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Pirate Angel

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Everything posted by Pirate Angel

  1. We should take him right after a O lineman, a D Lineman, a linebacker, a tightend, a fullback, another o lineman, than if hes still on the board
  2. I billieve Marv is a intelligent man, when he promised that nate would not be franchised at the end of this year, that he has every intention of resigning him, because it is just to foolish to let him go for nothing, losing this much talent at a crucial position is a huge step in the wrong direction for a team that should be making a serious run at the playoffs next year
  3. however Jason Taylor has more victories over tom brady
  4. Right guard is the major concern, Gandy is a solid affordable starter at LG.
  5. I dont think they are going to resign Kelsay and Hargrove, Considering the Kelsay really isnt an improvement over Denny and Hargrove played well, hargrove will be cheaper and someone will pay alot more money for Kelsay
  6. I wish you graded my homework when I was in school. Robert Royal was not a good tight end this year, Did you see Tennessee game where he leaped out of bounds, or all the passes he dropped this year. This should be one of our main areas to try and upgrade in the offseason. You're right on Takeo where he gets an A - as in absent he really has no impact this season
  7. London Plays hard but must of his tackles are in persuit, he had a good year with 4 picks, but he rarely ever stuffs a play at or behind the line of srimmage. The focus needs to be on resigning Clements as quality corners are much harder to find than middle linebackers, Kelsay really picked up his level of play this year and he should be prioritized over London. London did alot of good things here but the bucks need to be spent elsewhere
  8. ALan Ricard was on our roster last summer to push shelton, he didnt make the team, probly not an upgrade
  9. I agree Clements is to money hungry to even consider the possibility of his return, I remember Pat Williams was willing to take a pay cut to stay in Buffalo and TD let him go anyway, Clements is anything but willing to take less money.
  10. I agree he may not be a completely dominent player but he is 3rd in the NFL in sacks 2nd in the AFC and 2nd amoung DE, ahead of Jason Taylor, So saying that he is not undeserving of a probowl is as stupid as writing a post that bashes a very good player. Schobel isnt getting alot of help either, our DT's or more 3rd down alternates than everydown players, Kelsay and Denney are improving but both our streaky. I dont know if youve noticed this but when one team has a very good player such as aaron schobel, the other team will gameplan for him and many times they are taken out of a game by the LT getting chip blocks from a RB or a TE or even a double team, this takes away attention from other defensive players, unfortunatley, like I said before we dont have a player on our defensive front other than schobel that can take advantage of this. If you watched the game on Sunday you also may have noticed that Vince Young is kinda fast, pretty moblie, and rediculously good for a rookie, I think alot of players around the league may have a hard time sacking him. Everyones entitled to there own opinion i suppose
  11. The Differance this year has brought is that we have a strong nucleus of young players, that not only gained experiance but won a fair amount of games, years past we had a group of 2nd tier veterans that where moreless patchworked together, now we have something real to build on
  12. good post the draft is the most overrated event in sports, anyone who thinks a team should intentionally lose a game for a better draft position should be Tarred and Feathered. Obviously Marv and Co. know way more about professional football than anyone on this message board they did a beatiful job drafting a solid core of players last year, Hopefully they can have the same results in the upcoming draft
  13. Dick Jauron was in Detroit last year so I guess he would know if these guys are worth a shot or not
  14. Lindell is not a good clutch kicker never has been, remember the colts game he missed a much shorter field goal in a DOME when the game was on the line, he wasnt even close, choke!
  15. If Royal had gotten both feet in, which there was no reason for him not to, the TiTans would have had to big of a hole to crawl out of,
  16. I was really hoping he would make a dumb rookie mistake, but he failed to deliver
  17. Applying this logic would negate the topic that these people can B word about for a week
  18. Jauron doesnt call the plays on offense
  19. What a great cleaning staff the stadium has
  20. you kiddin me it wasnt a turnstile or a revolving door but a welcome mat to our backfield
  21. FB Carwell Gardner WR James Lofton, DOn Bebee DT Ted Washington
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