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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. ummm, it's unlikely we'll ever hear from the seals who did the actual shooting. So if that's your standard then we'll never know anything. But we are hearing from people in the State Department, Pentagon and President who were in direct contact with the mission. Their initial report came out basically as a script which they wanted to read "no civilian, women or children casualties. If any of the above are killed claim they were being used as shields by OBL. Also claim OBL was buried at sea to respect Muslim traditions." Now we're finding out neither of those OFFICIAL releases were accurate. Back to your regularly scheduled fantasy ... "Reading from a script carefully crafted by the Defense Department" exactly what they were doing with the initial releases ... reading a script of how they wanted the world to think it went down.
  2. Ummmm no I wasn't aware of that. But I'm quite sure the reports are coming from administration press conferences and officials speaking off the record who are usually trusted sources for major media outlets. If you have the data showing it's all 3rd hand then put it forth. Not sure why anyone would care since the only people there were seals, dead or muzzled in a Paki jail. Anyway the main point was the fishiness of the woman shield story, and how peope were nonetheless reacting to it. Its turning out to have been worthy of skepticism.
  3. Well I knew the "woman was killed acting as obl shield" was a bit fishy. Now theyre reporting the dead woman was on a different floor than obl. And the woman with him was shot in the leg and survived. . Hardly what you expect from a "shield"
  4. Winfield they could have kept but he's too small to ever be shut down corner Clements wanted way too much and has been a huge disapointment in San Fran; same for peters in philly Mcgahee I agree we should have kept instead of wasting a 1st on lynch to replace him Jennings we should have paid to keep. he can play and wanted to stay Schoebel wante to retire and even a Texas team couldnt talk him out. It's just not nearly as cut and dried as you make it. Any team that resigna every FA for top dollar will be a loser
  5. He'll always have on his resume the dude that ended favres streak too.
  6. Panthers have inside track on 1 again. They drafted a qb that no one expects will contribute in the first year. They had no 2nd round pick. Their starting qb will only be in his 2nd yr. They're in a tough division where I see them going 1 and 5 at best. Theyll be installing a new system with a new hc. Lots can happen of course but WOW do they have a lot stacked against him.
  7. No chance with how much they're paying Brady and taking mallet. They stockpile picks because kraft is cheap and doesn't want to pay anyone but brady. The media buys into this nellicheck is draft day genius bs because they don't know any better. Reality their drafts have largely sucked for years.
  8. In general nix is laying down the law he won't accept anyone ragging on playing or coaching in buffalo. It's a privilege to be here in the NFL, if you dont feel the same way, see ya.
  9. Agree jones was most likely not the guy to do this for. Disagree any team trades a coveted wr like jackson or Johnson for 1st round picks. Guys like that simply aren't traded. People will say wlll heschel. But the reality is Dallas knew herschel was limited and didn't see him as off limits
  10. Any of the guys that truly get you over the edge like desean, fitz, Johnson (Andre or Calvin) are off limits. Marshal is not their league. Anyway it doesn't matter since no CBA meant no trades for vets.
  11. I applaud the strategy but not the guy. Jones would have to be ready on day 1 (like Hillary used to say about herself) to make it work. I just don't see him as having that stellar a rookie season.
  12. Like who: moss or Owens? those guys are way pastvtheir prime and represent too much chemistry risk for s team on the edge
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlq0lYB3iSM&feature=youtube_gdata_player Always hated Jump. That simplistic synthesizer intro and solo where EVH is trying to act multi talented drives me crazy and just the whole notion of "jump" is silly.
  14. If they figure they're one player away from winning a championship does it really matter what give up? Especially in the era of FA?
  15. WTF didn't they offer us something for 3 to get ahead of the bungholes and take green? IMO green towers over jones and would have been worth shooting their wad over.
  16. Thatt policy really started with bush. There was an acknowledgment the Paki army and intelligence was sympathetic to al Qaeda so if we wanted anything we'd pay off the prime minister enough to make him happy and then simply over ride the military.
  17. I'm not saying that. I think he will make it. More a comment on our dreadful draft history.
  18. In a year from now anything but "1st round bust" will do
  19. Doc he gave up the life of a Saudi billionaire to live in caves and fight side by side with rebels in afghan against the soviets. One of the things that made him appealing to his followers. We'll never know for sure because we weren't there. Id love to see video of how it all went down though. They said the shooting started in the house 40 minutes before they got to obl. Seems odd he wouldnt have been more prepared than to stick a woman in front of him when the seals kicked the door down. Guy was evil but not dumb, how could he think that would so him any good?
  20. That part of the story is probably flavored a little. I bet she was more or less collateral damage that got in the way from all the shooting. Or maybe worse she was in the vicinity so the seals decided to cap her too. The US wanted to present a case of no civilians, women or children were killed. It's unrealistic to think that would have done obl any good even trying.
  21. Reality is at least Clinton tried taking a shot at OBL, something Bush never did. His whole admin was so Saddam focused Condi deep sixed the memo from Richard Clarke before 9/11 saying Al Qaeda was planning something big in the US. Otherwise sadly theres a chance 9/11 could have been prevented. Not so amazing they pulled if off when you consider the Administration only wanted to hear bad things about Saddam. And of course OBL would in likelihood be brought to justice several years earlier had Bush not instead decided to commit the bulk of our resources on Saddam, bringing closure to the victims' families that much sooner.
  22. Us had air support in the region in the event they encountered air resistance. Since al Qaeda has no air force the resistance could only come from pakistan air force.
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