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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. Unfortunately, Texas A&M has to defend their trademark or they risk losing it. Not that it should even be a trademark anymore, since it's become a genercized football term. No one outside of Texas could even tell you the 12th man was even an A&M thing. If this guy had enough money for an extended suit he could attack the trademark itself saying it has become a common football term. That's how words like zipper and aspirin lost their trademarks. It sounds like this guy is in no shape to fight A&M in a court, however.
  2. If Toronto wasn't part of the Bills market, then anyone that wanted to move them there would have to pay a relocation fee to the NFL. Tim Graham said the NFL considers Toronto to be part of the Bills market, but take that with a grain of salt. Either way it's good for the Bills being in WNY. There is a further barrier to Toronto or the team gets a big check if another club moves there.
  3. The problem is that Toronto is considered part of the Bills market, and any other team would have to pay a hefty relocation fee or expansion fee. It's the same situation as LA, where the Chargers claim it's their market. No one wants to pay those fees and then give 31/32 of their revenue to the league.
  4. It sounds like Rogers isn't liquid enough or doesn't want to liquidate his assets to be a majority owner. I can't blame him. He'd have to sell a lot of assets for a possibility of being able to move the team in six years. These guys should have just bid on the Jags.
  5. The difference is that those misdemeanors are for violent crimes. Irsay is charged with DUI which the league penalty for is a two game check fine.
  6. People don't buy healthy food, but they do buy Original Pizza Rolls!
  7. It also doesn't look like Goodell is considering a suspension, either: https://twitter.com/ESPNNFL/status/482659953690177536/photo/1
  8. He decided not to change his name during the season because the NFL would have made him buy all the remaining Whitner jerseys. I assume after the season someone told him how retarded the idea was and he backed off changing his name.
  9. Except in this case the Rottentomatoes score is an average of movie critics and the IMDB one is an average derived from movie fans. So it's not only popular but it's also deemed good by critics. Grown Ups is an example of a truly bad movie that is popular.
  10. Pacific Rim is at 72% on Rotten Tomatoes with 254 critical reviews and an average score of 6.7/10. I don't really think that qualifies as a truly bad movie. It also has a 7.1 rating on IMDB.
  11. CJ Spiller sucks man... I mean 5.1 career yards per carry? Yuck. 1250 yards on only 200 carries? That's terrible. It's not like if Spiller has one more year of at least 5.1 YPC he could retire and be 3rd all time among RBs. Oh wait... He's not a great player, but you don't have to be as a RB anymore. This is probably the easiest era there has ever been to run the football. Teams play so much nickel and dime, while LBs and strong safeties are no longer the run stoppers they once were. Still, between the 20's there are few RBs as productive as Spiller. I don't really care about that though, since it's more efficient to use two RBs than it is to use a single workhorse. That's probably also the reason they signed Dixon and traded for Brown. He's referencing that Spiller would be 6th all time in yards per carry (5.1) if he gets 150 more carries at his current average. If you count only RBs he would be 3rd all time.
  12. I'm a fan of baseball, basketball, and football, but I can recognize they have flaws. It just seems to me like soccer fans (and to a lesser extent baseball fans) have this incredible aversion to their sport being criticized. We all know NFL games take too long because of excessive commercials, and I don't think you would find a fan that denies that. Basketball fans recognize that flopping is a serious problem in the game. Baseball fans know that pitchers brewing a cup of tea between each pitch isn't good for the game. Say anything remotely bad about soccer though, and prepare to have your head ripped off. No, but you implied that any argument I make is invalid because I'm not a fan of the game. It also implies you wish no further discussion based upon the brevity of your response. It's almost as if speech had *gasp* context to it.
  13. So, legitimate criticism = "you're not a fan shut up"? No wonder soccer never changes... their fans think it's god's gift to man.
  14. So... can anyone explain why they have ties in the World Cup? It's pretty much the lamest thing ever.
  15. George Will is absolutely correct. The government has shifted the burden of sexual assault cases to college campuses. They are literally sued by the Federal Government if they don't try these cases in their kangaroo courts. The problem is that the burden of proof goes from beyond a reasonable doubt to merely preponderance of evidence.
  16. Kids can't even open lemonade stands without having business permits anymore.
  17. Maybe it's not a hardline preference anymore, but as the first line states it's still the more accepted one.
  18. That wouldn't have anything to do with the NBA though. If someone wants an NFL team as a trophy they'll pay what it takes regardless of what the Clippers went for. However, Ballmer can offset most of the cost of the Clippers with a TV deal. It's much harder to pay beyond franchise value in the NFL and do that since the vast majority of revenue is shared and fixed.
  19. Because the NBA is in line for a massive TV deal in 2016. Fox and ESPN are already competing for the rights to broadcast it. Add in the booming international market, the local TV deals, and you have a recipe for soaring NBA franchise values. NBA teams have a shared nationally televised contract, while all local TV revenue is not shared.
  20. No, the NFL strongly prefers a single owner to an ownership group. The 30% is the bare minimum that one person has to own for the group to be approved by the NFL.
  21. The problem is that the NBA is seeing such leaps in franchise value for a couple reasons that have nothing to do with the NFL: - Lucrative local TV deals with no revenue sharing - An international market much, much larger than the domestic one There are more people that play basketball in China than there total people in the United States. Basketball is also greatly increasing in popularity in Europe and Australia, with NBA players coming from both.
  22. NBA prices have nothing to do with the NFL. Next.
  23. Groups are taken less seriously than individual bidders, though. A single owner will be shown preference over a group of bidders. We've already had a few preferences leaked: - A single owner is preferred - That owner must not use more than $200 million in debt to finance the purchase - They must also have at least $200 million in free cash after the purchase of the team I don't take Bon Jovi's group seriously. They can't move the team for six more years, and the team can't even be sold to them if they say they will leave within that time frame.
  24. The Bills won't go for much more than the Browns. Anyone expecting $1.5+ billion is really out of touch. The Jags went for $770 million in 2012. If someone really wanted to relocate a franchise they had their chance with the Jags.
  25. Bon Jovi is a minority owner, at best. The NFL wants the new owner to use less than $200 million in debt to buy the team, and they want them to have at least $200 million in additional free cash after the team is purchased. Bon Jovi is worth like $300 million... Pegula is worth 10x that.
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