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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Support is not overwhelming, just silent majority is watching. Not many of the majority will ho into the cold when we are already leaving restrictions behind. In Ontario, 89% if people are fully vaxed. Strange for truckers to start a protest against needing fully vaxxec to come back to Canada without quarantine when they need to be fully vaxxed to enter US? So the protest reasons have changed. Hope it remains peaceful. Majority if Canadians do not love Trudeau, but right-wing conservatives are Wacko, like trumpers and cannot gain support of middle.
  2. You are correct in that. And who in the right wants to move? The divide must be bridged. The right must stop the anti abortion stuff, the anti gsy stuff and the left must ditch AOC, the anti police crap to even start.
  3. You are doing the same you accuse the left of doing. While I tend to agree with you call abortion as baby killing, sodomites etc, you can never solve the divide. What there are no gaps on the right, never an abortion on the right, never a preacher who was a pedo. Many rightwingers would have us go back to women cannot vote, the being gay is illegal etc. Time to end extremes. Rogan can have a good podcast, by why the need to be extreme. Isn't freedom about choice.
  4. Whether it is against restrictions or not, which is questionable, it is non violent still after 2 weeks. Wonderful to see, but as time goes on more violent groups will likely show up, at this point it is too cold for those guys😁😁😁
  5. How many times gave you asked me why I think I have the right or knowledge to comment on US politics? Well?
  6. 2500 Amer servicemen killed in 20 yrs in that hell hole. Not worth 1 death. 900,000 to covid...let's be macho and pretend we can live with it....hmmmm
  7. Maybe incompetent, but not the most corrupt
  8. I have no idea what your point is. It is likely AR will change teams to prove his greatness, in his mind.
  9. Quick, who is the qb in his 1st yr on the team who got Rams to SB? And maybe a victory. Rams have not had glory for a long time. So I guess you consider Rodgers a poor qb. Hmmmm He has been a top qb in the NFL for a long time
  10. I am not a fan of Rodgers but he would say he created a lot of those receivers, like Jake Kumerow. I say, let him go somewhere and proof he us greater than everyone thinks. It worked for a certain Lions QB, who turned to the Rams gir glory.
  11. He has been complaining about GB management for years, losing wideouts, disliking their coaches and still being THE top QB, He will show us what he could have done in a good organization that listens to him.
  12. Have enough beer and pizza can taste better. Maybe the beer opens up your taste buds? 🤣🤣🤣
  13. But it is logical that if Brady left NE and won, AR wants to prove how good he is.
  14. Great player, great team mate, BETTER PERSON. 1995..Panthers 1st visit to Buffalo. Frank Reich qb My 10 yr old son's birthday. He burns his hand on bbq and is bandaged in first aid but we stay. Front row seats, 50 yd line behind Bills bench. At half time he sees my son and nods. Game over, Bills win. TT jogs over to our seats, reaches up and gives his gloves to my son. Smiles and jogs off to the dressing room. They are framed, and autographed.
  15. The 60s hippies as they can be referred to hated Repubs, Nixon, as well as Dems like Johnson. They protested the establishedment of military and military industrial complex, they loved the environment and the freedom of abortion rights and the rights to protest. So, being more on the dems side 60 years later is not too surprising since the many repubs would exclude there beliefs and the dems are more open. You bet your sweet Bippy.
  16. You don't debate, you build walls. Hundreds of thousands died of cancer, during WW2, but I think most people would suggest that ww2 was worse. Suggesting covid 900,000 added on deaths in US was not the biggest newest enemy is ridiculous. When one cannot acknowedge what the world is and has gone thru in 22 months, then there can be no debate. Move on, have a good Ground Hog day
  17. Brady, great great player, great professional, great leader and if I can say, an authority is fine looking women.
  18. He did say he would balance, and Spotify got some of their 2B back. If you saw that different, sorry for your sight. BTW, who or what is more dangerous??. Trump? Who killed 850,000 people in 2 yrs suddenly.
  19. Look at Rogans TV interview, he admits his error and said he would balance Have a good year of the flippin Tiger. BTW, covid is the most dangerous enemy your country and the world has faced since 1962. You my dear Chef, failed
  20. Sorry Chef, I do not regularly follow Rogan but as I understand he allows untruths and extremist positions on his show. He has agreed that was a mistake snc will ensure balance. So Neil was correct. Spotify gets back their 2b$. Choose not to be vaxxed, but there is no public good to make up crap which is anti. Smile Chef, paprika is a wonderful spice...in many cultures. Let's celebrate the Year if the Tiger with mutual respect...
  21. Me thinks too much hot paprika in your sauce Chef Typical of a trumper. Attack rather than debate.
  22. Neil always walked his own path, his father was a prominent sports writer and celeb, they didn't see eye to eye, Stills and Young tolerated each other for short periods, Neil had no voice but could sing. I loved CSNY, today there is not one song writer, or group that I am aware if who could capture the protests of the majority, without hate, without the violent threats of rap. They invited thought, protest not insurrection. Like Marvin Gaye, "What's going on". SKYNYRD, we're great, less popular in my area of the world, we didn't get much southern rock.
  23. Rogan has relented. Neil made his point. Vaccine is a vaccine. They save lives. Choose to take it or not, but do not spit crap and lies. Debate is healthy, vitriol is not.
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