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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Not to scare anyone, but wasn't Whitner out this week for personal reasons? Anyone know what that was about? Not intending to spread rumors here--don't know anything at all about this, but am just answering your question.
  2. I completely agree, especially on your "especially" since that would be a whole year for him--our other guys would only get 4 games now that Hargrove's gone. Personally, this has also got me wondering if perhaps this is why Matt Light of the Pats* isn't practicing for undisclosed reasons--Rodney did the same thing last summer before his suspension IIRC.
  3. I'll ask you, a-wipe--did you watch the game? If not, STFU, and I only use such harsh language to you due to your non-PC comments about "retards" (in my view, anyone who uses that term devalues no one but himself in the eyes of others--I'm willing to bet that you don't have the fortune of knowing anyone who's handicapped, otherwise you'd never use that term, even on a message board). Hey, smart guy, speaking of betting I'll make you a $1000 educational credential bet (mine against yours) with you straight up--want to take that bet? You called me a "retard" after all. Back to the subject. I did watch those games--all 3 of them and the Pats* look bad. Admittedly, without Brady, Light or Neal, but (a) Neal will be out at least the first 6 weeks on the PUP (Hochstein, his backup, will also likely be out), (b) no one knows what the deal with Light is or when he'll be back and © Brady's attitude this year in terms of practice has been a bit iffy (frolicking with Gisele, etc.). Furthermore, does Brady play D? Their D has been what's really stunk, and that's been with most of their starters playing (as originally noted, last night it was missing only AD and Warren and they got manhandled). I'm not saying that it means they'll suck this year--I wouldn't put it past BB for this all to be an act, but one never knows, and that's why they play the games....
  4. Remember the Raiders a few years back--went from 13-3 to 3-13 seemingly overnight? That's what I fervently hope happens here--it would be well-deserved. Have you actually watched them play at all this pre-season? Most of the starters are playing (ex-Brady, Thomas, Light and Neal), but there really seems to be no spark. They just look flat, old and slow. Perhaps a full serving of reading their own press clippings in the off-season. If Belicheat is trying to feign suckiness to the rest of the league to catch us all by surprise (always a possibility with that piece of work) they're doing it very well.... PS It was hysterical hearing their own fans booing them roundly at halftime this last game, showing once again that they're the biggest bandwagon riders in the history of sports.....
  5. Some interesting stats-- Halftime score--24-3 halftime yardage-- Eagles 242, Pats* 56 Eagles also had a TD after a long drive nullified and the ball turned over to NE on an iffy call that the Eagles receiver was bobbling the ball going in. Should have been 31-3 at half. Pats* defenders (all starter except Warren and Thomas, as best I could tell) were getting pushed all over the place and their secondary just rotted. As for the Pats* fans' claims that they're plain vanilla for the pre-season, their first play was a reverse to Moss (that got snuffed in the backfield), so tell me another one. Best for last--remember that famous move of Pats* tackles on pass plays, you know, when they basically tackle the DE on the way to Brady? The one that never seems to get called despite being obvious holding and that gets used about 10 times a game? Well, they actually called it on Britt this game--go figure.....
  6. ...and the Pats fans are freaking out. I,for one, am loving it. Apparently their starters look like crap. I can't wait to watch on NFLN tomorrow.....
  7. That's funny--I did the same thing this weekend at the same price. This site's been in business for several years--there was an article about them in the NYT right before the Colts-Bears SB so I hope they're legit, but if not, it's only $107 down the drain..... Here's the NYT Article: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/28/sports/f...amp;oref=slogin
  8. Pats* sucked all around tonight--here's hoping it continues for at least another month or two.....
  9. Vrabel is 33. As for AD (as they call him), I thought he kind of disappeared last year--certainly not worth the large chunk of cash they gave him, IMHO. Remember they also lost Colvin from last year's D, along with Seau (for now, but I suspect he'll be back), Samuel, Gay (their 3rd CB) and their 2nd string safety who logged a lot of minutes (and who's name escapes me). With their front 3 it depends on which Richard Seymour shows up--he's a bit inconsistent. Wilfork is also due for a "karma adjustment"--he's the one guy in the League I might wish an injury on. Rodney's 35 and Lynch is 37--the rest of their secondary is Ellis Hobbs, Fernando Bryant (31--old for a corner), James Sanders, the sucky for a first rounder Brandon Meriweather and 2nd round rookie Wheatley. Why, if you listen to Pats* fans they're even counting on help from Jason Webster (I've told them he won't last 3 games, as Falcons fans told us last summer). I think they're secondary is going to flat out stink--if you can keep their front 7 off your QB you'll have your way with them. Big order, but not impossible. I also stand by my view that if you can grind it out against these guys and keep them on the field they will get steamrolled in the late 3rd and 4th Q, when their age starts to show. Getting back to the topic of this thread--if something happens to Tommy Boy long-term, I think the Pats will be lucky to win 9 games with their current backups and this D.
