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Everything posted by MarkAF43

  1. You summed up how I feel. I've never been upset about celebrity deaths but losing Gord cuts deep. So many life events that a Hip song lyric fit perfectly just will always be there
  2. RIP officer Lehner. Didn't know until last night he lived a street a way from me. Stopped today with my son and offered our best to the officer watching his house. You can tell he was happy for the kind words
  3. Such sad news today. This is the first celebrity who's death has actually hit me hard
  4. McD is really starting to grow on me. This time it feels different. Still early but I'm impressed.
  5. RIP Paul, best wishes to your family and friends.
  6. I understand free speech, but is this topic really the hill you wish to die on? I have a hard time with that part of it.
  7. I saw that and my first thought was if I were the coach I'd have benched him as soon as we got into the locker room
  8. I thought they were both legit. After Incognito first blocked Miller he tackled him around the legs. O'Leary clearly hit Wolfe in the back and deserved his call
  9. No new threads during the game. Follow the rules much?
  10. So they shouldn't be allowed to speak out because their job is to kick a ball? that doesn't seem right.
  11. So again if his demeanor and personality are sincere and that clapping is something he believes it helps and encourages and motivates his guys then really what's the problem?
  12. If it's not authentic I'm on board with you. I hate fake leaders who show fake emotion. The offense did suck though.
  13. False. I think its ridiculous that we're going to be critical over how much a coach claps. It's a pathetic grasp to find something to complain about.
  14. Did anyone check Lombardi's tapes? Landry? Cowher? Jimmy Johnson? Were they big clappers? If they weren't then fire McDermott now!
  15. Ever think the clapping is 100% genuine and sincere? He's been preaching about everyone buying in and culture. So maybe, just maybe this is his way he shows enthusiasm. The players coming off the field seem to enjoy the high fives and clapping so why is it such an issue with our fans?
  16. You nailed it. This thread is ridiculous. The amount of nitpicking over what our players and coaches do has become pathetic. Can you believe he wore a long sleeve shirt in Carolina? Fire him. Now.
  17. I'm hoping you're being sarcastic but if not, your post is quite disturbing.
  18. This board used to be full of intelligent posters who added great insight to topics. Now it's watered down with what appear to be 14 year olds in their basement yelling at the tv and typing away as fast as they can. The quality of this place has really gone downhill and I don't post much so I don't lump myself in with the intelligent ones.
  19. This is pathetic. Poor Asian guy gets reassigned for really no logical reason.
  20. our 15 month old goes 2-3 days a week in East Amherst, and we're paying roughly $60 a day, so it's like $180 for the weeks he goes three days. Not awful, but it stings, he really seems to love it there.
  21. I'd imagine the Bills have a set proximity to a number that they won't budge on. If these guys want above that, should they just say wait, you're a solid depth guy, sure here's more money? I'd rather take the approach of not overpaying for an older aging vet who can provide depth but is looking to capitalize on as much guaranteed money they can at this point in their career.
  22. Show me where I said those words. Here I'll save you the time. I didn't. Your statement is hollow because you have zero facts that you've provided to back up your claims
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