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Everything posted by MarkAF43

  1. Im actually starting to feel bad for the OP. He doesn't seem to understand he's implicating himself and whomever is leaking him the hacked emails. I'm sure there are policies/laws/confidentiality agreements that are being violated. His constant need for for attention is either the greatest troll job I've ever seen or the crying out for help that is needed.
  2. I'm taking my ball and going home cause cause they think I'm lying. Well you're a millionaire with all of this inside info. I'm sure you have plenty of really important friends. So it's not deleted. There's his millionaire comment.
  3. Heard it here first? Come on man people have been bringing that up here for years questioning our medical and training staff. Wow we've got a hot take here!
  4. It really is. I *almost* feel bad for him.
  5. Sucks to be the two of you that don't like my opinion cause it's not going anywhere. He cant keep his lies straight
  6. Nope don't think I will. He has the right to post BS he's open to being questioned at every turn by anyone who wants to. Sorry that's the whole idea of a message board. So thanks for playing along but I can post what I'd like. Insider info, after next Sunday the Bills will be either 8-8 or 9-7. PM me for new stadium info.
  7. You admitted your friend hacked it and you have an insider. Now the Bills can investigate where the leak is and hopefully they punish those involved. So hey good on ya for running your big mouth.
  8. Number one we're not friends. I don't make friends with people who are part of people hacking email servers and stealing confidential information and posting it on a message board. Number two, you've been called out repeatedly by a bunch of people and have provided no proof to back any of it up. Number three, I don't have to go anywhere. I'll be here disputing every irresponsible and ridiculous statement you make. Oh and number four, I hope the Bills will investigate as several phone calls and emails have been made about the hack that's occurring at OBD
  9. Don your very clear need for all of this attention is just pathetic and actually it's quite sad. If you celebrate I wish you a merry Christmas but I hope you find peace in your life that doesn't need/require to seek out attention in the way you do. This is not the way you get people to like and respect you, it's just sad and most people look at you in a similar fashion.
  10. Sorry where it says hes he's an advocate does not equal out to a connection between cousins and Dennison. That just says shannahan is one of Cousins top advocates. That doesn't show any advantage for buffalo at all since shannahan has no involvement with the Bills and for the record I've not insulted you. You may need to check back. I've questioned what you posted absolutely. But I haven't hurled an insult your way.
  11. Don if you please I'm still waiting on further explanation between the connection or ties between Cousins and Dennison. All you said is Shannahan and you've refused to elaborate.
  12. Actually don when I asked about the tied you responded with shannahan cousins and Denison. That's not an explanation. I've asked you to clarify. But you refuse to.
  13. So Don, I asked last night and didn't see a response. You said Cousins has ties to WNY, and all you said was Dennison, Shannahan and Cousins. I found nothing that shows Dennison and Cousins worked together. So is there a true connection or tie or is it just throwing 3 names together because Shannahan and Cousins were in DC and Shannahan and Dennison were in Denver? I don't see how that gives Cousins ties to WNY.
  14. The thing is the good majority have kept it cordial. Shady, myself and others have posed questions that someone with legit information would answer and we've been ignored. Or told if we don't like it don't read it. Being cordial is a two way street, so if you're going to come here and post stuff, you should answer questions that will arise from it.
  15. Ive not ridiculed you. I've asked questions. And all you did was throw together three names that have been in Washington and Denver. However nothing I found in dennisons coaching history shows he was in Washington with Cousins. So where's the connection?
  16. How can you live with yourself if your source gets fired so close to retirement and loses everything they've worked for? also, why is it I've asked like 3 different times about the Cousins/Dennison connection and you've not given any answer?
  17. Where did they connect? I've not seen anything that Cousins and Dennison have worked together. So where is this connection coming from?
  18. Im not angry. I don't like when people hurl insults and act superior to others. His act has worn thin with me.
  19. Youre re such a child. How many times have you said you're leaving and you're still here acting like a know it all who is superior to all. Your napoleon complex is a joke
  20. You do realize to some people on this board you're nothing but a running joke, right? Whether or not you truly have inside info your insults and constant bragging about your investment and whining when people call you out have destroyed any real credibility to a good portion of posters here.
  21. Personally I lost interest in anything don has to say. If it's truthful I think it's crappy he cost his friend his job by leaking info (if that's the case) but then I'd also question how one source has information about the stadium and personnel decisions. Unless that person is/was pretty high up, I have to question how one person would have access to all of that info . Also, I think it's nonsense to post something you really have no right to post or share. I'm off my soapbox now.
  22. I just bought that land, have Terry call me, we'll talk.
  23. bread crumps? those sound terrible. I'll pass.
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