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Everything posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. I think it is funny that you think it is funny that people are bitching about people bitching.
  2. It will probably be tough adjusting to a more pro-America view on Al-Jazeera.
  3. Are you also opposed to minimum wage? That is a wage control. Eliminating illegal workers from the workforce is not the same as what is in place in France and Germany. The wages may go up in America due to supply and demand of workers, not due to Government socialistic policies.
  4. If the American flag was taken down and replaced with ANY other flag in an attempt to make a political statement I would feel that way. This is not an issue where the mexicans flew their flag seperate from the Americam flag, they turned it upside down and placed it under the mexican flag! Pride in your heritage is fine up to the point where it prevents you from respecting America and it's people.
  5. That is truly one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Taking down the American flag to replace it with the Mexican flag should be seen for what it is, an attempt to take over this country. These people are not proud to be American they are only proud to take advantage of America. Illegal immigrants don't respect our flag, our country, or our citizens. If you are so proud of the Mexican flag and what it represents, why the hell did you leave that country? We do not need these protesters in our country, we need law abiding people who will take great pride in their new Amercian citizenship. How many of us have relatives who cried with joy on the day they became US citizens? Don't dishonor their memory by giving in to these mobs!
  6. Those immigrants didn't demand that all public services be offered in their language. If you refuse to learn english, don't expect the hospitals, DMVs, ATMs, Welfare applications, etc. to provide services in Spanish. I forget the details, but many doctors offices are now forced to employ a spanish translator. It drives me nuts when I have to "push 1 for English" every time I call a business.
  7. I recently watched a show on Discovery or Learning channel that focused on this gang and how they have become the most dangerous gang in America. Would Jesus want us to help them too?
  8. You'd be amazed at how many people don't catch that...or maybe it's not as funny as I thought. I am an Athiest, the Thank God part was sarcastic.
  9. I am an Athiest, thank God. I'm not saying the bible can't be used to support your argument. Or the argument against gay rights and womens rights for that matter. I just think it is a BS way to support you claims. But you have allready showed that you have no shame with your racist claim.
  10. Are you really comparing Blacks that were brought here against their will, treated like property, beaten, lynched, etc. to people sneaking into this country illegally and reaping the benefits of free health care, welfare and civil rights? Not all illegal immigrants are here to work hard and send money to their families. There is a huge problem with illegal immigrant gang members and criminals. You choose to ignore the huge negatives that come with illegal immigration.
  11. Just when I thought you couldn't sink any lower on the credibility scale, you throw in a "what would Jesus do". So at this point I'm a racist and a sinner because I don't want to let everyone in the world take advantage of the great benefits this country has to offer. The benefits that AMERICANS fought so hard to achieve. If you do not feel like your country is offering you a decent life (Cuba and Mexico as example), fight for your freedom and improve your country. America is the land of opportunity because people were willing to fight and sacrifice to build it. It is a slippery slope once you start justifying illegal activity to better your life.
  12. Sorry, I meant undocumented guests, not illegal immigrants. How racist and insensitive of me!
  13. The felon label has little to do with the illegal (or undocumented as the left likes to call them) alien, it will work against the employers who don't fear the current repercussions of hiring illegal immigrants. The people who assist the illegal immigrants could also be charged. Felonies often carry jail time and hopefully would in this case. What penalty do you suggest that is "more then a felony?" I love how easily the racist label is thrown around by the sensative, caring lefty whenever someone wants to crack down on ILLEGAL immigrants. How am I racist when I do not care what race these criminals are? Has anyone suggested that one race of people be targeted? People like you cheapen the word and diminish it's impact. You cannot lump the harrasment directed at legal immigrants with the desire to prosecute criminals. As much as you would like to portray the evil right wing as anti-immigrant, the great majority are simply anti-illegal immigrant.
  14. Less money than what? If you are not working, you make no money...other than what the government gives you. Make it a requirement that to qualify for Medicaid or other welfare programs you must be working or have a hell of an excuse why you can't. Pick up trash in the park, sweep the streets, do something productive. The increase in prices that we may see would be offset to some extent by the savings in taxpayer funded benefits that illegal immigrants are currently receiving.
  15. Evidently not illegal enough to actually deport anyone. Do you not understand the concept of varying degrees of crimes? If murder were a misdemeanor don't you think people would be offing each other at record numbers? You make something a felony so people think twice about committing the crime or aiding someone committing the crime.
  16. It is not a felony right now. If it becomes a felony, maybe the police and courts will actually have to deport some of the illegals. hopefully they will pass some regulations that prohibit illegals from receiving government welfare. By the way, why do we have millions of people on welfare when we supposedly have "jobs that Americans won't do". Deport the illegal immigrants, spend some of the money America saves on streamlining the legal immigration process, and provide current welfare recipients with the jobs that the illegals were doing.
  17. That guy was non-conforming and hanging loose! In fact I think that was the author of the article.
  18. I'm not into fancy coffee, but it sounds like they may be headed in the right direction. I guess you can polish a turd!
  19. "The whiny kids tended to grow up conservative, and turned into rigid young adults who hewed closely to traditional gender roles and were uncomfortable with ambiguity. The confident kids turned out liberal and were still hanging loose, turning into bright, non-conforming adults with wide interests. The girls were still outgoing, but the young men tended to turn a little introspective." I guess if you are a conservative you are "whiny", but if you are liberal you are "non-conforming". Funny I always thought the "non-conforming" kids where always whining about conservative values. I think this guy may be more biased against conservatives than I am against liberals! Maybe I can get some government funding to write a paper about how the wierd dressing(non conforming), Obnoxious (confident), lazy (hanging loose), non-focused (wide interests) kids grew up to be liberals. While the disciplined (rigid), focused kids who were comfortable with widely accepted gender roles (uncomfortable with ambuguity) grew up to be conservatives. I am not a religious person, but if hell exists it must be a lot like Berkeley!
  20. Has anyone ever seen Jerry Sullivan and "is marv awake" together? I think they may be the same person! They are both miserable idiots who hate the Bills, and they both really annoy everyone around them. Coincidence...I think not.
  21. Has anyone considered that Levy is using this rumor as a way to manipulate the teams drafting after Buffalo. If someone really wants a QB and thinks Buffalo may draft one in the first round, they may move up to take a QB or even trade picks with Buffalo. This scenario keeps the other teams guessing as to what direction Buffalo may head in the draft.
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