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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. I get the impression teams will be less willing to take on so-called problem players - especially at the WR position - after the Moss episode from last season.
  2. Latest from AP is the wife who was shot in the leg said she didn't witness OBL's death. Pretty much puts an end to the "human shield" story which I called BS on from the beginning.
  3. execution style I don't doubt. Deliberately in front of the family I both doubt and would have a problem with. Seals orders were shoot to kill don't bring back alive. Us would have had ongoing pr issues with him in jail and faced an outcry if he were then executed. But I doubt the seals would be so cruel as to waste precious time doing it in front of his family. The children and wives were a victim of circumstance. I read for example the wife in the room was sold to bin laden by her yemeni family for $5k when she was 14. On another matter they're saying there was no gunfight and at most only one of the dead was armed. That obl was so light on security tells me they were counting on Paki military to intervene on his behalf in the event of attack. They figured it was better to take their chances on them vs heavily arming the compound which would draw attention to it.
  4. Ocho has obviously hacked tipsters account. Probably posting same message on 30 other teams blogs looking for a job. Lol
  5. @doc really can u post a link? id read a 12 yr old daughter told Paki authorities she saw them capture an unarmed obl. shoot him and then haul him away. In any case sounds like it was execution style. Perhaps the image will reveal that and its why they won't release it. Them still having the body would be one massive bomb shell. But who knows what to believe from them since they've lost so much credibility? Does sound a little fishy that in a matter of hours they managed to kill him. Fly back to afghan, perform forensic work and photo the body, get him on a plane, fly a not insiginicant distance to the arabian sea, unload him, have a Muslim cleric perform rights in the middle of the night on a carrier and then dump him in the ocean in a bag that would sink.
  6. Looks like the 2nd guy took one in the chin. Perfectly centered, heck of a shot. My hunch all along is the pics of OBL are far worse, showing someone who was massively disfigured, by multiple shots.
  7. This Reuters article contains images of 3 of the men who died (not OBL.) If you don't want to see, then please don't look. http://www.reuters.com/subjects/bin-laden-compound
  8. Can't say I agree with everything Rob said, but in this case I have to admit Obama is coming dangerously close to starting a PR backlash. It's becoming clear he had an elaborate PR campaign mapped out while the body was still warm. You know faux_News is going to be looking to knock him down a few pegs, but this guy is serving up hanging curve balls on a silver platter, such that the media at large/public may turn on him.
  9. Just trying to find out how it all went down. You Joe, what's your deal?
  10. So frick and frack have no answers (no surprise there), anyone else want to give it a shot?
  11. Another odd item: they say OBL didn't get capped until the final 5 minutes of a 40 minute shoot out. After initially disclosing he had a weapon, they retracted and said he had none. Question: how could OBL not be armed knowing there was a shootout taking place wherein he was the ultimate target, given 35 minutes to prepare? If the time and status of his armement is now accurate, I can only think of a) he was praying knowing the end was near or b) he had decided to surrender, and they capped him anyway.
  12. And now that we're on the subject, anyone with last name "De Jesus" needs to tone it down too!!!
  13. Since Obama's been on the equivalent of the talk show circuit since Sunday evening, this is hardly about not wanting to gloat.
  14. Lol so now the pakis are providing safe haven to Obama too? Exactly whose f#%*ing side are they on!!??
  15. So no more war reporting either? It's all just "trust us". So much for democratic values and free press.
  16. This guy ran on a platform of greater openness, access and transparency, yet he decides to withhold pics of the most despised person in the us in at least 70 years? Seems like a majority want the images releasesd so in the spirit of democracy he should release them. Anyone doesn't want to see can choose not to. Ulimately it was the will of the american people who got him anyway. So come on bud, show us what we got?
  17. you know it's funny. I live in NYC and have been listening to local radio stations interview families of victims. One man said there's nothing that will bring his son back, a woman said she will tell Obama about concerns over the memorial: another one said this is nice but will only open old wounds. Not a one said they welcome his visit. I'm sure when they meet him they'll be thankful and overcome with emotion etc. Got nothing but love and sympathy for those people and they deserve the best. But oth Obama can't spin this in response to calls for his visit, cuz it sure as heck wasn't that. IMO the appropriate thing for him to do was make a nice visit and deliver one of his good speeches at the site on 9/11's 10th anniversary in september. Rather than exploit it for political gain now.
  18. Could be. I'm concerned they see the economy as worsening and they're willing to risk the potential backlash due to obama's over the top self congratulating
  19. And as stated I think that's the real reason they wont release it. Please read previous posts for answers prior to asking questions.
  20. "A Navy SEAL team that fought its way upstairs at Osama bin Laden's compound killed him with rapid-fire shots to his chest and forehead, according to a U.S. official who has seen military reports of the raid." latest from CNN
  21. I have no problem with the Jesus reference. Plenty of people draw allegorical analogies to their own life. His problem is early on he made it clear it was all about the benjamins and little old buffalo couldnt sign a huge star like him. Now that there's no CBa and no one outside of buffalo really talks about him anyway, I bet he's nervous and that explains the change in tone.
  22. Probably a bargaining chip to get the bills on the cheap because he knows the league will never support 2 teams in what it considered one greater area.
  23. Now obama's at ground zero today? He's really cashing in big time on this. Might as well have labeled his Sunday night press conference "2012 election campaign kick off". He's not needed here, seriously go home.
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