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Everything posted by ThreeBillsDrive

  1. After Steve Fairchild left, Dick Jauron had an opportunity to hire a real offensive coordinator -- one with experience. (e.g., Cam Cameron was available ... his record as OC for San Diego and now in Baltimore, grooming a young QB speaks for itself) What does Dick do? Being the good company man he is -- he promotes Turk Schonert from QB coach to OC. And look where that got us last year? and in this year's preseason? Not hiring a real OC after Fairchild's departure was another of the strategic errors of the Jauron era. Another error that will cost him his job this year. Coaching to lose .....
  2. Sadly, that factor seems to weigh more heavily in Bills personnel decisions than in the average team's personnel decisions. And refusing to pay up for a Pro Bowl left tackle and letting him go to Philadelphia ranks among the most questionable offseason decisions
  3. Cowher will never coach the Bills He's enjoying his time at CBS. And he wants to spend more time in North Carolina at the mansion he built outside of Raleigh Will he coach again? Likely. But he has his pick of opportunities That he would work for Ralph Wilson is also a stretch. If the Panthers continue to reel, that may be the perfect landing spot for him, not Buffalo.
  4. Trent was catching up with fellow Stanford grad Camarillo. Yes there was a smile. Who knows what was said between the players. It was at the end of the game. Yeah there's a growing hate-on for Trent among fans, but why not focus more on his play than an alleged smile with a guy he played college football with.
  5. Blowing up the offensive line, letting Peters go, hoping two (promising) rookies on the O-line would play like veterans in year one, hoping Bell would be a capable replacement for Peters, ..... was a big risk for Jauron, Brandon, and company. Taking the risk means the Bills will likely miss the playoffs. And cost Jauron his job. ps We need a football man as a general manager, not a marketing whiz!!!
  6. Add: Not paying up for a bona fide Pro Bowl Left Tackle in Jason Peters .... and going back to the starting board with an all-new offensive line ... with very little experience
  7. And on the same Sunday afternoon, Belichik goes for it on 4th down in their own end against a strong Falcons offense. Conservative Dick, late in the 4th quarter against an even stronger New Orleans Saints offense. Coaching to lose.......
  8. No love here for the Jets or Favre ... ... but I'd rather see the Jets in the playoffs than the Pats or Dolphins One of these division rivals will get in ... let it be the Jets instead of the Pats or Dolphins Unlikely for the Jets now, after this pathetic late season slide
  9. Spend some time reviewing the Bills chart and you'll have a better grip on who's on our Bills roster
  10. It took Josh Reed about 5 years to develop into a capable, efficient, reliable production receiver. It takes more than 1 year to clearly determine whether a receiver is "bust".
  11. Ah, the Dallas game. I had erased that last minute meltdown nightmare from my memory.
  12. Bust??? Nonsense. Talk to us in 3 years. You should know as well anyone that it takes at least 3 years for most receivers to reach their potential. While not a superstar, it's only this year that Josh Reed has emerged as a durable, competent, playmaker. And when did we draft him???
  13. Jauron is Book Smart, but not Street Smart (or in football terms, he is not Pigskin Smart)
  14. As Chris Collinsworth said tonight on NBC, "JP Losman is incompetent" CFL, welcome your next new QB prospect
  15. As Chris Collinsworth said tonight on NBC, "JP Losman is incompetent" CFL, welcome your next new QB prospect
  16. There is no reason to start JP next week The downside of playing him would be a loss The upside? hmmm He's not here next year, so why continue to invest game-planning time, film-room time, practice drill time, etc. in him. If Trent can't play, start Hamdan and see what we have in him for next year. Is he backup material or is he destined to be a #3 on the depth chart
  17. Time to run LOSSman out of town Disgraceful presence today. Looked like a rabbit in the pocket (again). Lots of overthrows. And poor awareness of what's happening around him. What team wants a QB like this as their backup?
  18. Price it low enough and the fans will come. "Best overall attendance" is boosted by lowest ticket prices in the NFL. Average ticket revenue per game: $ 72.70 NFL Average $ 117.64 Patriots $ 51.64 Bills
  19. Marty will get us to the playoffs and build on his abysmal 5-13 playoff record.
  20. Darrelle Revis, also struggled initially for the Jets last season in his rookie year, but started progressively getting better. And this year, he will likely be a Pro Bowler. McKelvin may take more time to develop.
  21. Many Giants fans were saying the same thing about Eli Manning last year, early in the season. Fortunately, Coughlin and his coaches were not parochial and looked to the long-term and Eli's growing potential. Their faith was rewarded with a Superbowl, and an NFL elite quarterback. Giants coaches took a long-term view. Trent is the long-term hope for the Bills at QB, not JP Lossman
  22. That was great Does the Charger board do this weekly with respect to all their opponents Love it
  23. Did you see how the Chargers got beat by Miami? The Chargers looked flat and were out manhandled by the more physical Dolphins. Should we be more worried by the SD game or the Miami game. LT was a non-factor. Rivers looked stymied. A bunch of no-names from MIA beat one of the most "talented" (on paper) teams in the AFC. So far, both NE and SD -- last year's AFC Conference Championship teams -- have no answer for Miami's Wildcat offensive scheme (which MIA ran more often in the SD game) Will the Bills?
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