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Everything posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. Oh no! someone who gets their news from the opinion page of the Times is going to ignore me. My life has no meaning any more!
  2. I think a lot on the left fail to realize that most Americans hate these whiney protesters who are looking to get arrested and press charges after exactly what they wanted happens. They are doing more harm than good for the left. The average American does not relate to these priveleged brats who have nothing better to do with their time than to disrupt any speech they don't agree with. Obnoxious people like this idiot protester are generally disliked by most people.
  3. You lost me at Krugman. He is as far left as you can get and I would bet is jumping for joy at any negative news out of Iraq. Yet another "American" who takes great joy in any percieved failure of America. He and the rest of the Times were probably sitting around waiting with anticipation for the 100th, 500th, etc. death so they could use it to slam the President. But hey, keep elevating those who wish our country harm.
  4. When you take away a nations right to protect itself as most of europe has done(gun bans), you need to do much more to protect the helpless citizens from criminals. Please let me know what rights the evil conservatives have taken from you. Are you now unable to speak to your Arab terrorist friends overseas without monitoring? Are you unable to launder money as easily as before?
  5. The best part about this whole episode is the fact that Kerry was trying to insult Bush's intelligence while supposedly unable to read his own joke. Maybe he could insult Bush's driving while crashing into a utility pole, or question his athletic ability while throwing like a girl.
  6. It is really sad when you have to convince yourself that all your losses are actually victories. How will you spin the loss in the presidential election? "This will set us up for 2012!"
  7. The pollsters did a great job of predicting a solid victory for Kerry in the presidential election too!
  8. That's a good one! There will be plenty of people grilling if you are good at making friends. Stop by the Carolla lot next to the Jim Ball billboard if you want some wings. We have 2 bills flags and an American flag flying and a big blue tent. Have fun at your first game!
  9. They could settle this very quickly by requesting the guy take a polygraph test. If he happens to agree to it, ask him about the events laid out in the story one by one. If he refuses you know he is lying. Of course his slimy lawyer would never allow this to occur, because there is obvious embelishment on the part of the poor victims who now want to sue the Bills organization. I have seen many fights where the loser goes from a willing participant to a poor victim shortly after the fight and presses charges or sues. Both sides should probably be punished and charged with a crime. I wonder how much of a cut the journalist and photographer get if the guy wins his lawsuit? That church picture with the sad posed looks is priceless!
  10. He should have had Kelly the dog explain it at the press conference!
  11. I guess I didn't realize the station's full name was "We're Patriots and you aren't". A Conservative claiming to be patriotic is not an indication of your lack of Patriotism. It is funny how defensive the left gets when the issue of Patriotism comes up.
  12. We should probably ban the word "Patriot" and "Patriotism" because it seems to offend Liberal Americans!
  13. I quoted it to make a joke about you, I would think a genuis like yourself would have understood that.
  14. What in that article should make me reconsider my initial reaction to the statement? Just because he was telling jokes during the speech doesn't make it any less insulting. Contrary to what you may believe, just because you are surrounded by college libs and other Dems doesn't mean you can say anything you want without repercussions. That line was not about Bush, it was clearly aimed at the military.
  15. Carefull...You don't know what the context was when he was insulting our troops. He was probably just joking or directing it at the President. I am simply an idiot for thinking a statement like "work hard in school or you will get stuck joining the military" is horribly disrespectfull of our soldiers. Just ask Kelly if you would like to know if it is OK to be insulted by a statement.
  16. I see you went to Lib U for your debating skills. Call someone stupid with no facts to back up your argument. If you can explain to me how I missunderstood a very straight forward statement let me know. If you want to sling insults because I'm an evil conservative, save it for someone who cares what you think.
  17. By all means explain to me how I took his quote out of context since I am such an idiot. When someone says you will end up in the military if you don't work hard and study, I would tend to think he is putting down our soldiers as dumb and lazy.
  18. I see your point, but he could have just as easily have said the students who don't work hard or study will be stuck working at Mc Donalds if he was simply talking about options after school. He chose to pick on the military and made it very clear that the people who CHOOSE to go to the Military are the lazy students or the ones who got poor grades. Our Military is currently all volunteer. If you don't like the GI bill option, get a few part time jobs while working through college.
  19. If you want to debate the name of a radio station, start a new topic. I don't care what party you belong to, if you do not find Kerry's speech to be insulting and idiotic, something is wrong with you. It's funny how a lot of libs will point out that the military is filled with the poor and uneducated, yet the average education level and family income level of our military personell is higher than the overall average in America.
  20. It is a channel on Sirius radio. I know it is right wing, but the speech was recorded and played on the channel. They were not misquoting him or drawing their own conclusions. I would link to the speech, but I am unable to access it from this computer. Look up Bill Bennett's morning in America if you would like more info.
  21. I just heard a part of John Kerry's speech at a school recently (not sure which one). They played it on Patroit channel on Sirius. He said that if you work hard and study hard you can succeed and do whatever you want in life, if you don't study and work hard you will end up in Iraq. I didn't realize that our soldiers were just the dropouts and lazy kids! I would imaginge most families have at least one person who served in the military that they feel is deserving of respect. This speech is one of the most disgusting insults I have ever heard. I wonder how Cindy She-man will feel about her hero calling her dead son a lazy moron? This should end Kerry's political career, if the media choose to show it.
  22. So if I buy a dolphins ticket I am a fan? Do us all a favor and take your tired rhetoric over to the Sabres board. It's the same thing in every post..."Sabres are great, Bills suck and don't try, I'll spend my $ elsewhere". We get it, you don't like the Bills anymore.
  23. I think we should focus an the fact that the Dems are pushing for rules that forbid ID requirements at the polls. If you can't or won't show ID at the polls, you are either a criminal, an illegal, or an imposter. I wonder how many Dems will be pushing this "voter machine aren't reliable" act if they happen to win many elections. That will be the test of the integrity of their argument. Refuse to take office until the results are proven to be correct!
  24. Whole life is not a good investment. If you want insurance and an investment, purchase them seperately. You can get much cheaper term insurance and use the $ you save to invest in quality mutual funds. You pay very high expenses and compromise your investment performance if you try to combine your insurance and investments in a whole life policy. I am a Registered Rep and sell both investments and insurance. Whole life pays very high commisions and that is why many reps talk it up.
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