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Everything posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. I now have a reason to dislike Obama. He has teamed up with some of the anti-Walmart groups. I can't stand all the crying about Walmart paying low wages and poor benefits. Nobody has ever been forced to work for them. Most people who work there appreciate their job. Let's try to destroy one of the biggest employers in the country because they are a big bad business! I can almost remember when it was a good thing when a business succeeded and produced great profits. If you are working an entry level job at Walmart and you are not a kid or retiree, you most likely made some bad choices in life. I don't know too many people who worked hard in school, went to college or work after high school and again worked hard, and ended up making minimum wage for a retailer as an adult! wakeupobama
  2. Actually it was Jim Croce, not Cat (muhamed) Stevens.
  3. I wonder if they receive any Federal $. Perhaps they could make a real statement by declining any state or Federal aid?
  4. But does anyone know what he has done or plans to do? I understand he has a good personality. I have even heard the incredibly demeaning "he speaks so well for a black man" quote more than a few times. Perhaps the lack of political history would help him, but it would also put a big target on him once the real debating starts. It would certainly make things interesting. I have to admit, I don't dislike him as much as the other Democrat possibilities, so maybe there is something to the "put a charismatic newcomer in the mix" strategy.
  5. I can already hear the outcry the first time somebody questions Obama. Everyone who opposes him will be labled a racist. The only thing I ever hear about him is that he speaks well and has a good personality. Has he done anything of substance in his political career? I'm not putting him down, I really don't know much about him.
  6. I would vote for Jeb in a heartbeat! He seems to have done a great job in FL. I agree that his last name will keep him off any ticket.
  7. It has the * for the games in HD. I have an antenna, so I would imagine if the game is broadcast in HD it wouldn't matter what DTV broadcasts. I don't get locals in HD with DTV yet.
  8. Anyone know where to go to find out if an upcoming game is in HD?
  9. The correct phrase is "I COULDN'T care less". If you could care less, it means you do care about it!
  10. I'm in Ontario county in a town that is rapidly expanding compared to most others in the state. I can't wait to see how businesses respond to the election of one of the biggest crusaders against "evil corporations". At least we don't have to worry about Spitzer going after labor groups that may affect his votes. He sure was quiet when it came time to punish the transit workers for striking and breaking a very straightforward law. Could it be that they were union workers and they get special treatment?
  11. If you don't realize that upstate NY is much more conservative than downstate, perhaps you aren't as innovative as you think. Things aren't awesome in any part of NY, mainly due to the fact that we have to live with the decisions of downstate voters.
  12. NY voted to keep the Comptroler who is under investigation for using taxpayer $ to taxi his wife around for years! He was told this was illegal years ago and continued to do it anyway. To top it off, NY elected an attorney general who isn't even an attorney (his dadddy was a politician though so he must be able to do it...see the Hillary/Bill rule). Downstate NY is truly the most retarded place in this country next to San Fran. What's next, a Coroner who is a necrophiliac?
  13. We always slow down and yell "look behind you!" to the guy with the I need tickets sign. That one never seems to get old.
  14. I'm a die hard Republican, but a little girl on TV last night told me that Republicans want her to get diabetes and die...I guess I have to vote Dem to save her life! On a side note, they should really call diabetes livabetes and it would not be so daunting.
  15. You are actually going to argue the fact that the majority of disruptive protests are left wing? Even you can't be that dellusional.
  16. No, but the ones on the Government watch list are! Nowhere in my post did I say all Arabs are terrorists. Who is the Brilliant one?
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