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Everything posted by McD

  1. Funny....I said 8-8/9-7 before the season, then said it again when we were 5-2 and everyone called me a loon. Good Lord it was easy to see the lack of talent up fron on both sides of the ball, and the few injuries we've had have hurt us pretty bad as well (no depth). Not a pessimist folks, just a realist.
  2. That's kinda like most of the Bills coaching staff the past decade.
  3. I've said this for weeks now...even when we were 4-0. Was nobody else seeing this? It was only a matter of time before things started evening out/going against us. If you can't run the ball and stop the run you DONT DESERVE to be in the playoffs. Can we turn it around?? Well, if it COULD be turned around I'd believe it, but we haven't really had a good CONSISTENT running game this year...it would have had to have BEEN good to get it there again. Defense...avg at best and ST's...NOT so special this year.
  4. Lol, I hear you BUT a lot of people are blinded by the gleaming record that is what it is because of the teams we played. If everyone keeps that part of their perspective and we're all gravy. I dont want to bash the team...I love 'em, but we're just not there yet.
  5. Mort picked the Fish because he knew we're not as good as our record indicates, and the Fish are better than their record indicates.
  6. What does that have to do with ANYTHING he's talking about here?
  7. Our pass rush has has not been consistent and SUCKED since Bruce was sent packing. Hello front office!?!?! Do your damned job!!!
  8. Well, I'm out guys/gals. My boy has a football game! GO BILLS!!
  9. HUGE 3rd down here...we need pressure without giving up a gay screen play!
  10. Dont think I can watch much more of this....
  11. While I agree this will be a difficult game to win today, I don't think its a game to measure the Bills ability to reach the SB. Thanks for the Love Warren, but that's going a tad bit overboard, lol.
  12. Who cares were we're from! GO BILLS!!!! BTW....Born and raised in the Queen City! Riverside/Black Rock neighborhoods!
  13. That a kid! Hang in there it gets worse, but eventually....someday, you'll get to celebrate a championship and have a feeling that no other fan in any sport could ever imagine. I'm sure the city of Buffalo would cease to exist as it would implode if the Bills ever win a Super Bowl.
  14. Trent had an 83% completion rating too, and nobody here is clamoring for him to win the award. There were WAY better numbers put up by other players (even Morris). Something VERY fishy about his selection...I don't doubt it was a ploy to help boost his confidence...I mean that sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it does make for an intriguing case to look into. I mean the guy was sacked 6 times....6!! As a QB you need to learn to get rid of the ball when nobody's open, but maybe Cassel didn't want to ruin his %? Selfish bastard! OR...the guy just isn't that smart. I can see 1, 2 even 3 of the sacks coming from something out of his control, but all 6 sacks?!?! Sorry, learn to cut your losses and dump the ball....no don't be stupid and try to force a throw, just get rid of it and help your team. If the Bronco's don't get jobbed a few times early in that game the score would have been a bit different and Cassel would might have actually been counted on to actually win a game on his own. Sorry Matt...I'd give the award to Sammy Morris as the guy ran for 120+ yards in a HALF.
  15. Hey guys...I just found out I'll be attending a class in NJ from 8-19 Dec and saw the Bills play at the Jets during my stay. Does anyone have and extra seat to the game or know anyone who does? Thanks!!!
  16. Yeah this sounds very familiar...prob the game I was thinking about.
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