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Bills Fan in MD

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Everything posted by Bills Fan in MD

  1. At this point, they might as well cut ties with EJ now. TT is only a couple of weeks removed from a knee injury and playing against one of the most physical defenses in the NFL. The fact that he's a healthy scratch means that the coaches have zero faith in him. Not sure there's any coming back from that.
  2. I know people act like RBs are a dime a dozen, but Shady is special.
  3. I was as unhappy with the guy when he was here as anyone, but I've gradually been swayed by the people who helpfully point out that nobody forced the Bills to draft him that high. I'm just glad to see that he found something that makes him happy.
  4. I would love to eat crow. I just hope it tastes like chicken. I was actually trying hard to not be entirely negative in my OP, and I do think they can turn it around and make the playoffs. My point, though, is that if they don't change the trajectory of the season, things could get ugly fast - even by the standards of the last 15 years. I have been and always will be a fan, but looking at yet another rebuild is terrifying.
  5. This is pretty close to what I was thinking, which prompted the post. If this is what happens, it means we've wasted a playoff-caliber roster now and will almost certainly be looking at two full decades without a playoff appearance.
  6. At this point, it's not unreasonable to think that this season will fall short of expectations. Frankly, any step back from last year's 9-7 finish is a disappointment. Assuming that happens, what do people realistically think happens next? Assuming that we can't just magically trade for a Pro Bowl QB and lure away a top-notch HC, is anyone else worried that we're looking at another two to three year reset? I know the feeling on this board is that Whaley likely goes, and that's probably right. It's also hard to imagine Terry firing Rex one year into a 5 year deal worth close to $28 million. If that all plays out, is the next GM a Rex-guy? And if Rex truly isn't the answer, that's basically setting the stage for a full-blown housecleaning in a couple of years. On the other hand, if they hire a GM who has no ties to Rex, don't we risk having the same scheme-to-personnel mismatch that we're dealing with now (and also a GM biding his time for a year or so to fire Rex and bring in "his guy")? I really didn't want to create yet another thread full of negative speculation, but I'm honestly having trouble seeing how this doesn't end with another "re-build."
  7. This may actually be the theme for the entire season so far. . .
  8. Is it me, or is this game a microcosm of the past 16 years?
  9. At this point, I'm almost hoping Jax just keeps running it up. Leave no shred of doubt that something has to change.
  10. Why Thurman? He's the DC in name only. This is Rex's defense.
  11. As others have noted, this all assumes they beat Jax. If they make the necessary adjustments and win in a reasonably well-played game, people should definitely remain calm. If they lose, however, all hell will (and should) break loose.
  12. Same here. Was worried when I saw offensive guys coming off the sideline to check on him. Looked for sure like it was season-ending.
  13. I was really rooting for a new EJ to show up today, but now have officially moved on from having any hope that he's the one. Today wasn't all on EJ, but that doesn't mean much in light of the way both the D and STs performed. That said, and we'll never know for sure, Cassell wouldn't have been any better. Both of them are below average QBs.
  14. Is that the eight pound, six ounce, newborn baby jesus sitting in his crib watching baby einstein videos?
  15. I guess they really don't want Bryce Brown back.
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