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Big Turk

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Everything posted by Big Turk

  1. His defense doesn't fold at the end of games very often. Sometimes, but most of the time they win it...especially this year.
  2. Likely something they thought they could attack with a matchup against the Eagles in those situations with a bigger WR. Would help if Sherfield ran the correct routes tho.
  3. Well...game management on D maybe in the 2 minute drill but on offense it's outstanding.
  4. Yes, because Brady chose to use different personnel groupings. It's pretty simple.
  5. You realize he doesn't control who is on the field in those personnel groupings right? Tell us you are clueless without telling us you are clueless tho. One of the silliest threads I have seen in a long time.
  6. It's nice remembering what that was like watching the Ravens D do that to the Chargers twice last night. I mean even during the drought years we had a bunch of games where that happened.
  7. That's not the best team in the NFL. They may have the best record but they have been Houdini and escaped a lot of losses this year, many times through sheer luck. That's the way it goes sometimes tho. Better to be lucky than good is a saying for a reason. Usually(but not always) teams that have this kind of luck during the regular season see their luck run out in the playoffs.
  8. The only solution is to have the ball last so the other team doesn't have any time to respond. It worked 3 times last season for them(Baltimore, Miami and Detroit) where Bass kicked the winning FG with no time left in 2 of them and 2 seconds left against the Ravens. Frustrating watching the Ravens D shut down Herbert and the Chargers twice in those situations last night.
  9. Ehh...not necessarily true. There was a front passing thru(obviously due to the rain) as as the front passes through with it's counterclockwise spin, the wind directions will change, so the wind direction at the start of the game was likely NOT the wind direction at the end of the game. Actually looking at the weather data from yesterday in Philly this is pretty much exactly what happened. Winds started out NE, shifted to E and then to N by the end of the game.
  10. Could the difference between last year and this year simply be the Bills had the ball last with under 2 minutes to go in the game a lot last year and haven't this year? Baltimore, Detroit and Miami all came down to the Bills kicking a FG to win with no time left in both Detroit and Miami and :02 seconds left against the Ravens. Would we have seen the same collapse if the other teams had gotten the ball last year? The only defensive stop I can remember from that year late in the game to win it was against KC where Taron Johnson got the INT to seal it after Knox caught a TD. IMO, the best way to stop losing these games is to ensure Allen has the ball last because h is money in those situations. As bad as the D has performed late in games to close out, Allen has performed amazingly.
  11. SMFH Tucker misses an easy kick in good conditions...Elliott hits an impossible 60 yard kick in wind and driving rain against us. Sometimes it almost seems like reality only exists outside Bills games when it comes to kickers
  12. https://ftw.usatoday.com/lists/refs-missed-horse-collar-josh-allen-bills-eagles-video-nfl-fans-reaction https://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/2023/11/nfl-officiating-drawing-heavy-criticism-in-buffalos-matchup-vs-eagles-what-beef-does-sean-hochulis-crew-have-against-the-bills.html https://www.si.com/nfl/2023/11/26/josh-allen-jersey-ripped-referees-miss-penalty-bills-eagles
  13. Even Gene Sterratore was openly wondering what the hell was going on...the missed horsecollar put him over the edge
  14. Yes that looked almost identical to the "Hail Murray". That was in a dome at least!
  15. Ask the Saint fans how great they thought he was when he was missing the playoffs with 3 straight 7-9 years with HOF QB Brees on their team.
  16. Maybe he could buy Cook better gloves to catch easy TDs
  17. Does he? I think Hurts might have tied him with he extra TO today.
  18. What good would extra time outs do in that situation? You are working against the clock not lack of TOs
  19. I will want to see how he looks the last few games once tendencies are out on him and DC's have a chance to get a better feel for what he will try and do in certain situations. Right now he is essentially operating with a clean slate and it's the easiest time he will ever have to look good. Not saying he won't continue, just saying we don't know and likely might not for the rest of the year.
  20. Allen thought he ran the wrong route, which usually means he ran the wrong route.
  21. Because as much as people want to act as if "luck" plays no part in these situations, it actually probably plays the majority of it. Which is something YOU don't seem to want to admit despite piles of evidence and years of data showing that teams who are great in these situations one year are usually terrible the next. What has changed? Usually not much...just that year their kicker doesn't make the most improbable FG of the year, they don't have the opponent drop easy TD's or miss easy FG's and don't have the WR turn the wrong way on another easy TD.
  22. They are not tanking. They didn't even do that in the first year when everyone thought they were.
  23. The offense has looked very good under Brady...however, until tendencies are able to be gotten on him that doesn't necessarily mean a lot...if we have some dud offensive games at the end of the year that might be the DC's catching up with him.
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