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Everything posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. What nerve! The kid called you on a number they had on file from when you had season tickets. I take it back, he deserved the condescending lecture you gave him. After all, it is his fault the Bills haven't made the playoffs lately. Some of us "tards" get tired of hearing people brag about not buying season tickets while putting down those of us that do choose to buy seasons. We get it, you are better than us because you refuse to put up with the horrible owner/team/ticket vendors/division opponents etc. I do feel priveleged to have a team. And I look forward to every home game where I spend a day with my Dad grilling, having a few beers and enjoying a cigar. Then we go and cheer on our team.
  2. You hassled a kid trying to drum up support for the Bills and brag about it on a Bills forum. Aren't you cool!
  3. That makes two of us! I could just imagine the great fun Bishop would be at a tailgate.
  4. Every game day at the Ralph I eat the 334th wing to come out of the fryer! How else would I come up with the name? Actually our season tix are in sec 334.
  5. Totally off topic, but if you are from Rochester, have you ever been to On The Rocks on Mt Hope? A nice little bar and smoke shop.
  6. As long as restricted free agancy and free agency are revamped, the lower budget teams may actually be fine. The uncapped year that everyone is going nuts about has a more restrictive set of rules for free agency. Players would need 6 years with a club before they are unrestricted instead of 4 I believe. Making it easier to keep a player for a longer time before competeing with free spending clubs would be huge.
  7. You are funny...or sad. I can't seem to figure out which side of that fine line you reside on.
  8. Wal-Mart should now be given credit for GIVING this woman a few hundred thousand dollars for medical expenses since they had no obligation to do so. How many of the whiney anti-Wal-Mart crowd sent this woman money to pay for her medical expenses? If every self-rightous "I never shop at evil Wal-Mart" internet poster sent her a dollar, she would be set for life. Hopefully this woman can now pay for the care she needs.
  9. I could be wrong, but I believe handguns are totally banned and rifles or shotguns have to be stored unloaded and dissasembled.
  10. Did she get enough money to take care of her ongoing health care costs? If not, they screwed up. I know it's not as trendy as "Wal-Mart hates crippled people" but at least it is based on facts.
  11. So they screwed up their lawsuit against the trucking company, but hey, Wal-Mart has deep pockets and lots of people have an irrational hatred of them. Why not extort them with bad publicity.
  12. 44 (8/9 correct). I missed the duplicates question too.
  13. The difference in what...The difference between what their skill level is worth and what some idiot thinks Wal-Mart should pay them? If they are working for so much less than what their skills are worth, start a business and pay them more. I wonder how many WM bashers own businesses and pay their employees above what the market demands.
  14. How come Wal-Mart bashers can't understand a simple concept like supply and demand? If the wages were "too low" Wal-Mart would not have enough workers willing to work for them. Apparently the wages are high enough to fill the labor needs. Wal-Mart must be using mind control and coercing people to take jobs below their skill and education level.
  15. You anti-Walmarters are a riot. Almost any insurance policy will have clauses that require reimbursement if you recieve payment from a guilty party for the damages incurred. If you get a payment for a stolen car and then get your car back do you get to keep the insurance $ and your car? The victim sued for medical expenses that were paid by the insurance company. She should have sued for more $ if her medical needs were not being met. It is extremely unfortunate that she is now in need of services that she cannot afford, but your anger should be directed at the person or company responsible for her condition. I saw a great episode of Penn and Teller Bullsh!t on Wal-Mart haters. The series is well done and amusing.
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