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Everything posted by finn

  1. Am I the only one that saw the perfect bomb to Brown that was stopped only by a superb play by the cornerback? And then another perfect end zone strike to Diggs that Diggs dropped? He did his job not just competently but spectacularly on those two throws, yet no one has mentioned them here that I've seen--and you know the media won't mention it. He's still the same guy. It's the defense I would worry about. They were embarrassing out there.
  2. Four throws to the endzone, three of them perfect, and the announcers are like ho hum.
  3. I don't know, I think the Bills are pretty made at themselves, even a bit ashamed that they let down each other and the coaches. I think they'll come out firing.
  4. Maybe an onside kick, with the defense playing so badly.
  5. This sounds right to me. Edwards has played ok, Milano is lights out. He may be the best coverage LB in the league right now. The hard decision coming up might be letting Edwards go, not Milano or Williams.
  6. I'd say collar bone. Separated shoulder hurts a lot more and he'd show the pain. Less than a collar bone he wouldn't go off.
  7. I get it that Mahomes is terrific, but so are Rodgers and Wilson--and, so far this season, Allen. I don't quite get the hyperventilating. Fine, he's the best now, but the best of all time? Reinventing the quarterback position? Worth five first-round draft picks? I'm not trying to be obtuse--tell me if I'm missing something. Not what makes him very good but what makes him better than Montana, Young, Brady, Marino, Wilson, Favre, et al. I just went through four or five of his "best throws" compilations, and they're really no better than the highlights of everyone else on that list. Yes, the occasional quirky throw is cool and unusual. Is that it? I suspect what's at work is that impulse toward hyperbole we all have to some degree. Mahomes can't just be excellent, he has to be transcendent, the GOAT, like no one else who has ever lived in the history of ***** sapiens. Fans and the media can't credibly worship Brady anymore--although ESPN and SI are doing their part--so maybe they're just looking for a new deity. In Mahomes I see a terrific quarterback, someone who belongs in the same conversation as some of the above stars, but one not clearly better as any of them, especially with other variables factored in, like his O-line, receivers and coaches. And, FWIW, I think Allen will be better! Flame away.
  8. I don't think is necessarily true, if by "strides" you mean the giant leaps Allen has made, which may be unprecedented at the QB position if they continue or even hold up. I say that because Allen has a package of football intelligence, coachability, drive to improve, and competitiveness that few QBs have. Add to that his physical traits and you have a real anomaly. Jackson might match Allen's physical traits (he's a better runner but not as big), and you could argue he also has football intelligence and coachability, maybe, but he seems to get all mopey and regress when things go badly, and I don't see much improvement this year, which suggests he might not be as driven as Allen so clearly is. As others have pointed out, if you take away his tight ends, he's lost. I get it that we don't have to tear down Jackson to feel good about Allen, but I don't think TheElectricCompany's claim necessarily follows.
  9. I'm not sure the real experts underestimated Allen that egregiously. Do we know of any teams that had him lower than the second round? They knew about his upside but also knew taking him high was a gamble, which it was at the time. The "experts" in the media are another matter. They've learned they don't need to watch tape, meet the player or consider intangibles like motivation, competitiveness and football intelligence. Their job is to f*llate the darling of the day (Mayfield, in that draft) and parrot other "experts" on the other picks, which evidently is what fans want to read. And they're the ones, most of them, who are still refusing to acknowledge they were wrong.
  10. Yes, me too. Same size, mobility and big arm. Plus, if his team was down late in the fourth quarter, you knew almost with certainty that Elway would bring them back. Allen is displaying that same trait. Not sure Elway was as accurate as Allen has been these past three games, though. That's Allen's upside: A more accurate Elway. Wow.
  11. Good stuff. I wish Turner didn't have the voice of a 13-year old. Allen is an anomaly, and it's interesting to consider why. Plenty of other big, physically talented QBs have come into the league, and plenty of others have been as intelligent, coachable, eager to learn, selfless and competitive as Allen. But we've never seen these traits combined in one player. It's unprecedented. That package gives him the potential to be the best of all time.
  12. This is the key, I think. Other quarterbacks have had equally impressive physical gifts--think of JaMarcus Russell and Ryan Leaf, for instance--but rarely do you see one with these kind of gifts AND a burning desire to improve, together with humility and intelligence. Quite a package!
  13. Did anyone else notice the uncharacteristic pass Allen through t Diggs halfway through the fourth quarter, the one where Diggs took a big hit? Aside from a few incomplete fades into the end zone last year, I can't recall Allen actually lofting a pass instead of rifling it as hard as he can. All last year fans were begging him to put some air under the ball as you see all the great quarterbacks do. Is he finally catching on? That was a beautiful pass, very Mahomes-like. May it continue!
  14. You can see in this Jets thread the narrative that's just now forming and will be everywhere soon: Allen is good only because he's surrounded by talent, with no acknowledgment that last two years he had mediocre talent around him (on offense). He can't win.
  15. He'll suck all season and all season the writers will make excuses for him while glorifying what little success he has. The nausea continues.
  16. I agree Darnold isn't going anywhere. He's a very good quarterback. Mayfield and Rosen are the busts. Allen and Darnold will be the success stories.
  17. I agree that it's hard to hear the same people who piously condemn these protests as as unpatriotic turn around and cheer a president who sneers at the military as losers and suckers. There's a saying, "No one belongs to a cult." Trump supporters, at least those who display this degree of cognitive dissonance, don't realize they belong to a cult and are behaving like cult members. All criticism of Our Dear Leader is invalid. He is noble, strong and brave. He fights for us. He loves us. He is the Messiah. It's like fricking North Korea or China under Mao. And it's happening here! .
  18. Reminds me more of Mean Joe Greene, for the old timers out there. Same size, ferocity, power and relentlessness.
  19. Forgot the shoulders, just put some more air under the ball. Compare Allen's deep ball to Mahomes: Allen throws it on a rope, which means if it's off just a bit the receiver will miss it. Mahomes lofts it in a pretty arc so the receiver can run under it.
  20. Why pick a Singletary clone with a high pick? At least choose someone with complementary skills. A banger, for instance.
  21. This I have noticed. How can they judge a play if they don't know the players' respective assignments and, as you say, the context of down, distance, personnel, situation, etc. Plus, they grade many of Allen's throws as interception-worthy without grasping that he has the arm to make them, the whole point of the frequent comment that he is "one of the few quarterbacks who can make that throw." I wonder how much time they put into their analysis.
  22. This is as a good an opportunity as any to ask a question that I've always wanted to ask: Why is this board down on PFF? I'm not defending them, just curious.
  23. As I recall Vosean didn't shine in camp or preseason. The word on him was inconsistent: terrific plays mixed with blown coverages and overrun plays. Also small. Probably no coincidence they stashed him on IR. I don't think Bean would assume he can start next year; more likely he'll be allowed to compete with a FA and/or mid-round draft pick. But you never know. If they get a pass rusher and top WR in free agency and draft a WR in the first round, they could go for a OLB in the second round.
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