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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Is that really navy blue or a black jersey? Why do the numbers on the home jersey look like they are ready-made for a high school game? Is it because this team operates at a high school level of proficiency? Has anyone noticed that this team has totally sucked major ass since these new crapass uniforms came into being? I remember what some of you dreamers here were saying the last few years.....OH NOW......JUST WAIT DERE OL CHAZ.....WHEN DAT DERE BILLZ TEEM WIN DAT DERE OL SOOPER BULL.....WHY YOU WONT CAARE A DANG DIDDLY DANG BOUT NO DARN DERE OL UNEEFORM.
  2. There was little or no pressure.....but Bledsoe ran prematurely, up the middle, minimal gain..wasted drive. Maybe he has nightmares of Mo Lewis nearly ending his career back in 2001. That play was just being a Nervous Nellie. I don't know.....maybe Gary Marangi and Dan Darragh played as miserably.....
  3. Maybe Donahoe meant.....".....continue to develop and continue to groan"
  4. You're right, they are wrong, but not in the way you think they are wrong. Zogby is as far left a pollster as their is.....considered among the mainstream type pollsters. If Kerry can only reach a 42 in Ohio, in a Zogby poll of all things......Kerry's f****d.
  5. Look out for Andre Wadsworth and Eric Swann..... Who the hell is on the Arizona D Line?
  6. You want Ouch? How bout this for ouch......Kerry's pollster pen pal, left leaning Zogby just took a crap on him. Floriduh: 10/21 - 10/24 Bush 49, Kerry 46 Ohio: 10/21 - 10/24 Bush 47, Kerry 42 Pennsyltucky: 10/21 - 10/24 Bush 45, Kerry 47 Wisconsin: 10/21 - 10/24 Bush 48, Kerry 45 Iowa: 10/21 - 10/24 Bush 47, Kerry 45 Minnehaha: 10/21 - 10/24 Bush 45, Kerry 46 Michigan: 10/21 - 10/24 Bush 42, Kerry 52 New Mexico: 10/21 - 10/24 Bush 49, Kerry 44 Nevada: 10/21 - 10/24 Bush 48, Kerry 44 Colorado: 10/21 - 10/24 Bush 45, Kerry 49 Maine: 10/21 - 10/22 Bush 39, Kerry 50 Other polls: Hawaii SMS Research: Bush 46, Kerry 45 Honolulu Advertiser: Bush 43.3, Kerry 42.6 I don't think Kerry is going to like the polls his boy Zogby just produced. Especially the numbers in Ohio.
  7. I'll prolly say worse stuff, so he's not worth the time......lol......I did contact the FBI.....gave them the URL. Who knows what happens. I've contacted the FBI before when people have let their loose lips sinks ships.....when they advocated assassination. Bush should say to Brooker....."You can run, but you can't hide!" LOL
  8. Leon Willis McGahee Leon don't play that tacklin game..... WHACHOO TALKIN BOUT WILLIS?????
  9. The KC game is the starting point.....well, pretty much the starting point for the failures of this team. What's disgusting about this team is that they have hit 20 points but once this season. ONCE!!!!! And even then they needed a special teams TD to get to 20!!!!! How absolutely friggin horrible can a team be. Simply friggin amazing. If you were to just count the offensive points scored by this team, this year.....Here's what you have week by week: 10 - 10 - 10 - 14 - 13 - 6 I think I'd rather be in a sugar-induced diabetic coma than seeing this weekly tripe anymore.
