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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. If you find Trump’s taxes interesting... You might be a low information voter. /Foxworthy
  2. The explanation will be Trump’s fault for Biden not participating in more debates. Likely something about not wanting to give Trump more time to lie to America.
  3. I’m sure the MN state AG will be all over this as well. 🙄
  4. Did those voters check the “Last Wishes” box on the ballot? If so, I think it has to count.
  5. Socialism is her goal. Climate change is the vehicle that will take her there. She will take some time, prostrate herself at the alter of climate change and come back to give you a new sermon that will end with the one true goal of socialism to save us all.
  6. This isn’t about playing election games to help Trump win. I want these #######s prosecuted. If that doesn’t happen before the election and Trump loses, it will never happen. People can tell me how thorough Barr and Durham are until they’re blue in the face, but if no one is prosecuted at the end of this because they couldn’t get it done before the election, then the whole thing has been a giant waste of time. They may say that they’re not working on a schedule and they will diligently follow the evidence and do everything correctly, but reality says there is definitely a ***** schedule and they better get their assess in gear.
  7. If nothing is coming before the election, they may as well shut this ***** show down. It’s been a giant waste of time and money to watch the same people that have been guilty of crimes continue to go free. To spend this time, effort, and money and have it come down to Trump’s chances of winning is complete bull####. Either piss or get off the pot.
  8. How much time did you spend searching for a shirt on pic just to torture her?
  9. The mythical place of eternal life we are to mock ACB for believing in also buried RGB? Geez, didn’t realize heaven had gotten so rough.
  10. Note the baby in the picture is black. I think the message is clear.
  11. Pretty sure that’s not satire. *Checks the Covid vs Trump thread* Nope that’s real.
  12. The first location raided did turn up money, drugs, and I believe guns. It wasn’t a mistake they were at her place. She was involved with the drug trade. She was named as someone holding the money for those dealing. Her idiot past boyfriend identified her as such in phone calls he made from jail. She rented a car that her drug dealing past boyfriend was using and one of his associates turned up dead in. Her drug dealing past boyfriend was still using her apartment as his listed address and was having his mail delivered there. They had surveillance of packages from the second location that was raided successfully going in and out of her place. You don’t hear that on the news though. “Drug dealer shot in raid” doesn’t gin up nearly as much drama and outrage as “27 year old black EMT shot to death in her sleep during a botched police raid.”
  13. I’m mostly pissed at the news on this subject. The past several months the local and national news have been reporting every story about Breonna under the sun regardless of truth. Half of the people upset about this STILL think the cops broke in and shot her in bed asleep. They also STILL think the cops were at the wrong address. Why? Because that’s what was initially reported for several weeks. Innocent, black, EMT, who was a good citizen was murdered in her sleep by police in a botched raid. I’m all for freedom of speech. But there also has to be some accountability when false stories are repeatedly presented as truth and no corrections are made clear.
  14. I believe there was a second warrant that had just been served at a separate and much higher risk location. I believe there was some need to have the timing of this warrant line up. But without knowing all of the factors involved in these warrants, the evidence, and the decision points along the way, I’ll withhold judgment on whether this was the best time or not to serve the warrant. Serving warrants is a dangerous job for all involved no matter the precautions taken. No one here knows what was discussed and what decisions were made in the planning leading up to this. Because there were possibilities for different decisions to be made, doesn’t mean that those possibilities weren’t evaluated and rejected based upon other information.
  15. With the above info and the fact the AG called her shooting a tragedy makes me lean towards human shield by the boyfriend.
  16. I think the charges originally confused the people in Kentucky. Many were left thinking, “No one’s wantin’ any endangerment.”
  17. Rumors: Rumor has it that the state AG here in KY has been moved out of his house to an undisclosed location in preparation for the announcement. People are expecting his house to burn. Rumor has it that the fbi investigation will show that Taylor was the one with gunpowder on her hands and therefore shot the cop. Rumor has it that the investigation will show the boyfriend used her as a shield. Rumor has it that the fired cop that shot through the house will be the one charged. Rumor has it that no one will be charged.
  18. The way we are preparing here in Louisville doesn’t seem like the protestors are going to be getting news they like. I’ve heard so many rumors about this case and the findings the last few weeks, I have no idea what’s true and what isn’t.
  19. Is it too much to ask for Trump to refer to Biden as Corn Pop throughout all the debates?
  20. Perhaps the elites are enjoying shutdowns that are wrecking the gains that the poor and minorities were enjoying under Trump’s economy?
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