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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Electoral Vote: Bush: AL(9), AK(3), AR(6), AZ(10), GA(15), WV(5), WY(3), TX(34), UT(5), VA(13), NV(5), OK(7), SC(8), SD(3), TN(11), IN(11) ID(4), KS(6), KY(8), LA(9), MO(11), MS(6), MT(3), NC(15), ND(3), NE(5), NM(5), FL(27), OH(20), CO(9), IA(7), MN(10), HI(4), NH(4), PA(21) Kerry: DC(3), DE(3), OR(7), RI(4), VT(3), WA(11), IL(21), MA(12), MD(10), ME(4), CA(55), CT(7), NJ(15), NY(31), MI(17), WI(10) Bush: 325 Kerry: 213
  2. Hawaii is a dead heat. Twice they have voted for the Republican in the Aloha state. 1972, a mid-term drubbing of the Communist McGovern by Nixon. 1984, Reagan destroys Mondale. Hawaii, in a bit of an upset, will go to Bush, and Kommandant Kerry can run back to Massachusetts. And perhaps hide from his wife, Mommie Dearest.
  3. Now that's thinning out the herds......
  4. I think, in time, this will be Donahoe's best move with the Buffalo Bills.....acquiring JP.
  5. I think this election falls 3 ways..... 1. Bush close win 2. Kerry close win 3. Bush comfortably The whole upper midwest should have been in Kerry's pocket, yet every state is nearly a dead heat. A last minute dispatch out to Hawaii???
  6. Nope.....the return of one AntQuotient Baldwin will be Buffalo's demise. 8 catches, 150 yards, 2 touchdowns.
  7. Blasphemous!!!!! You spelled Kelly's name wrong. I will never forget Jim Kelly leading a football team to 4 straight championship games. Just like I will unfortunately never forget the lackluster buffoonery put on display by one Drew Bledsoe. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  8. This sounded eerily like Carter's malaise speech.
  9. I've read this article previously. Many good points. I believe some of it would ring true. Still curious what made John Kerry run for the presidency of the USA in the first place. Beyond personal gain and assuaging an ego. John Kerry is too dangerous an individual to be running this nation. If he wants to take over for Goofy Annan at the Nutjob HQ residing next to the East river, by all means, go for it. Kerry realistically won't earn his way into the job of POTUS. He may be lucky enough to find people stupid enough to vote for him, but it's not because he actually earned his way in. Here we are, 5 days before the election, and Kerry is hounding on a story conjured up by the UN/NY Times and IAEA in the last gasp of a campaign completely run on negativity. Kerry isn't out there touting his record in the Senate. He isn't out there talking about any bill he may have sponsored that was helpful to people in more than just a governmentally bloated way, but a real honest to goodness piece of legislation that a broad spectrum of Americans would be agreeable with. No, Kerry hasn't done that. We would barely know he was ever a Senator. What did he ever accomplish in the senate and why aren't privy to anything he may have accomplished there. Or has he had his thumb up his ass for 19 years? It must be real difficult to keep your congressional seat as a Democrat in Taxachusetts. What record is Kerry running on? If he were to become President, who is he going to complain to then? The military? Military higher-ups? People in the Pentagon? Why do I get the feeling that many in the military will resign under a Kerry presidency? After all, from what I know and have seen from this buffoon all year long is that he needs SOMEONE, ANYONE to point the finger at. Hell, he made fun of his running mate way back when. "Gee, I think John Edwards was in diapers when the Vietnam war was going on." Maybe Kerry can point it at his wife.....who will become the most disgraceful first lady in this nation's history. John Kerry felt his first wife had enough to blame to take, as he annulled their marriage. 300 million wasn't good enough. Gotta step it up to 700 million, even if my two daughters become bastardized in the process. No scruples, no morals, no integrity, no class and most importanly, no record to run on. And this assclown might be sitting at 1600 PA Ave. come January. I'll wish him nothing but failure, and I'm sure he won't disappoint. I believe John Kerry would fail in Iraq, fail against Al Qaeda and let the War on Terror be fought here on the homefront. And who would Al Qaeda attack? Those in large east and west coast, liberal cities. The irony. If Kerry can't make decisive decisions on more trivial matters, we're going to allow him to fight the War on Terror? Seriously? Like he is going to have a clear and concise plan for Iraq. He and Lockhart have already undermind Allawi. Do you think Allawi is looking forward to working with John Kerry? Is Kerry so stupid he thinks the nitwits Schroeder and Frenchy are going to get involved in Iraq??? Think again Botox boy. Kerry's Iraq policy will end up so muddled, he'll be changing his strategy on it on a daily basis. Ol Theresa will be hooked up to a morphine drip in the Lincoln bedroom. If this is what America wants.....hey by all means, vote for it. But IMO, you do that at your own peril. Won't be an ounce of sympathy coming from this direction. You reap what you sow.
  10. I'm not sure why Buffalo franchises tend to make an error in judgment and then continue with it.....It's like deliberately steering the Titanic into the iceberg because you want to test out the strength of the steel on the ship. Donahoe's hanging on of Bledsoe is akin to Regier's hanging on of Connolly and Pyatt. "BY GEORGE WE WILL SEE THIS THING THROUGH.......SINK OR SINK!!!!!!!!" Always think back to Sam Elliott in "Gettysburg" with his classic lines about what's about to go down......"MOVE IT ALONG......HELP IT FAIL!!!!"