  10. Buffalo Bills A record of 3-12 since last year's Sunday night debacle in Kansas City. Weekly record: 2003 Week 8 - 5-38 @ Kansas City, Bledsoe 3 picks Week 10 - 6-10 @ Dallas.....104 yards passing Week 11 - 10-12 vs Houston......2 field goals, 2 safeties! Week 12 - 14-17 vs Indianapolis Week 13 - 24-7 @ NY Giants.......24 POINTS!!!!!! A WIN!!!!! ON THE ROAD EVEN!!!! Week 14 - 17-6 vs NY Jets......Holy Ravioli......back to back wins!!!!!!! Week 15 - 26-28 @ Tennessee......A loss, but we iz almoos at da 30 point marker! Week 16 - 3-20 vs Miami.........OOOOOFF! Week 17 - 0-31 @ New England......12-29 for 83 yards in 3 quarters A quality 2-7 mark to finish out the year......Things are looking good for 2004. 2004 arrives Week 1 - 10-13 vs Jacksonville......dat dang diddly dang Clements!!!!! Week 2 - 10-13 @ Oakland.......Iddly......Simpsons kids......Iddly......BIDDILY DIDDILY!!!!!!! Ned.......all religions are aboot the same..........DAMN FLANDERS!!!!! Week 4 - 17-31 vs New England......10 offensive points.....Bledsoe's infamous and beautiful giveaway to Richard Seymour Butts. Week 5 - 14-16 @ NY Jets........2 TOUCHDOWN PASSES!!!!!!! I BET SEE BS'S GRIDIRON GURU SAYS THAT DREWFUL IS WORTH STARTING ON MAH PHANTASY TEAM NOW!!!!!!!1 Week 6 - 20-13........A win!!!!!!! A win!!!!!!! First of the year......3rd win in 14 games!!!!!! First time reaching the 20 point barrier in 7 games.......but we'll take it!!!!!!! Even though the offense really only produced 13 points!!!!!! Week 7 - 6-20 @ Baltimore.......4 PICKS BABY!!!!!! BACK TO THE DREWSOME THAT WE ALL KNOW AND LOVE!!!!!!!! Past 15 games......the Bills have scored 182 gorgeous points!!!!! A stupendous average of 12 points per game!!!!!!!!! Don't ever sell Donahoe and Friends short. They give you your money's worth and THEN SOME!!!!!
  11. Ole Woebegone Drew Bledsoe.....put in the category with the Dan Darragh's, Vince Ferragamo's, Billy Joe Hobert's and Gary Marangi's of the world.
  12. Brunell.....there's another.....just like Bledsoe.....career-wise flirts with being good, in the end, always disappoints.
  13. LOL, that's a standard to be held up to. People in Baltimore are bitching because they let Lord Byron Leftwich take his wares elsewhere. Bledsoe is just in their for comedic effect now. He doesn't disappoint in that regard.
  14. Exactly.....we've seen enough of Groundhog Day with the Statue. Move along Statue.....either to the bench or into retirement. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. Drew Bedsore was doing his best Frank Wycheck impersonation...... Home Run Trow Bak Ta Lee Hamilton Evans.....cause deres a penaltah.....it's a free play. Let's get cutesie and trow a liddle ladderal tingy over heeahr to Lee. Gotta appreciate Bedsore's weekly comedy.......
  16. You're right, he forgot to mention the brilliance of Drew Bedsore's QB keeper in the first half.....BRILLIANT!!!!! Bedsore had all the blocking he needed.....at least from watching in the first half. But he's a physically slow, washed up has been. No wait.....he was a "never was". Isn't that what the Sports Guy at ESPN called Bedsore? A "Never Was"??? LOL
  17. ding ding ding.....we haff a winnah! DREW BLEDSOE SUX0R!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Deion Sanders, waltzin into the end zone......LOL Way to go Statue with the drug-induced play action passing. You're about as fast as that dude in GTA when he runs into the on-screen "pill". Another day of hilarity from Drew Bledsoe......another day to take in the results of the worst trade in Buffalo sports history.
  18. Schobel is going to end up at the Domino Sugar plant on the other side of the Inner Harbor.
  19. uhhhhhh huh huh....he said "run" and "Drew" in the same sentence.
  20. I have a bad feeling about Bledsoe in this game. I think it's gonna be KO time.
  21. Paige Hopkins ain't too shabby...... but Juliet Huddy Duddy has been a Hoddy for over a year.....I usually tune in early in the morning in the hopes she will make an appearance.
  22. If there's anything good and decent on this rock.....several thousand Red Sox fans will be attaching cement blocks to their ankles and taking a plunge into the Chalkie river in aboot a week's time.
  23. Isn't that Jane Skinner girl from the Buffalo area?
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