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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. He's had 4 knee surgeries. At the Masters a month ago he hit a shot from under a tree which required more knee bend, which caused a strain that kept him out until today. On the front 9 today he shoots +6 and withdraws, stating his left leg from his knee to his achilles stiffened up. This is some scary stuff ... I cut and pasted this from a golf forum from someone in the medical field. "Hey guys, I don't post very much and therefore don't have much dog in this fight as I'm not a huge TIger fan or detractor, but there are a lot of misconceptions about injury, anatomy, and "faking" here that just don't sound right. First, the anatomy: Tiger is creating a good deal of torque as he clears his hips through the swing against a relatively static distal lower extremity. From what I can surmise, he has consistently had problems with his medial knee - multiple arthroscopic procedures to clear damaged cartilage from his (probably medial) meniscus. I am not sure if he has had repair or a definitive allograft (a transplanted meniscus), but either way, he has a lack a stability in the knee that is most likely permanent. The medial knee takes most of the load for the body, and a lack of proper support (a complete meniscus - which is at the most basic level simply a plastic cup that the femur rests in on top of the tibia) contributes to unpredictable motion within the joint. The problem with an unstable joint is that you never really know when the ligaments are going to fail at load. Unfortunately, Tiger's swing (stack and tilt)? isn't doing him any favors and causes extreme varus (bowing) at the knee joint with all of that load at the target leg. There is a simultaneous or nearly simultaneous lateral radial rotation (load on ACL and MCL) with varus (load on ACL and LCL). It is no surprise, therefore, that he has had his ACL replaced, and has concomitant MCL issues. This injury actually has a clinical nickname because it is so common - the "Unhappy Triad" - ACL and MCL rupture with medial meniscus tear. Most likely that his strengthened ACL (a strong autograft from another part of his body) is holding but his original MCL is now weakened. Most would recommend a lateral rotation of the foot in the setup to take pressure off of the joint (this is recommended for seniors) along with less grip in the base (no metal spikes!). This is exactly opposite of what Tiger does - he actually needs a weaker base to protect the knee. All of that aside, I have no doubt that he is in a lot of pain and that he shouldn't continue the tournament - ideas about fighting through injuries such as these is pretty juvenile. It is perfectly logical that he could injure himself badly at any time, and wouldn't be surprised if we later found out that he had strained or partially tore his ACL. The Achilles problem only adds to the issues, but I've talked too much already." Sounds like he's fading fast and will never be the same again. Heck even sounds like there's a chance he's one bad swing from not playing anymore. Sucks because I like golf and in particular wanted to watch TWs career unfold, as I was too young to see Nicklaus. I caught all of Jordan's which was great, and guys like this don't come along very often. So it will be a real shame for sports in general if this thing isn't turned around.
  2. Lol how about reconciling Laura bush lecturing about the sanctity of human life after bumping off her ex bf by running him over. Yes it happened, google it.
  3. Oh yeah there is that distraction tactic of changing the subject from allied abuse of US goodwill, to is the challenger's viewpoint "original, conspiratorial, partison." Delivered in bullying fashion. Gee if I didn't know any better I'd think you stole O'Reilly's playbill! Not that it takes any kind of talent or anything, lack of morals and turning one's back on America all that's required.
  4. With their record of abusing America's goodwill, I guess sarcasm, putting words in one's mouth and implying theyre a racist is the only line of defense. Heck that's what we have Fox news for!!
  5. " ... aviation sources close to the operation advise that the stealth helicopter crashed due to a brown out. In essence, as the helicopter approached, with the pilot utilizing night vision goggles, the dust and the dirt of the compound created an atmosphere which caused the pilot to set down the helicopter on the wall. After the helicopter crashed, a front portion, the cockpit area, was blown up by special operations SEALS while they were departing with bin Laden’s body. "
  6. Why not just get it from the Israelis. They have dibs on pretty much all of our stuff. And what they don't they have spies like pollard and aipac get for them.
  7. Lol yeah he was joking. Wondered which little goober would be first to offer that lame excuse. Tag you're it!
  8. Yeah, those "Muslims" are so nutty they think they're Hasidic Jews! oh man, the intellect of Faux-News Limbaugh nation never fails to disappoint.
  9. Thanks for the informed perspective and civil discussion. 2 items the little goober-patrol aren't capable of.
  10. what part od the body is DNA specimen usually taken from? How would they have his DNA from the past?
  11. 8 & 8. Need to see some progress. Can't suffer thru another lost season. Need some confirmation gailey is in the right track. Way too early to throw the season for draft order.
  12. Although the title is thematically correct, the "proof" is misleadiing because US has become a service based economy. Regardless of policy we simply couldnt maintain our employment levels in manufacturing against resource rich and/or cheap labor competitors.
  13. Interesting I had no idea. What were the teams names? With that can we ask for the raptors instead? Love to see sine hoop back in buffalo.
  14. If bills move to toronto does that mean we get the argonauts as the first cfl expansion team outside of Canada?
  15. @James How did al qaeda know other than relying on us and Paki releases? Did Obama share photos and DNA privately with them? Did they have a cleric present when he was allegedly dumped into the sea?
  16. NY Times, May 1st (Sunday): "American officials said Bin Laden resisted and was shot in the head. He was later buried at sea." http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/02/world/asia/osama-bin-laden-is-killed.html Show me where that part of the story has been retracted.
  17. Actually I heard it on the radio even before Obama's address. Here's an excerpt from from an AP release, Monday @ 1:03 a.m., shortly after the address. "WASHINGTON— A U.S. official says Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has been buried at sea." http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-naw-bin-laden-buried-20110501,0,7069834.story
  18. Wrongo there chief. "What really happened in Abbottobad early Monday morning?" http://www.metro.us/newyork/all%20usa%20cities/article/851858--the-official-story-of-bin-laden-s-death-a-timeline Islamabad is 9 hrs ahead of EDT. So if "early Monday morning" is approx. 1 am Pakistan time, that's 4 pm EDT. 1st time I heard of Obama's impending speech was approx. 10 pm EDT. 10 - 4 = 6.
  19. Actually it supports it since the story posted here was that he was dragged downstairs and then shot in front of his family. Would explain why if a wife had been shot upstairs and disabled she didn't go downstairs and witness the execution in front of his other wives and children. Anyway not sure why you're sticking the smiley "gotcha" at me, since I stated I doubt the executed in front of the family anyway
  20. Could be but they did a lot more in that time frame than fly him one way on a jet. Seems a little tight no? A more plausible scenario is the body hadnt been disposed of yet but the release purposely said it had to quell cries for the body from his family etc. We know from the extreme guardedness of picture-gate, they dont want anything getting out.
  21. Actually since they said the burial happened in the dark and the timeline had him shot around midnight, you're only looking at around a 6 hour window. Maybe im doing the Paki time conversion improperly, but using reported EDT around 3 pm and the first we heard of obama's impending address to the nation around 10, that's a 7 hour window. So let's say it was somewhere between 5 to 8 hours, not much time to pull it all off. And a lot less than the 24 hr time frame you goobers keep referencing.
  22. Skins need a qb and I think VY is worth taking a flyer on for next to nothing, but his personality and shannies are complete oil and water. I think gailey is much better suited to work with him.
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