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Everything posted by KOKBILLS

  1. Let's go D... No rest today... Keep it up...
  2. There is no way I am going to make it to average life expectancy like this... No way...
  3. I just cannot believe that series. He misses and easy TD because of pressure, but they can't even get KC to use their freaking TO's?
  4. We can't dial anything up to get 5 freaking yards at a time and run the clock? Nothing? I think if we just leak someone out after chipping we can do that.
  5. That's the 2nd time Josh tried that line drive pass instead of putting air under it. I guess he's just looking for a call there?
  6. Come on Josh... Need a long TD drive... This is the season here. The whole f'ing Offense needs to have a perfect drive for once.
  7. I mean... When the God's are not in your favor... They are not in your favor.
  8. This is not a team that is capable of doing anything easy...
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