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Everything posted by McD

  1. I might be there. Anyone have a bead on 2 extra tix?
  2. Whittle calls turkey's like he blocks, and gets the same reaction from people when doing so.
  3. We sat at the top of the stadium...THE TOP ROW, and didn't have anyone behind us, but a few Chiefs fans on the sides of us had a few words to say, but nothing too bad. Mostly good natured jabs and the like. The Chiefs fans were pretty gracious before, during and after the game except one woman who flipped us off as she drove out of the parking lot, lol. Of course when your 1-10, and you just got beat down in your own backyard, I guess it's not easy to even want to stand up for your team. I saw that big contingent of Bills fans behind the Bills bench near the end of the game...looked a lot like the end of the Rams game I attended. I could see that lady getting pissy if you all were provoking her, but it sounds like she was just NOT happy that you all were just standing around in her little bubble, lol. You have GOT to post that pic! It sounds awesome!!! BTW...my tix were FREE! (Thanks Sheryl, Doug and Dave!!) So no bitching about the seats...actually had a pretty damned good view from up there!
  4. I'm a realist, and you're right....it does suck! But it is what it is.
  5. I'm tired of it too....now lets see if they don't earn that ire yet again, because they HAVE earned it the past month.
  6. Cowher would be great, but improbable. I would have loved to have had Jim Hasletts Fire on this team too.
  7. Ok...an UPDATE...I WILL BE ATTENDING! Got some free tix for the game, so now all I have to do is get there (4 hr drive each way). I'll be getting some nose bleeds, but cant pass up free tix and the chance to tailgate at Arrowhead. I'll be meeting up with some other Bills fans early on Sunday. I'll be the one wearing the Bills sh--, lol I'm sure I'll see some of you crazies out there! McD
  8. It was a tough catch, but catchable. No excuse on Ko's drop tho...
  9. I liked the thought of stability and building with a steady hand, but at the same time we cannot continue to be a timid football team. No team in the NFL is afraid of playing the Bills...that's half the battle. It's tiring to keep harping on the need for better O-line play and the need for a serious UPGRADE on the D-line as well...it's tiring to NOT spread the ball around on O, and I cannot believe this team is so poor at creating pressure and turnovers. If you're happy with the talent, then you start looking at making changes at the top...having a good (and experienced) actual GM and HC is INVALUABLE!
  10. Real cool story...it would be nice if WE had a coach that made our team outhit the other team from whistle to whistle.
  11. Coaching sucks....'nuff said!
  12. Read the teams explanation and they finish with "rules are rules". Well dont forget they'll get to keep him from reaching certain statistical milestones AND keep him from the wear and tear of a hard hitting Pitt D and keep him healthy for a potential trade in the off season. Cincy front office peeps were probably happy as sh-- that he missed the meeting!
  13. Damn, maybe if I go to the game outfitted with some Bengals gear they might feel compelled to pull me out of the stands as a replacement!
  14. WHAT!?!?! F-THAT! I woulda found a ride home afterwards! As for me...I was in day 3 of basic training for the USAF!! I got to call home and got the news from a pay phone outside of the BX on base!!! I was jealous as hell to not have seen it, but happier than I was jealous, lol! Damn, those were THE days!
  15. I know...been there done that many times to watch the Bills play outside of Buffalo, and it's almost ALWAYS a blast. but there's a difference with this team...I can't put my finger on it, but I'm sure it's the way I've felt DICKED with by this team (or coaching staff). Not sure if I wanna kill 8-10 hrs on the road and about $500 (me, wife, two sons) to watch "crapiness" on the field. I wanna see some heart and some fire and more importantly some direction and purpose from my team!! I'll never give up on 'em, but damn that's a serious investment for a team that might possibly go 5-6 on the year
  16. To add to my comment above. This kind of gameplanning makes it very easy for an opponent to pick up on his trends. Once they know this and know you're NOT a risk taker, they've just just increased their chance of victory a TON. People this game is easy! It's difficult to execute at times, but to call a correct play/formation is not hard. You just need to be a little crazy at times and throw caution to the wind...once opponents see this. they're usually forced to play somewhat vanilla on their side of the ball which now allows you to take advantage of their weaknesses. We neeed to be more daring and unpredictable, but therein lies the problem...we're very preDICKtable!!!
  17. True dat! Intelligence and common sense are not the same thing. Ask any Engineer to do something creative and he's following a script...they're just not built that way. They have no natural feel for creation and flow (at that level), and you NEED that in the NFL. The game needs to be played and executed with a feel for what's going on!
  18. PR move at its best. Cost him next to NOTHING for a good heartfelt story and some good press. Plus it takes some of the negative light from the NFL's decision to let Pacman back in the league. This stuff is engineered, but still better to read than all the negative sheize from all these holier than thou players.
  19. I wanted to go, but I'm suffering from the MNF blues...not sure if I want to drive 4 hrs each way to watch another painful reminder of this team being so mediocre
  20. For what its worth as soon as we ran the ball into the line 3 straight times I KNEW we lost the game, and I believe in Lindell. I just think that the coaching staff left him out to dry on that attempt...yeah it was makable, but c'mon you're asking your kicker to kick a 47 yarder into the wind (yes, I know it wasn't a harsh wind) when you could have attempted to make it a 35 yarder. lets be real...the odds of completion are FAR greater from 35 than from 47 esp into a Buffalo wind which can change at a moments notice. Really...the coaching staff that started out so promising, has done nothing to keep things fresh on either side of the ball nor to confuse opponents. I feel bad for the fans and players alike. Dick you're a great guy, but you need to move....I would say to change, but we all know that will never happen. This all....ALL starts at the top. Let Ralph hire a competent GM and personnel peeps, throw in a great coach and good things will start to happen. TRUST ME ON THIS!
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