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Everything posted by damj

  1. Bills: Knock Knock NFL: Who's there? Bills: The Bills NFL: The Bills who? Bills: The Bills who can kick your teeth down your throat
  2. Your welcome. I shook his hand at the Bandits game last nite .. explains why he was so motivated today
  3. That was just a savage a$$ kicking.
  4. Ralph is cheap. As much as I doubt Mcdermott as HC, what we is doing with this Defense with so many key players out is stunning
  5. Seriously, you have Josh Allen and you can't even break 100 passing yards. WTF. Brady has no idea what he is doing.
  6. Good to know. Kid has too much talent to give up on. Maybe a move to safety could help
  7. In the heat of the moment, I was dogging 14 ... but let's not get stupid. He is not done.
  8. And me with broken dreams. He was my fantasy QB today in the playoffs
  9. Wow. Just wow. I have no words for this complete 2nd half meltdown
  10. Whelp. At least I'm not disappointed. I expected to lose
  11. What about Diggs. He is a complete no show
  12. At least we don't have to get our hopes up the last few weeks
  13. Now Def will give up points every drive and our offense won't keep up.
  14. Once again ... D is trash in the 2nd half. McDermott... getting outclassed again. The only we can beat a top team is for the offense to put up enough points that McDermott can't blow it
  15. I used to think so, but I don't anymore. Now, I know it is
  16. His open letters to fans are great he wears his emotions on his sleeve like so many of us
  17. Good for Shnow Man ... love this dude ... he knows how to keep it real.
  18. damj

    Burned out?

    Maybe because I am depressed. Thanks for your support 👍 Maybe I'm making a point what is supposed to be a fun distraction from all the sh!t that drags us down every day isn't anymore
  19. OK.... whatevs ... Will we stop playing stupid and finding ways to kill ourselves?!?
  20. damj

    Burned out?

    Same here ... I bought into seasons last year after a 25 year hiatus and I'm love loving it ... I love the memories I'm building with my son ... ... I guess where I'm at is after Covid ... then 2022 which was one sh!storm after another... I was looking forward to this season to take my mind off it all. I wasn't expecting Superbowl and I thought the AFC was going to be a tough fight... but this team has underwhelmed at every turn. I'll be out there every week still cheering, but it just doesn't feel the same anymore. Then again, maybe it's the bourbon/ Jack Daniel's cooler / White Claw / vodka talking ... or the heartfelt convo with my coworker talking...
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