  11. How about Spikes? For the eldsters, it's a paycheck. Can't imagine many fa would want to show up on this sinking ship. Especially in those hospital orderly uniforms they wore in Baltimore.
  12. Maybe somebody could let the air out of his tires on Sunday morning? Wouldn't this sort of fall under the "Cutting Drew with Dignity" category?
  13. Well, I get tix through a connection of mine.....lol Wayyyyyy to pricey. But I end up taking Baltimore's trolly down to the game.....so I rarely ever see any tailgating, since the trolly pretty much passes by the parking lots. Even that has its advantages and disadvantages. My obvious pre-game preference would be in Orchard Park though. No question. Game experience? Baltimore is more of a rival to Buffalo in that regard.
  14. Your comments ring pretty hollow. That's like saying Bills fans are in a waiting line to get seasons tickets at Pro Joe Player Robbie stadium. Boring crowd? You mean they weren't peeing and puking on people in the end zone? That kind of boring? Oh well....Baltimore has mostly shed a blue collar image.
  15. I saw a great game down there.....1999 I think.....Baltimore vs Tennessee, the year Tennessee went to the Super Bowl. Baltimore came back, Rod Woodson iced it with a late interception for touchdown. I think it is a very nice stadium that they have in Baltimore. Never been to FedEx, but maybe next year I'll make a trek down there to see a game....if I can get tickets.
  16. The Bills pretty much HATE Monday Night Football. Mutual hate. Hey, the Bills have themselves to blame. They took their own team off the nation's radar. You reap what you sow. It was the Bills franchise itself that took its own team off the nation's radar. Now they are a mere regional franchise. Ralphie didn't want anymore MNF games. When was the last one, 1994???
  17. I've only sat in the lower bowl section at the Ravens stadium. I must say, the upper decks look quite "cloud-scraping". The more unique feature at the Ravens stadium is having an upper deck in the end zone. That looks cool, but a bit odd, considering the Bills stadium doesn't have that.
  18. Uhhhhhhh, where do we start here..... Ravens fans are not Redskins fans in waiting, or whatever weird idea you have there. People in Baltimore pretty much despise any and all Washington teams.....especially the Redskins over any other. There's a history of hatred there, going back to the days of Washington football owners who did what they could to circumvent any chance of a Baltimore football team. When the Colts arrived that finally changed. No.....Ravens fans and Baltimore people in general hate the Redskins. Does tailgating suck? It's not good, certainly not the same as Orchard Park. Some of it exists, but not a lot. Most of it occurs under that monstrosity of elevated highways in between Camden Yards and the football stadium. I guess it depends on the game.....but I have been at the bank stadium where the Baltimore fans can generate as much noise as at Rich Stadium. Maybe it's easier to generate noise in the bank stadium because the stands are a bit more steep. The upper decks look much closer to one another than Rich Stadium. The stadium itself is quite nice. Needs a few more bathrooms, but plentiful space in the concourses. Overall, inside the stadium looks pretty nice. Field looks really good.....top of the line scoreboards. Overall game presentation is quite good. The prices are the poor thing about the Ravens franchise. Otherwise I think they put on a pretty good show. Boring? No......I don't agree with that at all. I have been to enough games at Rich Stadium in the past few years where "boring" was the theme of the entire day.
  19. You can't blame Democrats for going back to the well once every 4 years to grab the Black vote. If they can keep it, they'll do that. I'm not sure what promises Democrats made to Blacks now or in the past that has Blacks casting votes on the D line all the time. After all those wonderful social programs for the last, nearly 40 years.....gee I would have expected some great improvements in urban society. All those new schools, new homes, improved infrastructure....it's all there.....right? Or maybe when I trek down Walden Ave., I'm only seeing a mirage, or the sun is blinding or something. Hats off to the Blacks in Buffalo who have improved their lot in life through neighborhood groups, small business startups, and using initiative to move forward. Does anyone have the actual (monetary) price tag of LBJ's programs? So much money, so very little accomplished. The cities in the northeast, many of them are headed for downright failure. Just bleeding away a very slow and agonizing death. Cleveland is America's poorest big city. Buffalo is run by a financial control board overseen by statewide twits. Baltimore's school system is a financially bankrupt monstrosity. Pittsburgh is running out of money. Might declare bankruptcy. Mayor wants to get tubby in Harrisburg to save his town through slot machines. It's been bad in the northeast for a long time.....but now many of these cities are about to have the plug pulled on them....all at the same time. There's a real big friggin mess on the horizon here.
  20. Martin Prince..... when Richard Seymour took the ball away from Drew, Princeslow exclaimed, MY RAISIN ROUNDIES!!!!!
  21. Maybe TP can go back to ESPN, take emails from dorky fans and wink at Fatty Berman. Back where he belongs. B)
  22. I just bought Bethlehem Steel.....we're going to get the mill up and running again. Screw Gecko and his little call center in Amherst.
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