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  1. I've been saying it for years: when they call you a racist, laugh in their face and then mock them mercilessly. Trump's done a phenomenal job of it. And to think the GOP still hasn't learned any lessons from the 2008, 2012, and 2016 election cycles. I'm going with retarded. His posting voice is rather earnest.
  2. I was more referring to the inevitable leftist shriek that there is a conspiracy to keep Trump in office despite all of the "evidence" against him.
  3. It is August 15th, 2017. Donald Trump has been president for 207 days. There still has been no impeachment. O great conspiracy, where art thou?
  4. Wait so Trump supporters share the most CNN? That seems odd.
  5. The date is Friday, September 15th 2017. The time is 8:55AM. Donald Trump has been president for 237 days, 20 hours, and 8 minutes. Still no impeachment or resignation.
  6. Dude, when's the last time GQ was relevant? Trump gave them some push since they were a Fake News establishment already, but I'm not sure anyone cares who they name their citizen of the year.
  7. Oh good, we're back to whining about the Electoral College. Get over it, losers. And I've said it before and I'll say it again: if the Dems put up Warren as their nominee in 2020 against Trump it'll just prove they learned nothing from 2016 and they'll lose. Again.
  8. The day is November 8, 2017. It is 4:28pm eastern. Donald Trump was elected president one year ago today. He has been president for 292 days, four hours, and 42 minutes. Still no impeachment or resignation.
  9. Here's the thing: I don't bother citing statistics and facts and such when I encounter a BLM type. You can't reason someone out of an emotional position, so why bother? You can't "strip out" their emotions and replace them with facts. You can only replace their misplaced anger with well-placed shame. And here's the thing: this has only increased with time, not decreased. Information is more readily available, but I think you underestimate people's willingness to believe disinformation (also more readily available) simply because it makes them feel good. Mockery is the only tool against them. This applies generally to SJWs, as SJWs always lie. They have no use for facts, only rhetoric. This, among other things, is a big reason why Trump took the country by storm last November. He fought rhetoric with rhetoric, while Republicans generally have tried to engage in good-faith debate. Republicans played a game that they couldn't win because leftists weren't even playing the same game. Trump played their game, and he played it better.
  10. If I've said it once I've said it thousands of times: multikult does not work. End of story. The way these people live is not compatible with Western values. Sweden is committing cultural suicide and their "feminist government" bloviates about Trump's choice of men for his cabinet while happily donning hijabs in Iran. The doublethink would be hilarious if it weren't so horrific.
  11. It is possible, but I doubt Trump runs again regardless of how the remainder of the term goes.
  12. Trump's reasoning (if there is any) isn't about mental illness, but mental illness is certainly part of the conversation.
  13. Voted approve and will continue to do so until that dang impeachment I was promised comes down. Since that was such a sure bet I can only assume that Trump has done a phenomenal job not doing anything criminal.
  14. Tiberius is mad because Trump played the game that Democrats have been winning for years and beat them. What the Dems and their ilk don't want you to know is that Obama was the same kind of blowhard; he was just easier on the ears because he went to HLS.
  15. Kind of like Nate Silver did this time around. Over, and over, and over, and over... It'd be interesting to see a retrospective on Nate Silver's coverage of Trump's chances to win the GOP nomination. Of course, we won't be seeing that over at fivethirty!@#$you anytime soon.
  16. So what do you guys think about Trump's new campaign poster? http://twt-thumbs.washtimes.com/media/image/2015/08/26/gunman_s878x918.jpg?9300b3ccffdd437968616acd1b80788ffa6580b1
  17. Cruz - 94% Santorum - 94% Walker - 92% Bush - 91% Perry - 88% Huckabee - 87% Paul - 86% Rubio - 85% Carson - 83% Trump - 78% Fiorina - 75% Christie - 69% Kasich - 67% Clinton - 19% Sanders - 12% O'Malley - 9% (lol) Right-Wing Libertarian.
  18. C'mon man, you've had a trump card in your sleeve all along. PO is from Canada, the country that produced nickelback. And he's trying to assert superior taste to ours.
  19. She looked highly !@#$able in that little black dress. Despite the chickenhawking and bible-thumping, Cruz came out and impressed me last night. Kasich was good, though I don't like him politically. Carson is sensible as hell, and brilliant. Rubio was impressive as well. Not impressed with: Jeb (no surprises there), Christie (when you lean that much on sophistry and sentimentalism, you look like an asshat), Trump (needs moar insults). Like others have said, Fiorina was killing it out there in the early debate. Nobody else looked like they belonged on stage.
  20. Can't wait to watch Trump just **** on everyone.
  21. Personally, I, too, think of the greatest generation. I would add that they valued family, community, and loyalty as well. Agree (in at least some part) with your assessment of Trump. However, he isn't the important part of the idea anyway. This argument is always brought up to put down reactionary politics. It's silly at best, stupid at worst, and should be put down.
  22. So, #cuckservative has been trending quite a bit in the "alt-right" blogosphere and social media lately. It has even broken into mainstream media in this WaPo article. Though it's silly and fraught with cries of "rayyyyycism" it touches on something that I've been thinking about for a while: Trump's current campaign slogan concedes something that shouldn't be overlooked: America is no longer great. The "cuckservative" idea, I think, comes from this: "conservatives" (aka "cuckservatives") ceded so much ground to leftists over time that there is nothing good left to conserve. Thus, a return to status quo ante is the only option left for those who wish America to be great again. So what do the minds that fall on the right of the political spectrum here think about this? Is it time to start thinking in terms of the reactionary, rather than the conservative? P.S. For the leftists who may wish to chime in: cries of "raaaayyycism" will not be tolerated and you will leave my beloved thread immediately should it be your desire to make such idiocy heard. P.P.S. This (NSFW, possibly) Breitbart article is recommended reading. A choice quote: Sound like anyone we know here? It's on the tip of my tongue...
  23. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-raimondo-trump-derangement-syndrome-20161226-story.html I've thought so for a long time.
  24. What is significant about this group is that while Tester and Heitkamp and Manchin are facing tough reelection fights in states that went for Trump, Durbin, Blumenthal, and Coons have seats for life and they have strong credibility with the Democrat base. If they aren’t pushing filibuster then, more likely than not, it isn’t going to happen. Schumer has pretty much locked himself into pushing a filibuster and daring McConnell to get rid of the filibuster. This is going to strike directly at his ability to lead his caucus in the coming fights. Not only that, but Durbin's position as minority whip speaks loudly here as well.
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