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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. A (franchise) tag and trade is not out of the question. In this case, both parties would be happy. Nate would go to the skins (or whoever) and make huge bucks and we would get a draft pick. No one would be offended or left bitter. This would NOT leave the bills org with a black eye or turn off future free agents.
  2. Yeah. I don't think he realized it. I don't give him that much credit.
  3. This is crap...and the TD lovefest continues.
  4. He wants them athletic and to have long arms.
  5. Fine. But, we need to add a legitimate RB onto our roster for next year. I don't care if he comes from the 7th round or NFL Europe, but he must be able to legitimately compete with Willis (and hopefully beat him out). Willis needs to know that he must be the better RB of the two. If not, he rides the pine. You cannot sit on the bench your contract year or you will watch the prospect of signing a lucrative deal go down the drain. Then after the season, we wish him luck. I am sick of the dancing.
  6. Well, with the 27th ranked rushing offensive this season, we definitely have room for improvement. And contract year motivation sickens me. These people are making millions. Is the potential to make 20 mil instead of 15 mil their only motivation? And if this is the case, what happens the year after the contract year? Willis's motivation and numbers go into the pooper? We might as well just draft a replacement now. They can both share the field for one year while Willis gains motivation to leave. Face it, we need to address the RB position either now or next year. Why is it when we draft a CB with the intention of having our current starter leave, nobody bats an eyelash? I was very jealous watching the playoffs this year. I was watching teams actually run the ball for first downs. Also, excellent RBs will also help the defense. By chewing up the clock, they keep the defense off the field, resting.
  7. The defensive line and O-line can both be fixed by FAs, although a linebacker would be nice with F-B on the way out. And how is having the ability to run the ball sexy? Like Marv say, you need to be able to run and stop the run. A RB, when we have an inadequate running game, is not a "sexy" pick, but more of a neccessity. A WR, TE, DE, FB, QB would be a sexy pick.
  8. My thoughts: 1) Willis's off-field activities have nothing to do with his non-production on the field. Comments aside, he can't get it done. 2) There is nothing wrong with having children out of wedlock IF you are going to be involved in their lives. No, Willis is not an axe murderer, but he is perpetuating a problem we have in this society. I personally work with African American mothers and their children in a very poor area of a large east coast city. It is rare for me to have a meeting with BOTH parents. It is always the mother and the children - no father to be found. Whose fault is this - that's another story altogether. And when there is no father around, you see these kids get into drugs, violence, and teenage pregnancy - the streets become their fathers. It is very sad and the real losers of this whole Willis story is not the fans, the baby momas, Ralph, Rosenhaus, or Willis, but the kids who are now having to grow up without a fatherly figure - no matter how much money the courts throw their way. And Willis is probably no different that at least 50% of the rest of NFL players.
  9. LT, cry me a river. Your team is allowed to do some stupid meaningless dance, but other teams are not. Come on. It's a stupid dance - invented by a player who is a cheater nonetheless. Get over it. As the cliche goes, if you can dish it out, you gotta be able to dish it in.
  10. Agreed. Peters is not moving anywhere...we tried the RT experiment earlier in the season and it failed miserably. Peters is arguably the best LT in the league. Period. Any thought of moving him back to RT is laughable.
  11. Going back to the OP subject, I do agree with part of your post. We absolutely need to be able to run and stop the run to be successful. We do need a great defensive line. However, you then tell us about huge time-eating drives the winning teams accomplished and that we don't have to worry about Willis. When was the last time (excluding Jets game) when we had huge time-eating drives. Whether it be Wills (but I am not holding my breath) or someone else, we need a dominant RB. And I really don't care about Willis's stupid comments - he is not geting the job done on the field. We need him to improve or get an upgrade. Or, get another force in addition to Willis - like the Saints have.
  12. Quick question: What makes a FA restricted vs. nonrestricted? Is it years in the league? Or, contract terms? Enlighten me.
  13. I believe Marv will do the right thing. I don't want them trying to jam a square peg in a round hole as the Deadskins do. However, I don't think we can look at weight as the sole determining factor for DT eligibility. That is, we cannot say the Bills will pass on a guy who weighs 330 lbs, but will covet a 300 pounder. Afterall, the Bills made a big push for Pickett and he weighs 322 lbs.
  14. I have a question about Terdell Sands v. Ian Scott. Everyone seems to be blowin their load to get Scott, but I don't see the fascination with him. Is it because he plays for the Bears? I know "stats don't tell everything," but look at them in comparison: Sands: TOT SOLO AST SACK INT FF 2006 41 30 11 1.0 1 0 Scott: TOT SOLO AST SACK INT FF 2006 23 16 7 0.0 0 1 Sands is 27 yo and weighs 335 lbs and Scott is 25 yo and weighs 302. Could it be that people don't think Marv will go after a wide-body (Sands) and would want someone that would fit more into the Tampa 2 (Scott)?
  15. This fails to show a causal relationship. You may look at it either way: giving him the ball over 22X will cause him to have a great game, or more likely... He is getting the ball more because he is having a great game.
  16. This is good too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QAzwjDRjfE
  17. Wow, I really didn't expect to create a showroom for peoples economical intellect, especially on a buffalo bills chatroom of all places. I guess I should have dumbed down the title of the thread to "value" Anyways, about value; besides what can be regurgitated from textbooks, who here knows where you can find a list of where our current draft picks should have been selected? Also, where we can find what an adequate "control" GM would have done with the draft. Should we ask Donahoe?
  18. I keep hearing about value this, value that. So let's talk basics about "value." Value is in the eye of the beholder, or the buyer. Take houses. I don't care if 100 websites say that your house is worth 400K. What matters is how much you can sell it for. And it goes both ways. You may sell it for more, or less. Your selling price is the TRUE value of the house. Look at stocks. They are only valued at what you can sell them for, not what the media thinks the company is worth. Look at cars. You may see the biggest POS driving down the street and say "that car must have a value of $150." However, this is wrong too. What if the person driving it depends on it to get to work everyday and without it, they would be unemployed. To him or her, this car is priceless. My point: people saying "I don't have any problem with our picks, just the value in which we picked them" is ridiculous. Tell me, what are these picks true value? I can tell you. Whitner was worth an 8th and McCargo was worth a 26th. This is basic economics 101, supply and demand.
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