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Everything posted by MattM

  1. I cant' wait for some revenge on this POS team.....
  2. If you watch the play prior to what I suspect is a career ending injury, it's good to see that Rodney went out as he played most of his career--he's giving someone the business late after the whistle.....
  3. I was going to say the exact same thing, especially about that alleged OPI. That was complete crap--notice also that the announcers said that the flag came in "late" (i.e., after the 20 yard catch) even though the alleged penalty occured at the LOS or thereabouts. What garbage--they really need to investigate some of the officials officiating these Pats* games. Anyone ever seen this guy tonight before, for ex?.
  4. Anyone know if there are buses from downtown to the stadium? That way you can see the city itself on Saturday and still get to the game, as it looks like Arrowhead is a ways out of the way from downtown.
  5. Happy B-day Mr. W, and many happy (Super Bowl) returns!!!!
  6. Even when Brady's back next year, I think that team is no better than 9-7 or 10-6, if that. Too many geezers and their recent drafts have left a ton to be desired.....
  7. I think it was helmet-to-helmet contact and I think Wilson should have gotten a flag. I don't, however, think it was intent to injure (which makes it much different than the Wilfork case last year).....
  8. Not too tough to do, especially the first part.....
  9. The Glazer family who you're referring to actually lives in Rochester, believe it or not. Too bad they already own an NFL franchise.....
  10. Does this confident talk scare anyone else, or is it just me?
  11. My dad and I are making the trip--which reminds me, I need to look into the plane ticks and hotel.....
  12. It really is "Bizzarro World" over there, no doubt about it--they are the biggest bunch of homers EVER and brook no dissent or even reasonable discussion. I, too, have been banned over there in different incarnations many times, usually for just politely pointing out facts that don't happen to jibe with their warped view of reality (like once on how Bob Kraft was on the Goodell selection committee and was a big Goodell backer, or several times on Spygate). Ask any unbiased observer and they'll tell you that Wilfork's hit was clearly dirty and an intent to injure. Ask any unbiased fan about Pollard's hit and they'll tell you it was a clean hit after he'd been blocked to the ground he was trying to get to the QB. BTW, if hitting a QB low is illegal, how many of those same asswipes were cheering Mike Vrabel's uncalled low leg whip against Philip Rivers in last year's playoff game I wonder?
  13. http://www.jaguars.com/news/article.aspx?id=7217 Confirmed on Jax site. I also found it interesting that Tutan Reyes will be one of their starters at guard on Sunday--anyone else remember him?
  14. I completely agree--especially with respect to TR. If he had the power no way he'd do it that way--he was too classy of a guy. If we get a few extra odd bounces our way this year, however, well, that wouldn't surprise me. Rest in peace, Tim, you are still missed. I still haven't been able to bring myself to watch "Meet the Press" this election season....
  15. We'll see about that after next week--if it's the same D as showed up in preseason, you're going to be in for a long year, Brady or no......
  16. And on the Pats* message boards they think this is the greatest signing since they got Randy Moss for peanuts last year--he's two years removed from being a playmaker or having decent numbers and lost his starting job last year to a rookie, but who knows, maybe he'll pan out for them, much like Fernando Bryant and Jason Webster did....
  17. http://www.nfljuice.com/2008/08/29/breakin...miss-2-4-games/ While I tend to doubt this myself (seems like we'd have heard more about it elsewhere somehow, as that seems like a big thing to keep secret, even for the Lords of Darkness), I found it on a Pats* message board. If by some miracle it's true, I could see them losing to even KC and I could see them getting absolutely smashed by the Jets. Good times, good times.....
  18. Why not, she's got about as much relevant experience as Sarah Palin?
  19. In years past Rochester transit used to run buses between Roch and the stadium, but apparently this year they aren't due to some dispute with Laidlaw. Anyone know of any other bus companies that are making that run? Muchas gracias in advance.....
  20. A bit surprised about the Bryant cut by the Pats*--he and Webster both got the ax before the season. Pretty funny, too, considering how thin they are at the position. Teams may be able to rack up some good yards on them through the air this season.....
  21. If you read above, I was answering the guy's question about whether any Bills were out this week for unexplained reasons. That's all--I was trying very specifically to say that while Whitner was out this week for personal reasons, I don't know if that had anything to do with any of the suspension talk and am very glad that someone later on said that it was for a different reason apparently. In the post way above, I do recall Rodney not practicing last year before the announcement on his ban (and some recent chatter on Pats* fans boards mentioned this as well in the context of concern about some of their other guys who don't seem to be practicing for unexplained reasons--although with the Pats* that may just be because they're tightlipped about injuries.)
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