out, voters are influenced by lots of things. It's okay to think that things aren't right with our government on multiple fronts. But let's not pretend that there aren't multiple groups of people out to influence you. The voters (and electors) made Donald Trump president too. It's not A did this and B did that. It's A and B did this and then B and C did that. A and C are just different influences. I'm not conceding anything re: Russia and the reach of their influences one way or another in 2016 but it's useful to make a point. Why do A and C want to influence B (the voters) so much? What are they after? And, back to the thread, who does it benefit to strip Americans of their ability to exercise their natural right to armed resistance? I don't necessarily know the answers but I believe that the less the government impedes on my natural rights, the better. The natural right to armed resistance leaves a lot of options on the table, which was the reason the founders explicitly protected it.
  10. Yet year after year, these "right wing extremists" manage to have incredibly low kill counts. That first year in office for Trump resulted in a known homicide offender share of 47% for whites. And this figure includes many with hispanic ethnicity. Guess we're outsourcing right wing extremism too.
  11. Sorry I don't identify as a Trump fan and have been very publicly critical here of both him and China.
  12. Let's say NY DA actually charge Trump. I have a surefire way to know if it is a political persecution vs. a legitimate prosecution: If Trump spends a single minute behind bars, it's a political/media stunt. 100% Those of you who know nothing about criminal justice in New York County need not reply.
  13. So where does pushing the largest country on our neighboring continent into Putin’s arms rank on the list of things trump would have done to collapse US-led world order? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/15/world/americas/russia-putin-latin-america-bolsonaro.amp.html But the adults are back in the room again!
  14. You know, it's funny. During the Obama administration the Russians moved into Crimea and essentially just annexed it without nary a peep from the world aside from bloviating in the press. During the Biden administration the Russians appear to be making a move for the entirety of the Ukraine. But when Trump, allegedly a sock puppet controlled entirely by Kremlin kompromat, was in office, Russia did...what, exactly?
  15. The reality is that US foreign policy has been largely dog**** for decades. There hasn't been an executive administration that has helped itself substantially in this regard since JFK. With regard to Russia, blunders all the way back to before the fall of the USSR. This ***** doesn't happen in a vacuum. Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama, Trump, Biden - it runs through all seven of these administrations one way or another. Russia could have been a great ally. It's far too late for that now.
  16. Trump is low-key hilarious. And I don't mean in the "look at the spectacle" way (that's not low-key), but in the "wow you're actually a funny guy" sort of way.
  17. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/507293-trump-administration-rescinds-policy-to-strip-visas-from-foreign Student visas shouldn't exist AT ALL. Jared and Ivanka NEED to go. This presidency is turning into a ***** disaster. Trump is hemorrhaging support and I'm not surprised when ***** like this happens just about every ***** week.
  18. We need an immigration ban. Trump's campaign talking points have all proven true time and again. Now if only he would act on them. He needs to fire his son-in-law yesterday.
  19. This is the kind of ***** traitors like TH3 and his ilk would have you swallowing because of their disdain for the executive branch. They would rather the USA be blamed for this pandemic so long as the Trump administration suffers because they have ZERO allegiance to the United States. Their words betray them.
  20. In times like these it's ok to use hyperbole to encourage corrective measures. "Measured" responses don't get stuff done. Trump knows this: it's a game of rhetoric now as every rhetorical debate is a proxy war for something else.
  21. The willful blindness of never-Trumpers and leftists is traitorous as well. In a sane society, Tiberius and his ilk would have been publicly flogged and possibly hanged years ago. A definition of "corruption" that does not include SELLING AMERICA TO CHICOMS is nothing if not a vile and contemptuous attempt to cover up their sins which dwarf anything they've accused Trump of. Enough is enough.
  22. Which is quite the change from them bailing out multinationals that sold our interests to China. Maybe it's time to start re-evaluating who the leftist policies in the country actually sought to benefit for the past 30 years. But this will be the pivot from leftists from this point forward because they're either paid by China or useful idiots for those paid by China: "SEE??? Trump is a SOCIALIST! Better vote for a good, moderate Dem like Uncle Joe come November!" Meanwhile Uncle Joe is one of the worst offenders when it comes to the China problem: https://nypost.com/2020/03/12/why-china-is-rooting-for-joe-biden-to-win-2020-presidential-race/ Biden is a career politician (read: traitor) who has repeatedly betrayed America's interests to benefit himself. He is a Chinese imperialist in a time where we desperately need American nationalists in power.
  23. Hell, I'll double down. The Republican party hasn't gone far enough. Everything the Democrats fight for in the name of "progress," the Republicans end up fighting to conserve 10-20 years later. No more. A large portion of American people are sick and tired of being betrayed by those who would call themselves our betters. Unfettered mass immigration, social programs designed to be handcuffs rather than help, kissing the boots of corporations and calling it the "free market," bending over on every social issue from trannies to abortion to guns in the name of "bipartisanship," etc. etc. Enough is enough. A reactionary movement is long overdue. Trump has demonstrated this by his election alone. Also, your notion that the Democrats haven't moved further to the left is incredibly silly. Imagine your average 2018 Democrat waking up in 1980 suddenly. How far to the left of the average person are they?
  24. Reminder that, five years ago, the New York Times published images of murder effigies of Trump staffers and then spent the next four years crowing about "divisive rhetoric" and advocating for mass banning on social media platforms.
  25. Trump’s grandchildren are Jewish ?
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