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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Let's not forget also that in Brandon's 2 years as GM he drafted Byrd, Wood, Levitre, McKelvin an Stevie Johnson. I'm still having a hard time forgiving him for Maybin but those 5 players in 2 drafts isn't bad at all. I don't mind if he has a roll in the draft, he's proven he's capable.
  2. Baring any catostrophic injuries if Marrone finishes off with a worse record thank last year I can see him losing his job, I see Whaley as a no nonsense kind of guy who won't accept failure anymore.
  3. Again, Whaley will end up being the best thing to happen to the Bills in many years. Hopefully new ownership realizes this.
  4. I don't agree, sorry. I think Thad is a better QB, Tuel looked like garbage in the Browns game(I don't remember a Bills QB looking worse than that in quite a while) and the KC game e was vg at best.
  5. Brings back the old adage, "if you ain't cheating, you ain't tryin"
  6. The Bills will probably go 5 WR and put him a WR or two on the practice squad. Spiller, Freddy, Brown or Moekei can be used as a receiver in a pinch. I wouldn't be surprised to see Marrone keep 2 kickers taking up that extra spot. But out of the players in the poll I have a feeling about Roosevelt, the Bills seem to like the idea of homegrown talent, I think it's a good strategy too.
  7. I couldn't care less how it affects the Seahawks, just how it's going to affect us. And I'm guessing because we've been bad for so long it will affect us as refs tend to be easier on good teams.
  8. Well that Gilmores game, he's physical and tends to bump into and hold receivers so I'm guessing we'll get called on a lot I these.
  9. Agreed. If someone needs to know something like this so badly that they're upset at an outside entity they should probably take a look inward.
  10. The last sentence always makes me wonder why people think weed is not addictive. While you don't get the same type of withdrawals from marijuana they are still present, however because Cannabinoids bind to fat cells the withdrawals are slower and more subtle, this is why you can test positive for THC in a urinalysis for up to 30 after ingestion. It's the release of dopamine that makes it addictive. Think of the movie Half Baked, Jon Stewarts character who kept asking if they had ever seen such and such movie on weed. Weed makes things better because of a dopamine release, that's why music sounds better, movies are funnier and etc. once you take away the weed, things seem less interesting. The music doesn't change, just your experience, your brain recognizes that and it takes awhile of being sober for it to readjust. THATS addiction.
  11. I don't see that happening anytime in the near future. Roger was just answering a question based on a hypothetical scenario during SB week where both teams playing are from states that legalized it. I also think that the number of 50-60% using it in the NFL for "pain management" is ridiculous. People tend to lie to themselves when it comes to pain. I'm not disputing marijuanas ability to help with pain, just saying there are other ways to deal with it. My wife had a c-section and got by with ibuprofen 800, barely finishing half the bottle. A friend of mine just died of cancer and got through the pain without any narcotics, booze or weed for a couple of years before passing away. Not saying that pain management thru medication isn't an asset, just that there are other options and people are so convinced that they NEED narcotics and such that they sometimes exaggerate the pain. Not knocking it, hell I did for years. Again things like marijuana and narcotics are extremely helpful but not a necessity.
  12. I work in the field of addiction and treatment, I also am a recovering addict/alcoholic who had been sober of all substances for years now. Notice my screen name? I was a pothead when I came up with it, just qualifying. Marijuana maintnence for treating addiction is not a solution to anything, I don't care what youtube says, I don't care what NBC says, I'm telling you from my experience personally and professionally. I've seen thousands of people whose life was destroyed by addiction, thousands. And believe it or not a very large portion was indeed destroyed by marijuana. Now do I think it should be used as a medicine? Yep. Problem is too many people are full of crap when they see their doctor. Doctors are more the problem then the drugs. It's waaayyy too easy to manipulate a doctor for drugs, and there's usually no accountability. This I know from both personal and professional experience also. I understand you believe in the wonders of pot, that's great but people used to believe in the wonders of opium, coca and etc.... You know how that ended up.
  13. I got ran over by Fred Taylor once. Once.(the rest of the game he just ran by me)
  14. Haha I don't miss that guy a bit. He used to get on my nerves.
  15. Why? What if you were diagnosed(God forbid) with testicular cancer? Would you be okay with your boss telling people before you decided you wanted people to know? I know this is an extreme example but I think it makes the point. Whaley says he's got an illness, maybe Glenn and/or the doctors don't want it disclosed yet, maybe he'd like to talk to family before the media reports it. Then again maybe it's nothing and the team and Glenn are just being precautious.
  16. Ehhh he might be respecting Cordys privacy. Fans don't necessarily have the right to know anything.
  17. I think a London team is an absolutely terrible idea.
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