  10. Don't forget Seau, who Pats* fans seem to think is still going to come back--ahh, ain't HGH a wonderful drug?.....
  11. Because they're cheating dirtbags (but what else is new?) KrazyKat---I might agree with the 10-6 or 11-5 if they had a decent backup, but the guys they've got absolutely suck. Just watch tonight in Brady's absence. If you can't get Randy and Welker the ball, what good are they, and with their banged up o-line (Light and Neal have yet to practice this summer, for ex.) plus much more 8 in the box, just watch Maroney and Jordan try to get out of the backfield. Then flip around and see the result on their aging D of actually having to spend more time on the field that would be the result of decreased offensive production and you'd see those guys sucking wind by halftime. IMHO, it would be hysterical how quickly downhill that team would go if something happened to Tommy Boy (or Randy, for that matter) for an extended period.
  12. Vince Wilfork might be the one guy I'd root for an injury for. Last season that POS was the dirtiest player in football, hands down.....
  13. Cassel and Gutierrez were atrocious last week--absolutely horrible. BB's arrogance won't let him admit that the whole "Matt Leinart's backup" idea is a huge bust and so they've done nothing to go out and get a real backup capable of preserving a winning season for them if Brady goes down. Moronic considering that they're doing things like signing John Lynch for the price they could have gotten a backup left Leftwich, who'd be capable of winning 12 games with that team if Tommy Boy went down.....
  14. http://www.patsfans.com/new-england-patrio...ead.php?t=98228 Hope you all find this as interesting as I do. Not rooting for injuries, mind you (I never do), but it looks like one may have already happened to the Golden Child. If that's the case (or if he somehow does get hurt this year), those guys are royally f*cked--have you seen their backup QB play? Why they didn't go for Leftwich or C-Pep I'll never know, but Brady truly is an MVP with that team and without him I'd honestly put them at about .500. Interesting camp as well there in that a bunch of their starters and O-line guys have barely practiced in TC this summer (including Matt Light, Stephen Neal, Mike Vrabel, for ex.). Maybe just some new way to cheat, but even their finds are finding it all a bit odd......
  15. I just rewatched the first few series and it seemed to me like the Steelers were blitzing--wouldn't that indicate that they were doing more than just playing "plain vanilla" themselves? Sounds like sour grapes to me......
  16. Anyone hear any more on this? That could be the only bad thing to come out of a great game last night.....
  17. George Wilson has been a special teams demon tonight--he seems to be around the ball every ST play.....
  18. Incroyable, as the French would say!! Way to go, O!!! Man, I'm pumped for the season!!!!
  19. http://www.profootballtalk.com/2008/08/10/...ng-to-san-fran/ TKO to join Willis with the Niners.....
  20. So you think the Peters hold out will continue? I'm not quite sure that Jason wants to lose $3 million he'd get for playing this year, but we'll see. Showing up real ate (i.e., Week 1) and out of shape, now that's a real possibility in my mind.....
  21. Especially considering (a) our opponent had already played one pre-season game, (b) I believe Washington played most, if not all, of its starters in the 1st Q, especially on O, unlike the Bills, who were missing Peters, Reed, McGee, Crowell and Whitner (and it also looked to me like Stroud didn't play all of the first two series even), I don't think this game was as bad as some of you think. For ex., the two penalties on O in the 1st Q were by Kirk Chambers (shouldn't be on the field) and Walker (playing out of his natural position). Edwards did look rusty, but even there, one of his passes was dropped by Schouman and another incomplete looked like the result of a rookie non-starter not recognizing the play (which Hardy seemed to acknowledge in his sideline interview). I'd have like to see them play better, but I'm not panicking yet.....
  22. Other than that play just now when he sat on the route and forced Collins to throw it away.....
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