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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Certainly they would say we were provoking a war, but they do anyway, so Putin lies every single moment if his life. Just like Hitler. Nato should gave responded, stop the pipeline a month ago, began squeezing financial markets. Biden, Trudeau and others should gave been in China with the Olympics instead of insulting the Chinese. They have influence. Now where do they stand? Wait until Trudeau makes his next speech, he will then disappear for a month.
  2. No, one thing that is concerning is major politicians either loving Communism or blaming capitalism and people living in a democracy not reacting except through party line. Party before country.....repulsive to me.
  3. 50 years ago, the reaction to the Ukraine crisis by some politicians would have ruined their careers, and maybe faced charges. Sanders, Cortez, Greene, trump, and I am sure others should lose their standing in the eyes of the public. Blame America for Putin, cheer Putin for his tactics, the extremes of both sides should sicken their followers and voters. But likely it will not.
  4. Climate change issue left US exposed. Oil from Soviets 595,000 barrels per day. Oil from Canada cancelled XL pipeline 880,000 barrels per day. Hmmmm Price of gas, well up more than a little.
  5. While fingers point, Putin, the new Hitler, is pointing nucs at Paris, London, Berlin, Kyiv,Washington, What would Eisenhower, Nixon, Bush, Reagan do. It would be strong, even Kennedy knew what to do, Obama would pee his pants, Joe is wishing he did lose, Kamala is,well Kamala who will show up on the View, Clinton may have been strong, but Trump, it is unknown except he wouldn't miss his golf game. In the mean time half the world has been threatened folks....real stuff.
  6. Lincoln Project, Lincoln logs, or Lincoln Pub, if any politician did not denounce this, and isn't repulsed and shows condemnation, is a traitor. A party that thrives on condemning dems as socialists cuddles up the communists and the biggest tyrant on the planet must be exposed. Whether you consider SDS or anyone else as mod, is not the issue. Condemnation is. Putin just put his nucs on high alert. That means London, Paris, Berlin and yes Washington are in his sights.
  7. Anyone who doesn't renounce these activities and remains silent is not worthy of being a citizen and should be considered a traitor. The historic leaders of your Republican Party, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Eisenhower would be repulsed by the support or lack of condemnation. Just imagine voting for a pro communist.....this is the most incredible event in US politics in 100 years. How many Americans died in Vietnam.
  8. If any legitimate American patriot politician was present and didn't stop a Putin chant, or leave is disgust, they are not a patriot, they are not worthy of being the leader of the free world.
  9. I love the accordion, hate deer hunting..I accept countries dud nit live up to their obligations, but you publicly do not hug your enemy and insult your friends. By the way, the US has no intent of sharing tech with others and demand to control those aspects of their arsenals. The great American war machine insist on continued support so the US has some interest there as well. I do not want further debate, the US pays too much, others under pay, you do not show up friends, you do not publicly hug your enemy for no reason. End of my participation in this discussion. Trump did not help this situation.
  10. Yes the US wanted control in Europe starting in 45 and Eisenhower. Legitimate request asking others to pay more is great. Do it with class, behind doors without embarrassing your friends for political points. How the f can you have special relationships by trying to embarrass fellow leaders, who had nothing to do with today's situation. Controlling Europe was for US protection, as was Vietnam when they bailed out France,
  11. US wanted flippin control of Europe and that costs. Trump would never take the time to actually study...no would anyone who worships him. Strange how you react to the US using its biggest advantage for control. MONEY! If not get your troops missiles out and see how safe you feel. When Russia tried putting missiles 90 miles from US the country went nuts. There us a price to pay for those US bases. Quit whining or get out.
  12. Don't defend his actions because I didn't blame him. His complaint may be very factual, his methods are childish and causes extreme problems for countries who are aligned.
  13. Trump did nothing to help, he bitched publicly about money, called them names publicly, threatened to get out of NATO, and today Putin feels stronger than NATO. IMHO. But Russia China is stronger because we also picked fights with China.
  14. It has been known for years that Ukraine was on Putins radar. Trump had a friendship with him, we all saw it, trump did not confront seriously or challenge Putin, in fact praised him has he did yesterday. There were 2 people capable in this world of controlling this ego maniac. China's leader and the US President. Biden is not known for his strength, but Trump had his chance and smiled and glad handed his way through 4 years. That is not to say he would not be powerful today, but he floated through 4 years with Putin. IMHO
  15. Can't do that. Pipelines from Canada are against dems policies, enough oil in Alberta to supply US needs
  16. I do not disagree, but like Ukraine there are dissidents to bring to light issues. Part of Poland was born in Soviet Union and Communism. Putin is a mad man, getting Ukraine without a fight. Started with a small section but now obvious. With nucs weapons in play, who will fire first...Putin, France, Britain, Biden, Germany? And do not underestimate China's role...
  17. Poland, at least part, was part of Soviet Union. They are strategic location and NATO supported. Ukraine is easy, no NATO, Georgia may be next, Gorbachev old home, then Poland. Putin has constant interaction with Poland, and like Hitler used, they are Russian people we must save. But like I said, where is the line, likely not much time. China and Taiwan will come forward soon, then Putin is embolden. A strategy will be hard. I really think trump hurt relationships, Obama's people were way to naive. Who is the next Nixon, or Reagan? Certainly the dems have no one.
  18. Poland is the actual goal IMHO. what NATO must decide is, where is the line? And they need to decide now. The wild card is the US China relationship that has been going downhill for years and destroyed by trump and trashed by Biden. Ignoring the Olympics was nuts.
  19. If the measurement of prosperity is only Wall Street, you are correct
  20. WOW is all I can say....imagine if McCarthy was still alive. Thus is not sarcasm This is defending the indefensible, but exactly what I would expect. Your comment on trump's statement would be interesting...Unvle Joe is in deep for sure
  21. One citizen injured is not good, but horses are gentle persuaders if you choose to not be moved, then..... Very minor incidence in comparison to other areas of the world. Let's watch US version next week in an open area. You know, most if the Vincent was the affect on other citizens. Iives and businesses, this was not an open space. Washington has some space.
  22. Mischief has a definition Trudeau to withdraw use of Emergency Act today. Job is done. Citizens across Canada can sleep tonight with no fear of doors being kicked in by storm troopers (slight exaggeration😆😆)
  23. Read Niagara Newspapers, St. Catharines Standard, Niagara Falls Review...
  24. Many children attend school passing through metal detectors, past an armed security guard, regularly practice active shooter drills is declared as the price for freedom, but wearing a mask is tyranny.
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