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Everything posted by KOKBILLS

  1. How many plays like that do we have to endure as Bills fans? How many?
  2. You have got to be kidding me... What a complete choke job
  3. That was just too easy... The last 2 drives by Philly were just easy
  4. The Cook drop, a blocked FG and missed FG accounting for 13 points the Bills don't have right now is a killer. All the crap officiating aside... Those empty drives are tough.
  5. Minus 6 points on missed/blocked FG's... That's a killer...
  6. Can we start a petition to ban the "flowers" thing though? Not sure there is anything I hate more than that phrase in today's NFL commentary. And I blame Kyle Crabbs for it. Who is a Dolphins fan btw....Figures... He's the 1st one I heard say it way back in the Spring I think... Then he got Joe Marino saying it. And then all of a sudden a month or so later I here everyone saying it. I really hate it...
  7. Absolutely amazing effort against the Eagles, the weather, and most of all the refs in a half of football on the road. This is why they can be the best team in the NFL. Now come back out and smoke them in the 2nd boys!
  8. I just feel like there are higher powers at work against this team.
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